Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 969

It's good who wants money from him. They come one after another to annoy him. They are not going to give up until he is angry, right?

Jun Shiyan is still waiting for a reply.

Huo CI rushed back again, looking at the people in the monitoring, did not speak, directly pressed the hang up, black screen.

Xiao Qi frowned: "grandfather, what should my father do? Won't he come up? "

Huo CI pointed to him, want fierce and steady mood, afraid to frighten stinky boy, in case he also ran away, really left him alone, try to calm down for a while: "Xiao Qi, he is not your father, your mother and he have not married, if you call dad now, will make people laugh, do not shout, you know?"


Who is the father on the horse?

If you say "no shouting, no shouting", you just can't hear it.

Looking at his grandfather's face, Xiao Qi was a little scared. He didn't know whether he was laughing or angry. He nodded a little head and said, "Xiao Qi knows."

But mummy, Dad, granddad, granddad, and grandma didn't say they couldn't call dad. He didn't know if he wanted to listen to his grandfather.

After a little half a month, Huo Da filmmaker opened the live broadcast again!

Small words, peanuts, and melon eating people from all walks of life came to help, thinking that after half a month, the great movie emperor must have made great progress in cooking.

After all, last time, his dark food was taken advantage of by some people who wanted to make him black. For the film emperor who can't tolerate others saying that he is not perfect, he will practice cooking skills during this period of time.

When Huo Da Ying took out the ingredients for the live broadcast, fans with bright eyes began to give popular science: black truffle, Iranian almos caviar, foie gras, Tibetan Pig, heniu, snow clam, Australian abalone, braise chicken, bluefin tuna.

All of them are the top food in the world. We are looking forward to seeing the movie emperor show his skills and give them a surprise.

Xiao Qi was told that he could not enter the camera, so he took the food for his grandfather and handed it to him outside the camera.

Before the live broadcast, the fans saw the ingredients running over one by one, like long legs. The bullet screen rolled up and they were all trying to guess who it was.

[Lingsheng, it must be Lingsheng. Who else can she be. 】

< a child in a blood mirror! 】

[ah, ah, ah, are father and daughter live together? My Sheng baby has exquisite cooking skills. It must be the true story of huobaba. Come on, Baba! 】

then, Huo Da Ying Di, whose cooking skills are exquisite and has been passed on to his daughter, takes out a pot, takes out a bucket of mineral water and several bags of snail powder, throws them on the table, and then takes a closer look: Durian flavor snail powder!

Take your breath!

Eat melon fans call to take away, take away your bags of snail powder quickly!


What's the situation? This is?

Live cooking snail powder?

"It's not Ling Sheng. She went to her mother's side." Huo CI explained the bullet screen directly, and also said the first sentence since the live broadcast. He looked at the stinky boy standing beside the table: "it's my grandson."

There are fans in the bullet screen. We all know whether there are fans or not. There was once a dog in Huo Yingdi's house called Sun Tzu!

[Niubi, this grandson has become fine, I really want to see you]

[Lao Huo, if you are 666, if you can't accept the wall, you will be convinced. These top luxury food materials are used to cook snail powder? 】

[caviar comes from the soul: Lao Huo, will your conscience not hurt? 】

[black truffle crying haw: ah, ah, I don't want to be boiled snail powder. Who can help me? I don't want to cook snail powder. 】

[bluefin tuna eyes with tears: Huo Ci, I advise you to be kind! 】

[words, eggs are enough. Really, eggs and snail powder are the perfect match. For the rest, you can let them go! 】I put them in and cooked them. 】

[ask weakly, can you still eat it after you put it in it? 】

Ling Sheng was watching the live broadcast and thought that her father was going to show off his kitchen. As a result, he watched people bring out some bags of snail powder, poured water into the pot, tore open the instant noodles, and put the seasoning bag in. It was a mess in the wind.

Since she came home, she has never seen her father cook. She always orders takeout, or the other side of the family delivers food. After grandma and grandfather live in, she basically cooks. When she is at home, she also cooks.

"Mom, I'd better go back and have a look." Ling Sheng looks at Nangong Lengyu and says.

Nangong Lengyu is sitting next to her with her computer in her arms. She also glances at Huo Ci and sneers: "he's a liar. He won't eat that."

She was cheated by the fried sausage last time. What's the result? He ordered a large table of takeout. How could they eat these things.

Ling Sheng looked extremely complicated and looked at her father to open the caviar, the top and the cattle to cut, heartache: "I'm not saying that he will eat these things, I'm sorry for those ingredients!"Her father took out all the top ingredients. When he took these things to cook instant noodles, there were all kinds of wild things, and all the ingredients had life. If people spoiled them like this, they would cry!

As a qualified cook, she couldn't bear to see the food materials being spoiled. She was bleeding.

"What do these things have? If you want to eat, or if you want to, mom will buy it for you Nangong Lengyu certainly knows what she is talking about.

The food on that table, how to say, has tens of millions. It really shouldn't be so spoiled. It's impossible to import it when you cook snail powder noodles in a pot!

Did again and again, is not to do for her, there are Sheng Sheng see? Who else will pay attention to him!

When Ling Sheng called, Huo CI rinsed the hot pot meat with niudang, put it in a bowl, ate it to Xiao Qi, and frowned: "what's the matter?"

"Dad, I'll go back right away. Don't touch those ingredients!"

"I'll eat whatever I want to buy. It's nothing to do with you. Get out of here!"

"I'll go back and make it for you. You'll wait for me for a while, and then I'll go back."

Xiao Qi saw his grandfather hang up the phone, his eyes were bright and his voice was small: "grandfather, is Mommy going home? Is grandma coming? "

Huo CI looked at the sweet smelly boy and gave him a happy look: "are you not happy with me?"

Seven busy shake small head, low voice: "happy!"

But he would be more happy if he could be with his grandparents, mummy, Dad, granddad and his wife. , the fastest update of the webnovel!