Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 145:

Zhu Han asked with a smile, obviously very interested.

"It will be all right."

Xiao Junlin obeyed, shrugged and said, "I am very happy to eat with beautiful women, whatever I eat.

I wish you captain, you can decide, the revolving restaurant we went to has everything, you can choose! "

"Oh, Xiao Dong, don\'t call him Captain Zhu!" Zhu Han pouted in dissatisfaction, blinked his eyes and said:

"Call me Xiaohan, or Hanhan, it\'s not so outrageous!"


Xiao Junlin\'s expression was slightly startled, and he couldn\'t help but look embarrassed.

"Second sound, second sound!!"

Zhu Han\'s face tensed, and he raised his pink and tender fist while pretending to be angry.

"Then I\'ll call you Xiaohan..."

"Hee hee hee!!"

After Xiao Junlin changed his title, Zhu Han immediately smiled.

She just held Xiao Junlin\'s arm like this, and the two walked into the restaurant quite naturally like a couple in love!

131. Electra complex? Zhu Han\'s hidden personality

"Xiao Dong, Xiao Dong, you are finally here!"


The restaurant manager had been politely waiting at the door of the store early, and seeing Xiao Junlin\'s arrival from a distance, he hurriedly greeted the two with a smile on his face.

Shengquan\'s location is by the window, and the restaurant has the best view.

After the two walked all the way...

Zhu Han was reluctant to let go of Xiao Junlin\'s arm, so she took his arm and sat down with his movements quite naturally!

At this time, Zhu Han, like a girl in love, hugged her lover\'s arm, and said with happiness on her face:

"This, this; two pastas, a seafood pizza, and a bottle of red wine.

Hmm...I also want two pounds of crayfish, by the way!

What does Xiao Dong want to eat? "

"I can eat whatever I want." Xiao Junlin raised his brows and said with a half-smile, "Xiaohan, aren\'t you going to sit across from you?

You\'re just sitting next to me like this, holding my hand, it\'s going to be misunderstood, and...

What should you do if your colleagues see it, you are not afraid of bad influence? "

"See it when you see it!" Zhu Han said nonchalantly: "It\'s off-duty time now, and even Director Gu can\'t control me!

Besides, I like to sit next to you, because I think you smell good..."

"It smells so good, I like it!!"

After Zhu Han finished speaking, he took a deep breath with a face full of intoxication.

Xiao Junlin was stunned again.

Captain, is there nothing wrong with this?

Her performance tonight is because she likes herself, right?

But the two of them haven\'t seen each other a few times...

No no no! !

From a psychological point of view, Zhu Han\'s performance at the moment is a typical manifestation of a dependent personality, which is different from the appearance she showed during her working hours!

Or, does she have an Electra complex?

Xiao Junlin couldn\'t help recalling the life description of the second daughter Zhu Han in the original book.

It seems that Zhu Han\'s father passed away when she was very young...

She has always been raised by her mother.

From this point of view, the conditions for developing a special personality are quite in line!

Coupled with Xiao Junlin\'s mature and stable masculinity.

That\'s why she subconsciously has a crush on him.

Now that we have been in contact for a long time and have experienced a lot of things together, it is easy to develop feelings...

The analysis made from the perspective of his god-level black belly and psychology should be almost the same as the real situation!

The girl with this kind of personality flaw likes a man like Xiao Junlin the most.

If you pursue her in a mindless way of pampering her daughter, then it is almost a one-off pursuit!

It\'s like the long hair that men can\'t resist the big waves.

"Damn, I didn\'t expect this Zhu Han to have such a hidden personality..."

Xiao Junlin hurriedly suppressed the throbbing that was quietly rising in his heart, and while he was speechless, a bad taste suddenly emerged.

Do you want to accept her?

to be frank!

For women, Xiao Junlin has never lacked.

But high quality like Zhu Han is rare...

Wouldn\'t it be cheaper to not charge other people?

Like Yu Fengsheng?


After only thinking about it for a moment in his mind, Xiao Junlin very decisively stretched out his empty left hand and patted Zhu Han\'s ball head gently, just like an old father who spoiled his daughter, very natural.