Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 146:

It seems that this is a habitual action, and it feels like slapping the pet\'s head intimately...

This is definitely a very rude, very abrupt move!

If an ordinary woman is touched like this, it will be considered a high self-restraint if she doesn\'t get angry on the spot!

However, in the face of Xiao Junlin\'s slap, Zhu Han couldn\'t help but tremble, and his smart eyes burst into various surprises at this moment, and there was a hint of intoxication...

"Uh, sorry!"

Xiao Junlin explained with a chuckle:

"I also have a daughter who liked to sit next to me like this as a child.

I\'m used to shooting, you won\'t be angry, will you? "

"Female, daughter?"

Zhu Han\'s breathing accelerated again!

She couldn\'t help but turn her head to look at Xiao Junlin\'s profile, the whole person couldn\'t help but look crazy...

After a while, she blushed and whispered:

"No, it\'s fine, why am I angry?

But Xiao Dong, can you pat me again?

I feel, feel so comfortable! "


Xiao Junlin felt dark in his heart.

Zhu Han, a poor girl who has lost her father\'s love, has a special personality in her heart who is extremely eager to be spoiled.

This kind of personality doesn\'t usually appear, but once she is satisfied, she will become addicted to the point of being unable to extricate herself!

So in the face of Zhu Han\'s longing gaze...

Xiao Junlin resolutely put his big hand, full of fatherly love, on her ball head and ravaged it, recklessly enjoying the delicate fragrance of Zhu Han\'s fragrant girl!


Zhu Han squinted his eyes, and made an intoxicated sound from the tip of his mouth and nose.

There was a hint of joy, a hint of enjoyment, and a hint of... intoxication on her face!

At this time, she looked at Xiao Junlin with a little more reliance.

Even her personality has quietly undergone a slight change, becoming a little girly.

"Eat some vegetables, don\'t just eat meat!"

"Drink more red wine, it\'s good for the skin."

"This crayfish is delicious!

Let me peel the shells for you, you eat something else first..."

Xiao Junlin continued to show his patience as a father and kept pampering her.

"Mmmm hungry!"

"Delicious, so delicious..."

Zhu Han seemed very happy.

She squinted and enjoyed the care from Xiao Junlin, and everything she ate felt very fragrant and delicious!

The relationship between the two also became delicate at this moment in vain...

132. As long as you like

"Can we go to the movies later?

There is a taro milk tea in the movie theater downstairs here, which is very delicious! "

"It\'s a pity that the playground doesn\'t open at night, otherwise I would like to play with the big pendulum, um! There is also a haunted house..."

"Ah, you can still set off fireworks at night, um...

Too bad we weren\'t prepared. "

"If only I could eat candied haws now..."

Zhu Han giggled with a smile, and without regard for the gazes of the people around him, he spoke out his wishes aloud.



Watching a movie, drinking milk tea and eating candied haws?

Xiao Junlin\'s face was weird, and Zhu Han pouted in dissatisfaction with the way he tried to hold back his laughter.

"Eat, eat, almost all your wishes will come true when you\'re full!"

Xiao Junlin comforted in a soft voice, and at the same time winked at Xing Chou, who was sitting at the table next to him.

"Really?" Zhu Han covered his mouth and exclaimed, his eyes full of surprises.


Xiao Junlin nodded firmly.

I wish you a happy smile again...

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, Xing Chou walked back with two candied haws in his hands.


Zhu Han happily held the candied gourd and took a sip, the sweet and greasy feeling made her deeply intoxicated!

"Look out the window."

Xiao Junlin lowered his voice and reminded with a smile.

Zhu Han opened his eyes and looked at the night view of the Dijiang River outside the restaurant in surprise.