Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 191:

"Does anyone want to touch me, who would it be?"

"Is it a killer? But the Mo family is dead. If they can\'t get the final payment, will there be a killer to complete the task..."

"It\'s ridiculous!"

Xiao Junlin frowned and thought hard, but he couldn\'t figure out where his danger came from.

He even wondered if there was something wrong with this crisis perception talent...

But these talents are all gifted by the system, so what could be wrong?

Now he is very uncomfortable under the escort. It\'s like being targeted with a long-range weapon!

It was late at night.

It\'s pouring rain outside!

The whole villa area in the world is very quiet, and the surrounding greenery is also very good, comparable to a garden, with various trees and shadows, at first glance, it seems that there are good places for Tibetans everywhere!

Could it be that the Mo family paid the full amount at one time, and the killer still hasn\'t terminated the mission?

Shouldn\'t be!

Or, someone else is staring at you?

Just when Xiao Junlin felt extremely confused, the system suddenly gave a prompt!


"It is detected that there is hostility nearby, and a killer is suspected to be approaching. Please choose the current main task by yourself."

"One: Eli convinces people.

Convince the other party to give up the assassination, and you will be rewarded with a god-level language talent! "

"Two: strong counterattack.

Let all the enemies who dare to invade the host feel deep despair! After completing it, you will get the talent of a god-level killer, as well as 15 rewards for all attributes of your body! "

After several system prompts, Xiao Junlin\'s expression suddenly became strange...

Really killer!

This Mo family has collapsed, and there are still killers willing to continue to complete the task, it is too trustworthy! ?

This is so personal...

"Is it her?"

While complaining, Xiao Junlin suddenly flashed a character in his mind!

There are so many female protagonists who have had emotional entanglements with Yu Fengsheng in the original work, so many that he sometimes forgets which ones.

Now that Shen Xiaoyu has received the lunch box, Zhu Han has become his woman again.

However, among the several heroines who appeared in the early stage of the original work, the one who gave Xiao Junlin the deepest memory was the killer heroine!

The female killer\'s name is Ye Yu.

She was raised by a killer organization since she was a child.

In the global killer list can be ranked in the top 15!

Since her debut, she has performed countless missions, and each time she has completed it perfectly, she has never missed any time.

Later, with the help of the original male protagonist Yu Fengsheng, she learned the secrets about her life experience and the blood feud of the whole family, she resolutely betrayed the killer organization, and from then on she followed Yu Fengsheng\'s side and became his hidden secret. A deadly knife.

He has always been loyal to Yu Fengsheng. When he saw this, he had envied Yu Fengsheng fiercely, but now this opportunity has finally fallen on his head! !

You must know that this is a super beauty with brains, skills, figure and looks!

How can a man refuse such a girl?

At least he, Xiao Junlin, can\'t do it...

Now he suspects that the person hiding in the dark is Ye Yu!

Because if it was an ordinary killer, knowing that the behind-the-scenes financial master Mo family was dead and could not get the follow-up funds, he would definitely turn his head and leave, and he would definitely not waste any time on this matter.

Only a killer with self-principles and bottom lines like Ye Yu would not leave.

With the money, she will of course want to complete this task.

Even if there is only a deposit, she is destined to not receive the final payment, and it cannot change her wishes.

"If it was her, it would be fun!"

Looking at the two options floating in front of him, Xiao Junlin suddenly became interested, and followed inexplicably with anticipation.

If it was an ordinary killer, he really had no idea. At most, he would just kill them aggressively, or just call Gu Yutang and let the relevant departments deal with this kind of thing.

But if his opponent was Ye Yu, he would have other extra thoughts.

"System, I choose the second one."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the successful selection of the main quest."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the god-level killer talent reward!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining all 15 attributes of the body!"

After a few more beeps.

An invisible force began to spread in Xiao Junlin\'s body, spreading from the sky above his head to his limbs, frantically transforming every cell in his body, and at the same time, his brain seemed to be branded, and suddenly more Learn a lot about the killer industry!

this moment!

His strength, speed, physical fitness and other aspects have produced a qualitative leap.

At the same time, his eyes were sharp as knives, and he changed his calm temperament, and all became cold and terrifying...

He seems to be a top assassin and super soldier who has completed countless assassination missions for a long time. He is familiar with all kinds of assassination methods and assassin skills!

Even in his eyes now...

Killing is an art!

"Lao Sheng, Xing Chou, I\'m going out, you stay at home.