Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 982

"Do you two think I'm a fool?" Oriental dream didn't expect that they could even say such an excuse for insulting people's intelligence quotient, and stare at Huo Ci's pants without concealment. When he said, "Huo Ci, even if you find an excuse, you can find a better one. Your daughter, when you are little bean curd, can have a baby."

It's ridiculous, Huo CI has always been with Jun Shiyan not to deal with, but also often put harsh words, said that one day to clean up him?

But? He can't even move a finger. Even the eldest Rong Yin and the second Yan Yuanfei of their family can't do anything about them. They'll take care of them in the next life!

"How old am I to have children? How do you know? Have you tried?" Huo CI looked at her arrogantly and laughed with profound meaning.

After all, Dongfang dream is a girl who has never made friends with her boyfriend. She is also fierce in her mouth. After being looked at with insulting eyes, she is annoyed and immediately lashes her whip: "Huo Ci, you don't want to face!"

"Even if I don't want to face any more, I don't force any woman to associate with me. Unlike your sister, they are all engaged people. They come out to look for men every day. They are shameless!" Huo CI talks, ruthless a bit face does not give a person to leave.

What is a girl? In his eyes, regardless of men and women, only those who can be seen and those who can not.

Ling Sheng suddenly widened his eyes, what? The one who likes the third master is Dongfang Meng's sister, the second uncle's betrothed fiancee?

"Huo Ci, you can't spit Ivory out of your dog's mouth. Xu Yan doesn't like other women. Why can't my sister like other men?" Eastern dream words fall, a whip on the past, with full force.

"Tut Tut, the Oriental Dream, we should live by conscience. It is your sister who regrets to marry first, not my second brother!" Huo CI seemed not to care about a grasp of the whip tail, a strong pull, and stretched out a finger in front of her warning her not to get close, mocking hook lip: "you are such a beauty, give me a foot wash water I don't want!"

"Huo CI!" Dongfang Meng became angry. He always knew that Huo Ci was an ungrateful thing. However, it was the first time for him to fight head-on. He was infuriated with a red face: "as a playboy like you, I hope you don't even know how to die in the future."

Ah, Huo chuckled her lips and said, "I'm going to smile! I must have died in a woman, in a beautiful woman. "

After the beautiful woman two words, accentuated the tone, also don't have the deep meaning of a glance at her.

Dongfang dream said that, but also said, can't fight, choked a belly of fire, in the final analysis is a naughty and willful young lady, which woman can't stand being said, pointing to Huo CI angrily: "Huo Ci, you wait for me!"

Huo CI saw that people were going to leave, lazily picked eyebrows and laughed: "Why are you going? What, but I'm going to go back and get help? "

The Oriental dream just arrived at the door when he met Jun Shiyan. He roared angrily, "Jun Shiyan, you are a pervert. My sister is blind and will like you such a brute!"

"What do you mean by that, second lady?" Jun Shiyan saw Huo CI in, and Dongfang dream was in a state of exasperation. The little girl at home sat on the sofa and looked like a good play. She knew that she had not been bullied.

Now she is too soft-natured. If she had been, she would have called people out without saying a word. She couldn't wait for Huo Ci to fight with him.

Dongfang Meng became more and more angry and said: "what is the third master worried about? I haven't done anything to beat a child. Didn't the third master say he was accompanying his wife? Your excuses are endless for refusing my sister's date

"I've never told any lies. I'm really with my wife." Jun Shiyan lip corner tiny hook, went to the little girl side, pulled her into the arms: "introduce, this is my wife."

Dongfang dream was already angry. When he heard what he said, the whole person burst into a roar of anger: "Jun Shiyan, do you really think I am an idiot? If you play 3P with Huo, you don't need to make so many excuses! "

"Second lady, please pay attention to your words!" Jun Shiyan's eyes were suddenly cold, and the whole person was filled with a cold and murderous spirit.

Huo CI took a faster step. She clasped the wrist of Dongfang dream and threw her on the door. Her narrow eyes were full of dangerous fire. She slapped her face in the past. At last, she stopped at the place close to her face. She just pulled her lips and sneered: "keep your mouth clean. That's my daughter! Oriental Dream, give me a good memory. Next time you talk nonsense, Laozi's fist doesn't grow eyes

Dongfang dream didn't expect Huo Ci to start, and he didn't expect a dandy to stretch out his hand like this. His face suddenly turned pale: "Huo Ci, if you dare to do it, don't be afraid of others to say it!"

"A feast." Jun Shiyan called out.

Ling Sheng didn't expect this to happen. After hearing his cry, he walked into two young men in suits. They were about 20 years old, but they were Anyan and Xu Xi.

Two people directly caught the Oriental Dream, a kick in the knee, she knelt on the ground, unconvinced anger roared: "Jun Shiyan, what do you want to do? If you dare to touch me, Dongfang family will not let you go. ""The second miss can't speak. I think I'll teach you how to speak. The people of Dongfang family won't blame me." Jun Shiyan's smile is still elegant and soft, but his eyes are very cold, which makes people feel like falling into the ice cave.

Oriental dream also did not expect that the disaster comes from the mouth. What kind of person is the girl in front of her, who can make Jun San Yeh, who has always been happy and angry but not in color, get angry.

Anyan and Xu Xi are going to teach people.

Dongfang Meng was a man of taste. He also knew what happened when he offended Jun Shiyan in the capital city. He looked up at him and said, "Third Master, I'm wrong. I hope the third master can help you."

"What's wrong with the second lady?" Jun Shiyan looked at her coldly and coldly, and her tone was so cold that people couldn't stop getting cold.

The Oriental Dream in the heart of hate, but in other people's territory, had to bow his head: "should not insult your wife, I promise to go out will never talk nonsense."

Ling Sheng has never seen such a third master. The whole person is so domineering that people can't help but scream. She compares her father to her father, and looks at Dongfang Meng and recognizes her mistake.

"Miss Dongfang, you'd better remember what you said, and you'd better not even think about it." Jun Shiyan warned her: "my wife has nothing to do with Huo Liushao."

Huo CI heard here is not happy, an angry roar: "Jun Laosan, get out of your mother's, she is my daughter!"

Jun Shiyan looked at him funny: "she's just joking. Six young don't take it seriously. She's spoiled by me on weekdays and likes to play." , the fastest update of the webnovel!