Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 984

"Your third master is not me. Your third master is much better than me. Your third master is gentle, elegant and knows how to love people. I can't do anything." When you are young, you are sad.

Hum, angry, the little girl didn't say a good word about him after she saw him, and she didn't coax him. How about three masters in one mouthful.

Her third master is so good. Go back to him. What are you doing here!

Ling Sheng couldn't help laughing. He shrugged his small nose, approached him, and looked at him with big eyes. He asked, "are you not a third master? Do you smell a strange smell?"

"I smell it." Jun Shiyan's eyes were suddenly blazing. He put his hand on the girl's shoulder and pressed it directly on the sofa. Listening to the little girl's exclamation, he saw her nervously close her eyes, agitated her long eyelashes, rolling up and down her throat, and her breath was a little short.

His temper has changed, but this point hasn't changed. Every time I take this to make fun of him, what's the smell? Isn't it sour? What happened when he was jealous? The little daughter-in-law thinks of other men, and does not allow him to be jealous?

Ling Sheng looked at the man's handsome face in front of his eyes, as well as the rolling up and down of the laryngeal knot. He stretched out his finger and gently poked it. His smiling eyes narrowed into the moon curve, and he breathed like blue: "tease!"

Jun Shiyan's blood and gas rushed to the top of his head. His voice was hoarse and unbearable. He warned her, "I'm not your third master. Don't provoke me, or I don't care if you grow up."

"Will you?" Ling Sheng closed his eyes and spread out his hands. He looked like a weak man: "I'm ready to be slaughtered by you."

Jun Shiyan's eyes are deep, with a dark fire, gas gnashing teeth, good, also learned this move, if put aside before, we must take good care of her, but now!

Ling Sheng is a little nervous. She is quiet all around. She can clearly hear some heavy gasps of men. Her hot breath seems to burn her, from bottom to top, and finally stays in her ears.

Obviously, he did nothing, even touched her, but the burning breath was enough to make her body hot, throat some dry, and the body could not help being crisp and numb.

This man, damned torture!

Jun Shiyan watched the little girl close her eyes and tensed up her small body. Suddenly, he wanted to punish her. The moment he opened his mouth and bit her earlobe, he heard her cry, his head exploded and his teeth clenched: "you wait for me! Let's do it later! "

Ling Sheng sat up and looked at the man who wanted to take her apart and eat into his stomach. He couldn't help laughing out loud and looked at him provocatively: "I'm waiting for you!"

Jun Shiyan knew that it was impossible for a cunning little thing to change. Look, if he had not scrutinized her body, he would have been

"I'm serious. Is it because of you that Dongfang Chu didn't marry all his life?" Ling Sheng coughed and pretended to be serious.

"No, she can't remember me." Jun Shiyan's burning eyes looked at the past, really want to clean up this damned little woman!

"There are always accidents. If she remembers you, it must be because of you, not because of my second uncle." Ling Sheng looked at him scornfully, looking at him as a villain. He could not help but fight for her second uncle: "others thought it was my second uncle who regretted first. He was a scum man. The eldest lady of Dongfang family was infatuated with my second uncle. She was deeply affectionate and finally died for her love."

"You're happy because of me?" Jun Shiyan looked at the heartless little woman and thought about how to deal with her!

Think for a long time, finally had to admit the defeat of the array, forget it, she this small appearance, see his heartache is too late, how can bear to clean up her!

"I'm happy if it's not my second uncle." Ling Sheng nodded and looked at the man. He was about to get angry. He pointed to him and asked, "you've provoked other women. You've become sick and depressed because of your lovesickness. Are you proud, are you?"

"How can you be sure that she is because of me?" Jun Shiyan was also annoyed: "I have seen her twice in total. Where did I get sick from Acacia?"

"But they are very affectionate to you, or will they come to you? Why don't they go to my father and my second uncle? " Ling Sheng was sour in his heart.

Humph, butterfly, carrying her back to make rotten peach blossom, dare to argue!

"You're making trouble out of nothing." Jun Shi yanhen reached for her nose, pressed her on the sofa, shrugged his nose, and treated him with his own way: "do you smell a strange smell?"

Ling Shengbai gave him a look, stretched out his little foot and kicked him. His voice was stuffy and stuffy: "you hold my nose, I can smell a fart!"

After releasing her nose, Jun Shiyan began to tickle her. She watched the little girl rolling on the sofa with her limbs constantly moving. She asked her, "are you still talking nonsense? Say, is that nonsense? "

"I'm telling the truth." Ling Sheng grinned and shrunk into a ball, trying to avoid the attack from men. Sadly, he found that there was no place to hide. He kicked him with his feet, scratched him with his hands, and cried out: "help! The bad guys are bullying people

"Who are you bullying?" Jun Shiyan laughed and looked at her moving like a cat and asked her, "who did you say I bullied?""Bully me!" Ling Sheng was scratched with a smile that was out of breath. He couldn't help hiding: "you're a bad guy. You bullied me."

"Who are you?" Jun Shiyan's voice is more and more deep and pleasant, like with electric current, which makes people feel numb and crisp.

"I'm your little daughter-in-law!" Ling Sheng shouts, can't stand it. He looks at him pitifully. His big eyes are full of tears: "please, please. I'm going to laugh to death. My stomach hurts."

"To whom?" Jun Shiyan's smile became more and more joyful, and his movements had stopped: "who am I? Please me."

"You are a son of a bitch!" Ling Sheng angrily bit his teeth and called out. Seeing the man's hand, he stretched out: "you are my husband, my husband is OK!"

Sobbing, scared, scared!

"I can't cure you." Jun Shiyan took the man into his arms, wiped her tears and rubbed her stomach: "does it really hurt?"

Ling Sheng bit lip, big eyes are also flashing tears flowers, wronged nod: "pain, pain dead."

Jun Shiyan was nervous and picked up people and left.

Ling Sheng patted him on the shoulder: "Why are you going there?"


"You put me down. I don't hurt. It doesn't hurt."

"Check it out. Don't worry."

"I lied to you. Really, I don't hurt at all!"


"You son of a bitch, you deliberately play me!"

"I didn't hear what you said. Say it again."

"Go away!"

"That little daughter-in-law, go with me!"

"You don't have to face. My third master is not like you!"

"Is it? What is your third master like

"That's what you are. If you bully me again, I'll run away from home to show you. I'll go to my father!"


Anyan and Xu Xi are outside, and the sound insulation effect of the house is not very good. They can't hear the two people talking. They dare not hear the girl's cry, villain, shameless, roll away, pain or not. They look at each other, and they don't dare to say what they want.

Third master, it's too urgent. Is he the third master they know? How old is the little girl? How can he bear to talk?

Oh, beast! Not as good as animals! , the fastest update of the webnovel!