Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 193:

Originally, Ye Yu was still a little absent-minded, and could even be regarded as lax, but after hearing the comments of the newcomers in the headset, an extremely strong unease suddenly emerged in her heart...

Except for those who need to work hard for their lives, who would go out alone when it rains so hard?

Ordinary people are still like this, how dare you talk about this local tyrant?

And he didn\'t bring the bodyguards full of villas, but chose to go out alone, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that this was very problematic! !

The more Ye Yu thought about it, the more uneasy she felt in her heart.

This kind of unease is the sixth sense that she has cultivated from the edge of life and death over the years. She subconsciously feels that this task is not right, and the goal is far less simple than it seems on the surface...

"Everyone, report your situation immediately."

Ye Yu gave orders coldly in the radio headset.

After a moment.

"Report team leader, No. 1 is normal, and no target has been found for the time being."

"Report team leader, No. 3 is normal, and no target has been found for the time being."

"Report team leader, No. 6 is normal, and no target has been found for the time being."

on the radio channel.

The three voices fell one after another, and then fell into silence again.

There are seven people in a team, including the team leader.

At this time, only four people can speak...

So what will happen to the remaining three, do you still need to guess?

Ye Yu took a deep breath, suppressed the surprise in her heart, and asked calmly:

"No. 2, No. 4, No. 5, please answer when you receive it!"


"No. 2, No. 4, No. 5, please answer when you receive it!"

"No. 2, No. 4, No. 5, please answer if you receive it! Please answer if you receive it!!"

Ye Yu\'s breathing began to quicken.

But after a while.

The radio waves were still silent.

This strange and silent atmosphere is like the breath of death, and everyone can\'t help but see sweat on their foreheads and chills on their backs!

Xiao Junlin really came out alone. This is the information confirmed by all their field staff. Unless there are invisible people behind Xiao Junlin, it is impossible to escape their eyes!

But this...

Is this really possible?


Just when a few people were in their hearts, secretly guessing.

A shrill and short scream suddenly sounded!

Several people gasped in shock, but they all heard the voice of No. 6!


No. 6 seems to be trying desperately to say something, but there is only a strange "snoring" sound in the radio waves!

This is clearly the sound of struggle made by the special reaction of the human body after the throat is cut open by a sharp tool.

Several people were born as killers, and they were all too familiar with this voice!

Ye Yu knew that No. 6\'s throat had been cut and he was speechless...

She once again damaged one of her subordinates, and her face instantly became very ugly.

"Who are you?"

Hearing the sound of breathing, Ye Yu quickly took a deep breath and asked in a cold tone.

Until now, she still does not want to believe that the person opposite the headset will be her mission target!

This is so weird!


"Don\'t you want to kill me? You even come to ask me who I am?"


Don\'t today\'s killers do their homework before they come out to do their tasks? "

A voice full of ridicule came from the end of the headset.

Several killers were stunned.

After reacting, everyone felt their scalps explode.

Ye Yu even felt that her heart skipped a beat!

This is their goal...

This is Xiao Junlin! !

178. Is it too late to leave now?

Who the **** is the killer! !

These days, does a local tyrant have the ability to fight against the dark forces?

What the **** is this...

"The information is wrong, retreat immediately."

Ye Yu frowned, and ordered in a cold voice, "Evacuate, go to meet at point C!"

After finding that the matter was out of control, Ye Yu decisively ordered all personnel to evacuate.