Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 967

Ling Sheng is worried about anything, and lies. With the help of her grandparents and her mother, the third master and her parents also actively admit their mistakes and swear that they will never commit again. Finally, it is over, but she is miserable. Really. She has been snowed away, not to mention the script she coveted, and no work.

At the moment, there is a big war in the living room. As the central figure of this war, Ling Sheng hides in the door to eavesdrop.

It has been a whole week since the incident was revealed. Her mother came several times and came to fight with her father. Every time, it was very noisy.

"Huo Ci, I don't agree!" Nangong Lengyu directly broke the contract and looked at him angrily: "what do you mean, that thing has passed, what do you want to do?"

Is he a child? Are all contracts signed by children? L-star is the spokesperson of Shengsheng. The brand she wants to create will not give up just because her daughter finds it. She will continue to do it and keep doing it.

But in front of this bastard, he not only does not give Shengsheng any resources, he also has to terminate the project that has signed the contract.

Huo CI is gnawing apple, slowly raised his head, handsome face with a smile, asked her: "is she my company's artist?"

Nangong Lengyu: "you don't distinguish between public and private. If she makes mistakes at home, you can fight or scold. But what did she do in her work?"

Didn't Huo make a mistake? Since she is an actor and has decided to take over the play, she refuses to act in a play for her own private affairs. Is she right? That's what a dedicated actor should do, isn't it? "

And to now, she has not been able to give a legitimate reason, good why she refused to play "school bully"!

"I know it's school bully, but how hard she works, you can see how hard she works. She studies the plot every day. Her experience is closely related to the script. The script can be recited like a stream. If it's not for compelling reasons, can she not play it?" Nangong Lengyu also knows that her daughter is wrong in this matter.

"What's the reason? You ask her to give me a reasonable explanation, and I'll resume all the work she does." Huo CI carelessly chewed the remaining half of the apple directly to the garbage can: "otherwise, no talk!"

Talking about resources? From her debut to now, which resource was not carefully selected by him? He asked himself, didn't he feel sorry for her at all?

But she said that she could not say. What was the reason for her refusal of the school bully?

"What do you want? Just willing to let Sheng Sheng go Nangong Lengyu directly showdown with him: "you are not willing to praise her, do not give her resources, I will set up a studio, only for her one person service, give her to me."

His daughter is not alone. He doesn't want to hold her. She holds her and gives her whatever she wants. After all, there is such a daughter. As long as she is happy, let alone acting and entertainment, she will hold the whole Nangong family in front of her.

"That's how she spoiled you." Huo Ci's smiling face finally took on sullen, sneered and pulled his lips: "what she wants, she wants the stars in the sky, go and pick them for her!"

Mom and dad are like this, she is also like this, stinky girl is a color to open dye shop personality, sooner or later they will be used to a waste!

"She wants to eat my flesh, and I cut it for her." Nangong Lengyu's face was cold: "say it, what conditions do you want."

This week, she has come over three times. She doesn't want to quarrel with him every time. It's meaningless and ineffective.

Since he has been determined not to give Shengsheng any resources, and wants to hide her, what's wrong with her going back to her daughter?

"Good!" Huo CI bit out a word: "OK, you are all good. I am the villain alone, and I am the worst villain! Nangong Lengyu, I'll leave this for you today. If you want to terminate the contract, there's no way! "

"Huo CI!" Nangong Lengyu sneered, her eyes frozen for thousands of miles, and directly tore off the contract termination letter he gave: "I also tell you today that Shengsheng's future road will be decided by me! I don't agree with this letter of termination! "

Huo CI disdains to pull lips: "let's see you in the court."

"See you in court, see you in court!" Nangong Lengyu was also annoyed, and her icy eyes brought a rare flame: "you wait for me. What's the great thing about China's entertainment industry? Your contract is only valid in China. I will take Sheng Sheng and Xiao Qi to go abroad. I still have some contacts in Hollywood. "

He thought, with that contract, we could tie Sheng Sheng to death? you must be dreaming!

How about Shengsheng even if it doesn't develop in China? The world is the biggest stage, and Huaxia is just a small fish pond. Compared with the global Hollywood, it is nothing.

Huo Ci's heart suddenly stagnated, did not expect that she would do so absolutely, but in front of her, death can not admit defeat: "OK, that depends on whether she chooses to follow you or me!"

"Huo Ci, are you so confident?" Nangong Lengyu scoffed at him: "don't think I don't know what you've done to Sheng Sheng and Xiao Qi in the past six months. She's an adult. She has the right to choose whether to live with you, with me, or herself."Sheng Sheng is not a child, and the law does not govern how an adult chooses.

"Let's see." Deep in Huo Ci's eyes, there was a surge of anger. She threatened him, but she threatened him so much. Her smile was cold to the bone. She picked up the document she had torn in two and handed it to her hand. She hooked her lips: "Miss Nangong, it's OK to leave, but you can't send it!"

Nangong Lengyu sneered and turned away. He said that Sheng Sheng was not there, and Xiao Qi was not. There was only space for them. Every second was a kind of torture for her.

Ling Sheng did not dare to go out, so she secretly looked at the crack of the door. Her father said that she was not allowed to go out. She was a bit of a counsellor, afraid that things would become big.

But now it seems that they have turned over!

Before that, she still felt that there was a possibility for two people to get back together, but this week, she knew what it was to be stubborn and proud, and no one was willing to bow down.

Grandma was right. Character decides everything. It's because of the personality problem that the two of them finally parted ways.

"Have you seen enough?" Huo CI a sneer, raised his feet to kick the door, mixed with a grumpy voice, deep pull the end: "how? Is the play good? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!