Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 956

Ling Sheng's heart was all pulled up, and the watermelon in his hand fell on the ground. He turned red eyes to the mobile phone and tried to keep calm. After taking a deep breath, he asked him, "what are you talking about? What's wrong with my grandfather? What do you see? "

Si chengluo said that he had just squinted for a while in the car to catch the notice, and had a dream that she was kneeling in the mourning hall in disguise of hemp and wearing filial piety until she fainted.

He saw the black-and-white photo of the old man in the mourning hall and her family photo in the circle of friends. He recognized the person in the photo and confirmed it was her grandfather. According to the funeral date he heard in his dream, the date of the accident is today.

Ling Sheng said thanks, flustered after hanging up the phone, he called his grandfather, the mechanical female voice came from the mobile phone, unable to connect.

I called twice, but I couldn't get through. The number I dialed was not in the service area.

She was anxious to red a pair of eyes, trembling, and dialed the number again. She called her grandmother. She learned that her grandfather had gone to the mountain climbing with some old friends. She left before daybreak. She pressed her heart and did not dare her grandmother to find her abnormality. She said in a deep voice: "grandma, I know."

"Sheng Sheng, what's wrong with you? What happened? Did you cry? " When Su Xiyin heard her voice, she always felt something was wrong, as if she was crying. Her heart was hanging. She asked her in a worried voice, "is it your mother who is not good to you? If you don't get used to it, go home. Your grandparents are here

"No, grandma, don't think about it. I have something else to do. Hang up first." Ling Sheng pressed the voice, the bottom of his eyes were broken tears, how dare you say that grandfather might have an accident.

She tried to tense the mood, in the heart again and again persuasion must be calm, grandfather Fu rudonghai, longevity, will certainly be OK, certainly will live a hundred years, also did not have time to think, hastened to call her father and three yees in the past, let them quickly find grandfather, take him home!

Then he controlled the crazy fear and went to dial the phone again. He dialed grandfather's, Rong's and Jiang's, but he still couldn't get through again and again.

The mechanical female voice heard her almost crazy, until she did not know how many times, until she had begun to despair, the opposite, finally through.

Huo Xiao asked the Jiang family to climb the mountain with the old man of Rong family. He heard that a new air raid shelter had been found on the mountain here, so he wanted to go in and have a look.

There are three entrances to the air raid shelter. It is said that when you go to the middle, you can walk one piece to meet.

After a discussion, the three men went in through a hole to see where they could meet and investigate what was in the cave.

When people are old, they don't have many hobbies. Yiner also jokes that they live back when they are old. They are like children, and they are still exploring!

But she didn't know, no matter how old a man is, there is a child in his heart, especially when he is with his brothers, mountaineering or exploring air raid shelter, his heart is happy!

At this age, it's one less time to come out. No one knows when he will fall down. Naturally, when he is still strong, he can play as he can and how he can be happy.

"Aeson one, aeson one, this is goshawk two. Please answer when you hear me."

"The eyson-1 has reached the entrance of the cave 20 meters away. At present, everything is safe and no suspicious creatures have been found." Huo Xiao took the walkie talkie and said, "the report of the first aisun is over."

"Good, goshawk two has been received. Please move on, pay attention to the safety of your feet, don't stretch around, keep in touch at any time."

Huo Xiao has not hung up the walkie talkie, the mobile phone ring ring ring, the eye suddenly look a bright, smile picked up the phone, the voice is soft: "good sun ah, what's the matter?"

There is no signal in the air raid shelter. It was just captured in an instant. The sound was intermittent and could not be heard clearly.

Ling Sheng couldn't hear what the person on the other side was saying. But as soon as the mobile phone was connected, his nervous system broke down, and his tears fell down in a big and hoarse voice: "grandfather, grandfather, can you hear me? Where are you, Grandpa? I am Sheng Sheng! Grandfather

Her voice is very loud, shouting very loud, as if as long as the voice is loud, you can let the other party hear, while crying at the same time.

But on the other side of the intermittent signal, nothing can be heard, can only hear the creaking sound of the current.

"Aeson one, aeson one, if you hear me, please answer. This is cheetah three. Please report your location."

Huo Xiao is talking to his good grandson, but there is no signal in a moment. He is not happy. He takes his walkie talkie and says, "here is No.1 AI sun. You are on standby. I want to go out."

"What are you doing out there? Where are you going? "

"My good grandson called. I went out to call my good sun." Huo CI frowned, looking at the mobile phone, or no signal.

What did you just say? What do you want to tell him? Why does he seem to hear his good grandson crying.

"You're a granddaughter. You can't wait until you go out, can you?" The cheetah No. 3 on the opposite side, Rong Zhengguo, the father of Rong family, made fun of him.This old guy, like a granddaughter's favorite, comes out to climb the mountain and enter the air raid shelter. The code name must be "Ai sun No. 1", but also "No. 1". If No. 1 is not given to him, he will not like it. If the first one spoils his granddaughter.

"I'm happy. I can't wait a minute. You're jealous!" Huo Xiao snorted and turned to run away.

Listening to him, he felt as if he was in a hurry. What should he do in case of any urgent matter? Were they responsible?

"No jealousy or jealousy, my granddaughters are more than you, ha ha ha!" Jiang you, the old man of the Jiang family, laughs and hears a murmur of rolling over there.

What can Sheng Sheng do on the phone? I must miss my grandfather. I want to talk to him. I'm worried about him. But it's really amazing to have a granddaughter. What else can I do? I'm all my granddaughters. I'll help them.

Huo Xiaogang just came out of the cave, trotted several steps, raised the mobile phone, squinting for the signal.

Climbing to the opposite big stone to look for a signal, finally there is a signal. Before dialing out the phone, Ling Sheng calls again and answers with a smile: "good sun..."

On the other side, there was a loud noise, which suppressed all his voices. When the rocks were splashing, Huo Xiao was hit by the rocks, and the whole person rolled down from the stone uncontrollably.

Ling Sheng only heard a boom in the mobile phone, and then there was no sound. The moment the body was stiff, his eyes suddenly tightened.

Nangong Lengyu came back from shopping with Nangong indifference. As soon as she opened the door, she heard her heartrending call: "grandfather!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!