Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 144:

130. Subordinate loyalty monitoring section


"Congratulations to the success of the four major generals under Yu Fengsheng, the protagonist of the original book Jie Hu!"

"Your subordinate loyalty monitoring section has been opened."

A system prompt appeared quietly.

Suddenly, something similar to a table appeared in Xiao Junlin\'s mind.

It appears to be refreshing in real time.

The above shows all the real-time values ​​of the loyalty of their subordinates.

After showing it in a form, Xiao Junlin was surprised to find that there are quite a lot of talents under him!

Among them, Shengquan has a loyalty of 98 points...

Then there was Xing Chou, who was subdued at the construction site in the afternoon, and his loyalty was as high as 96!

Geng Ruizhi also has a loyalty point of 93 points, and even Bo Yan and Jing Liangji who have just signed a contract with him have exceeded 80 points!

However, the loyalty of many high-level executives under the Junlin Group and Guangmao Group is a bit worrying...

Most are hovering in the 60s and 70s.

According to the explanation given by the system, once the loyalty falls below the 60 mark, betrayal may occur!

It is clear.

This monitoring system is used to assist Xiao Junlin, so that he can prevent it from happening...

"Not bad!"

Xiao Junlin is in a good mood.

Go straight to the Director General by car!

Today, he asked Zhu Han to eat at a revolving restaurant in the business center.

After he sent Zhu Han the location before, Zhu Han replied that she would go there by herself, so that Xiao Junlin would not be used to pick it up.

It is also because of this that he has time to come back for this trip!

Otherwise, the time on the way back and forth will almost be delayed...

After arriving at the business center.

Xiao Junlin saw an orange-red Ferrari parked aside from a distance.

Zhu Han stood beside Ferrari so pretty, looking forward to it, attracting the attention of countless passers-by around!

Today, she is obviously well-dressed. She wears a pink princess dress with three thousand blue silk haircuts, and the bunny bag slung across her body gives her a youthful and beautiful atmosphere. She is full of girlishness and beautiful. It\'s a mess!

She has lost her usual shrewd and capable appearance, but looks like a cute little princess...

"Beauty, alone?"

"Can you leave a contact information?"

"Beauty, leave it to a friend..."

Several self-proclaimed handsome and rich men couldn\'t help but gathered around Zhu Han and wanted to strike up a conversation.

The only response to them was Zhu Han\'s impatient shaking of his head and his cold eyes...

She is really too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, and has always maintained her high-cold attitude!

However, such a cute dress, coupled with another completely different style of high-coldness, the invisible momentum directly overwhelmed the audience!

But after seeing Xiao Junlin\'s nanny car appear, she immediately showed a happy smile.

"I\'m not late, am I?"

"It\'s a sin to keep the beautiful lady Zhu waiting for a long time!"

Xiao Junlin said apologetically after getting off the car.

"No, no, my home is near here, I came early by myself..."

Zhu Han wrinkled his nose playfully, walked over to hug Xiao Junlin\'s arm, and said coquettishly, "Come on, go, I\'m starving!!"


Feeling the heat transmitted through the clothes, Xiao Junlin was stunned for a moment.

However, after glancing at the envious passersby around him, he immediately laughed again, and instantly understood what Zhu Han meant.

this girl...

This is using his dignified Chairman Xiao as a shield!

But then again.

He Xiao Junlin is indeed the most perfect shield!

A large number of bodyguards followed behind him, and he seemed to be very imposing, especially the black suit that followed him closely, Xing Chou, who looked as strong as a polar bear, was full of oppression...

Where can ordinary people dare to approach?

After Zhu Han hugged him, who would dare to come up and talk to her?

It\'s just that it\'s a little too noticeable.

Xiao Junlin came out to eat today, purely to relax, and didn\'t want to be so high-profile.

So, he waved his hand easily and casually, and instructed: "Xing Chou just follow me, the others, leave!"


A group of bodyguards agreed, and scattered birds and beasts.

However, their dispersal did not really leave, but dispersed into the crowd, making Xiao Junlin look less conspicuous.

Once something unexpected happens, they can assemble as soon as possible!

"Dong Xiao, you decide the location, so what to eat is up to me?"