Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 983

"I don't care. I'll be a father for one day and a father for all my life." Huo CI is arrogant no matter who you are!

Jun Shiyan smiles and says, "an banquet, seeing off guests, help me to send Huo Liushao home safely."

"Junshiyan, you drive me away!" Huo word a word down, was an banquet and Xu Xi two to surround.

"Six little, please!" Ann Yan looked at him respectfully.

"What can you do if I don't leave?" Huo CI sneered: "want to fight? I will accompany you to the end, Jun Shiyan. If you have the ability, don't let others do it. Let's take it on our own. "

Jun Shiyan: "Liushao's words are heavy. Thank you for taking care of my wife. How can I do anything to my benefactor?"

"I don't think you dare!" Huo CI knew that these two were the thugs around the three grandsons of Jun and Lao Zi. They were very good at fighting. If they couldn't win, they would lose face. They gave them a cold look: "get out, I have legs, and I can go!"

Xu Xi and an Yan did not start again, so they politely smile at him and make a gesture of invitation.

Huo Ci was full of fire. When he got to the door, he turned around and pointed at Jun Shiyan: "Mr. third, don't be arrogant in front of Lao Tzu. The geomancy turns around. Let me have a look. One day, I will ask you to kneel down and call dad at my feet."

When Ling Sheng heard this, he couldn't help but chuckle. He praised her father in his heart. It's amazing. He really did it. The third master didn't want to kneel down in front of him and call Dad!

The flag was set up here! It's no wonder that the third master is not pleasing to the eye.

When Lu and Bai came out of the elevator, he was stopped by his secretary. He saw Huo CI come out angrily and yelled: "six elder brothers, are you going to get your mobile phone?"

Huo Ci was so angry that he forgot the purpose of coming here. When he wanted to turn back, he was stopped by two doggies and roared angrily: "I'll go back to find her for something!"

An Yan and Xu Xi looked at each other, looked at him and folded back, also turned to follow.

Lu and Bai couldn't get in, and it was not good to be rude to the beautiful secretary. They waited in the same place. However, looking at his six elder brother's appearance, he must have been eating shriveled. Then he raised his eyes and saw Dongfang Meng come over and said with a smile: "second miss, is this looking for the third master?"

Dongfang Meng's face was not very good-looking. He only glanced at him coldly. Every time he said anything, his low air pressure depressed the air around him.

Two stop landing and white's secretary is scared to shiver, East Second miss is what? So scary!

Lu and Bai's expression of watching the play, whistled, lengthened the tune and raised eyebrows: "what? Jun Shiyan is bullying you? What are you afraid of him? The man looking for you stopped him in the dark, put a sack on his head and beat him to death

Oriental Dream is nest fire, hear his voice, eyes light knife like cold, only answer him a word: "roll!"

Lu and Bai Yan watched the Oriental Dream enter the elevator and shrugged: "what are you angry about? I'm not giving you advice?"

Oriental Dream, this is also eat shriveled? Tut, who does she think she is? How dare you come to see Jun Shiyan? I'm afraid it's not for her sister!

All the people of Dongfang family are not things. It is clearly the eldest daughter of Dongfang family. Dongfang Chuxian secretly hopes that she will fall in love with Jun Shiyan. If she wants to repent, she still has to put the responsibility on her second brother. She said that her second brother first transferred her love and fell in love with Ruoshui.

The second elder brother has a good temper. If he doesn't have the same insight with them, he will suffer from all kinds of dirty water. He can't do it. He thinks that the people of Dongfang family are very unhappy!

Huo CI wants to go in and find someone himself, but he is blocked by Jun Shiyan. He sneers: "junshiyan, get out of my way. I'm not looking for you, I'm looking for her!"

Jun Shiyan was very polite and appropriate, and handed him his mobile phone: "Liushao, your mobile phone. My wife has just been frightened and should not be stimulated any more. I hope Liushao can be considerate."

Huo CI gritted his teeth, what he could say and what he could say, he could only shout inside: "Lingsheng, you wait for me. You must not fall into the hands of Laozi in the future, or you will suffer from it."

Ling Sheng couldn't help shivering. He took a look quietly. He couldn't see anything. He was blocked by the third master. Can't her father treat her like that at the beginning, because she offended him at this time?

No, it won't, the Third Master said, after she left, she will disappear from all their memories, just like taking an eraser to erase the memory of her.

Huo word swearing to leave, to the elevator, gas of the hand will drop the mobile phone.

"Six elder brothers, don't be excited, don't be excited." Lu and Bai reach out to take away the mobile phone, not his mobile phone, he is not distressed.

The mobile phone was taken by the second elder brother. The gift was light and the taste was heavy. He took it before he was warm. As a result, the girl was Jun Shiyan's!

Now six elder brother is the person also did not have, the face also did not have, other people's little girl didn't regard him as what important person, he actually cared about.

He didn't dare to say these words. It was good to be scolded. Maybe he would start to fight him after he became angry!When everyone is gone, Ling Sheng and Jun Shiyan are left in the office.

Ling Sheng has been looking at Jun Shiyan with a very complicated look. He looks at him from top to bottom, and occasionally tut out his voice.

Jun Shiyan touched his face and looked at the little girl: "what? I have something on my face? "

Ling Sheng sighed again and shook his head without speaking.

When Jun Shiyan suddenly approached her, he leaned in her ear, and his warm breath sprayed on her ear: "what? Miss me

Ling Sheng white eyes around the face of the man, the third master will not be so barefaced. When he turned his head, he pinched his ear: "yes, I think you are a flower heart pig hoof. I always thought that her elder sister of Dongfang dream was because my second uncle had never married for life, and lovesickness became sick and depressed. I didn't think it was because of you. You are still very strong!"

"Madam Mingjian, how can it be because of me? When I wake up, all of their memories will disappear. No one will remember me, just like after you left, no one will remember you," Jun Shiyan pretended to cry pain, and his exaggerated handsome face was twisted into a ball.

"Don't laugh at me. Why are you older than my second uncle in this space? Shouldn't you be that small now? " Ling Sheng looked at him: "correct your attitude, good reply, don't pretend to be pitiful with me, I tell you, it's no use, girls don't eat your set."

Jun Yan Mou light if there is no sweep her body, voice with a bit hoarse, smile asked: "how little point?"

"My father is eighteen. You should be eight years old." Ling Sheng never had time to ask him!

Jun Shiyan's low laughter spread from his chest and indulged in laughter: "this is a parallel space. In a parallel space, according to the truth, it is impossible for two people to exist at the same time. However, as a child, I have not yet awakened. I can stay here for a short time, until your third master has fully awakened and restored his memory, and I have completed the task And then it disappears, and all the people who have come into contact with me will forget me. "

When Ling Sheng heard him talk about the third master you know, he had a bit of gnashing teeth. He reached out and poked him in the shoulder with a smile and teased him: "what is my third master? Isn't my third master you? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!