Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 968

Ling Sheng, a coward, looked at him at the moment of evading. Who was afraid of whom? He counselled what to do with him: "Dad, my mother said that she would take me and Xiao Qi abroad."

Things can't continue to be so rigid. One side must first break the balance. It's not her father, nor her mother, but her.

If her father and her mother are a steelyard, she is the balance scale. Standing in the middle is flat. If you move a little, one side will be out of balance.

"Dare you Huo word grits teeth furiously, Mou color points at her dangerously: "if you dare to go with her, I will break your leg."

"I dare you!" Ling Sheng is not without a temper. For a week, she has been enduring his temper and violence. She is a person who has been fed up with it: "I'm leaving now. I'll go to find my mother."

Huo CI Qi's chest heaved violently, pointed to her and roared: "roll, you roll now, roll and never come back again!"

Ling Sheng looks at him like that. She knows that his mouth is not right. It's that smelly mouth. What he says will never sound good.

But even if it's a knife, it's a knife!

Who does the knife hurt!

Huo CI Qi turned around and left, took two steps, one foot kicked on the wall, all go, roll far, he would not be upset for her angry!

What evil did he make? When the mother was just angry, he left. His daughter didn't let him feel better. The two of them came here to conquer him!

Ling Sheng is packing his bags and grinds his teeth with anger. The more he thinks about it, the more sad he is. His tears fall down.

She chose to stay and not go to her mother, not because she felt sorry for him at home alone. Maybe she had all kinds of twists and turns like the last time, and finally broke her arm.

The clay Bodhisattva also has a temper, not to mention she who follows his temper?

When the mobile phone rings, Ling Sheng quickly wiped his tears and answered the phone: "Mom."

"Sheng Sheng, where are you? In the evening, take Xiao Qi and come to my mother's side. " Nangong Lengyu called her as soon as she got to the car. She looked up at the apartment building opposite her and asked her seriously, "if, mom says if, mom wants to take you abroad with Xiao Qi, would you like to go abroad?"

Lingsheng heard her voice, tears in his eyes, voice are blocked in panic, where can expect things to develop to this day, has made such a situation: "Mom, can I think about it again?"

It is definitely impossible to go abroad. When she goes abroad, the third master can go abroad with her. Song Yiyan and Si chengluo are still at home, so her plan can't be continued.

Huo CI thought more and more angry, and finally turned back, to the door to hear her on the phone, with her mother on the phone, handsome face suddenly a sink, raised his feet and left.

Want to go?

It depends on whether he agrees or not?

He has raised a girl for so long. Is it for nothing?

"Mom, I know." Ling Sheng sniffed: "you don't have to worry, my dad is that temper, you don't want to see him, he has a bad mouth, you don't know."

"Mom knows, I'll start looking for kindergarten these days. Come with Xiao Qi!" Nangong Lengyu has made up her mind that Sheng Sheng and Xiao Qi can no longer follow Huo CI.

"Well." Lingsheng aggrieved just want to cry, also don't know when so fragile.

"You don't have to worry about the other things. If you want to play" brilliant ", your mother will solve it for you." Nangong Lengyu heard her daughter sobbing and her eyes turned red.

Hang up the phone, Ling Sheng suddenly figured out, the road of life is more, she does not need to stay here to see people live, good, happy life is not good? Why do you have to live so hard?

When Huo CI came in, he threw a card in front of her directly and looked at her in disgust: "what are you crying for? How old are you crying?"

Ling Sheng raised his head with grief and indignation on his face. The beads of tears fell like pearls, but he didn't make any sound. He bit his lips and looked at him.

Huo CI showed her all over uncomfortable, low cough, pointing to the card: "audition time and address on the above, don't be late."

Ling Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at the interview time and address of "brilliant" and sobbed: "didn't you hide me?"

Huo CI: "when did I say I want to hide you? You are good at brain tonic. You wipe your tears. I won't let you act. Are you going to torture me with your mother

Ling Sheng small voice: "I dare not."

How could he say that? Who is torturing whom! It's him who gets angry this week!

"You dare not. There is nothing in the world that you dare not." Huo CI came to gas again, more and more yin yang strange Qi: "you dare to fake pregnancy, what do you dare not?"

Ling Sheng: "if you have agreed, don't turn over old accounts!"Huo CI glared at her with a sneer, pulled her lips and lifted her feet.

When Ling Sheng goes out with his luggage.

Huo CI sat on the sofa watching TV and looked up at her: "what are you doing?"

She's given all the auditions. What else does she want?

"I'll go to my mom's, and I'll tell my mom to come in the evening." Ling Sheng calmly answered his words and took his luggage and went out: "by the way, I'll pick up Xiao Qi later. It's just tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. We've been there for two days."

"If you want to go, you can go by yourself. Xiao Qi can't do without me. He has an interest class on the sixth." Huo CI heard of Saturday and Sunday, two days later, just put a little snack.

Hum, we can't let them go. If we leave, we will never get them back. What should he do when he is alone?

Ling Sheng: "interest class there, I asked for leave."

Huo CI took the clothes and stood up. It was easy to say anything, but the stinky boy could never give them: "the class I gave him is not over yet."

Ling Sheng looked at his father: "Xiao Qi is my son!"

Huo CI arrogant: "or my grandson!"

In the end, Ling Sheng was defeated. It was no use calling for his son to be adopted. When he arrived at the gate of the kindergarten and asked his son to make a choice, he chose her father!

Huo CI won the victory, very happy, led Xiao Qi's hand to go home, all the way to see what fun to buy him, to the door of the community, his hands were full.

Xiao Qi looks at his grandfather and finally shows his long lost smile. He also laughs with a silly smile. His grandfather says that Xiao Qi can't go. When Xiao Qi leaves, he will think of Xiao Qi. He will cry in the middle of the night and can't sleep.

As soon as the grandparents and grandchildren got home, Huo Ci was ready to show off his skills and cook for the stinky boy. When the doorbell rang, the stinky boy was still very quick and had already chatted.

"Xiao Qi, what about your grandfather? Let your grandfather talk to Dad Jun Shiyan stood downstairs, smiling at his son.

Huo CI cold face, open is a word: "roll!"

Jun Shiyan's face was hung with a modest smile: "father in law, I heard my mother-in-law say that if you want to terminate the contract of Shengsheng from your company, you need to pay 100 billion in cash. I have raised it. Do you want to move it for you now?"

Huo CI ran to the window and looked down. A stream of water of military vehicles stopped downstairs. All the special forces armed with guns and bullets were protected by the vehicles. Looking out, there was a long queue. I didn't know how many vehicles there were. , the fastest update of the webnovel!