Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 192:

Remember, don\'t follow me, call back all the bodyguards hidden in the dark, notify Boyan, send all the guys back, and prepare an independent space for me with no eyeliner! "

The corner of Xiao Junlin\'s mouth drew a confident arc.

While instructing Xing Chou and Shengquan, he grabbed a long black umbrella that was slanted on the umbrella stand, and walked straight into the pouring rain.

176. Hey, are you looking for me?

"Master, it\'s raining so hard outside, do you want to go out alone?"

"Boss, where are you going..."

Shengquan and Xing Chou were taken aback by Xiao Junlin\'s follow-up action.

It was pitch black and raining heavily outside.

Xiao Dong actually chose to go out at this time and didn\'t let anyone follow him. Isn\'t this very dangerous?

"Boss, wait for me, I\'ll go with you!"

Xing Chou hurriedly said behind.

"No, I\'ll be back in a while."

Xiao Junlin casually said, "I\'m just going to stroll around the villa area for a while, so don\'t follow along, go and have a good rest..."

"...Okay, okay!"

Everyone nodded helplessly and agreed, but the worry in their eyes could not be concealed.

Xiao Junlin turned a blind eye to this, and the next moment he disappeared into the rainy night with an umbrella.

It\'s just that they didn\'t find it all.

In the darkness, several pairs of eyes were staring at Xiao Junlin\'s figure, and there was a sneer on the corner of everyone\'s mouth.

"Boss, the target has left the villa and is currently alone, the specific destination is unknown!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! This may be what the King of Hell meant to let him die in the third shift, and he wouldn\'t keep anyone in the fifth shift, right? He didn\'t sleep well in the villa in the heavy rain, and he ran out to find death like this..."

"Hehehehe - you don\'t care, let him go a little further, let\'s hurry up, I\'ve been here for so many days, but I\'ve caught the opportunity!

Hurry up, hurry up, I don\'t want to stay here for a moment! "


In the radio communication, several voices were snickering and discussing.

It can be heard that their mood at this time should be very good, and everyone\'s tone is light and happy!

Just for a while.

There was a burst of unbelievable exclamation from the communication channel: "All attention! All attention! The target has disappeared! The target has disappeared!"

"What\'s the matter, **** it!"

"Why did you suddenly lose your vision? Can you lose it with anyone?"

"It\'s not right! Quick, all of them are dispatched. Be sure to find him for me as quickly as possible. After finding the target, kill Wu... Zizizi—"

A strange electric current sounded, and the radio channel quickly fell silent.

All the voices stopped abruptly as if they were suddenly strangled by the throat.

The killers hidden in the dark quickly began to spread out.


On a secluded path in the southwest of Tianxia Villa District, a middle-aged man dressed as a cleaning worker was looking around nervously in a raincoat, apparently looking for something.

"Hey, are you looking for me?"

Xiao Junlin, holding an umbrella, suddenly appeared behind the man like a ghost, lowered his head and whispered to him.

The middle-aged man\'s face changed wildly...

next moment.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it from his waist, and he took out a short blade that reflected Hanmang. He held it in his hand and raised his wrist and slashed towards Xiao Junlin\'s throat!

His movements were completely instinctive and subconscious, and even after completing these movements, Xiao Junlin hadn\'t finished speaking.

However, he is fast, but Xiao Junlin is faster than him!

I saw Xiao Junlin raised his hand like lightning, grabbed, captured, buckled and twisted, and easily removed the middle-aged man\'s entire wrist...

Without the hand holding the knife, the short blade also fell down.

Xiao Junlin stretched out his hand to catch the knife, reversed the blade, and before the middle-aged man could scream, he cut his neck with a knife.


At the time when the blood was splashing, Xiao Junlin had already retreated a few steps away. He didn\'t even bother to look at the killer again. After putting away the short blade he had just finished cutting his throat, he disappeared into the rainy night again.

The man\'s eyes widened in horror, covering his neck with the only remaining hand, and slowly fell down.

177. Don\'t the killers do their homework now?

Villa 7.


A young woman with a good figure, a delicate face, and beautiful facial features is now putting her eyes behind the scope of the sniper rifle facing the window.

The earplugs had already been taken off and thrown on the ground, and she looked solemn at this time.

This woman is naturally the Ye Yu that Xiao Junlin has been talking about before!

She works for a mysterious and huge transnational extremist organization.

This time, as the leader of the team, I brought a few newbies to do the task, mainly to train them.

After all, the target is only the rich in a small city. For their organization, there is really no challenge.

One of the entire team counts as one, and no one takes Xiao Junlin seriously at all. Even Ye Yu, who is the team leader, doesn\'t take this task too seriously.

After sneaking into the attic of this villa, she has been lying on the window sill, using the scope of her sniper rifle as an observation mirror, carefully observing the situation outside.

The location of Villa No. 7 is good. Here, you can see Xiao Junlin\'s villa, and you can also observe and outline the retreat route. The only fly in the ointment is that the rain is a bit heavy tonight!