Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 955

"Five two what?" Ling Sheng was going to be tortured by him and broke out: "May 2 what! Can you count? "

Jun Yan thin lips light open, voice with a happy smile, suddenly close, close to the little girl's ear: "I love you, silly girl."

Ling Sheng suddenly widened a pair of eyes, careful of the dirty thumping. When he turned around, the man had already backed away and looked at her laughing and asked her, "do you hear me clearly?"

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Ling Sheng's face was a little hot, and he was elated in his heart. He was a little bit short of breath. He lifted the quilt and covered his head. Then he shook his head: "I didn't hear it. I didn't know anything. I didn't hear anything!"

Jun Shiyan chuckled and looked at the little girl's appearance of stealing the bell. He asked her, "Miss Ling, the ground is cool. Can I sleep in bed?"

Ling Sheng buried in the quilt, the voice is stuffy: "I don't know, don't ask me, I fell asleep."

Jun Shiyan stretched out his hand and gently poked the little girl wrapped like a silkworm chrysalis: "then I'm in bed."

Then he saw his little silkworm chrysalis girl rolling two rolls to the side, leaving him a lot of space, holding the quilt on the bed, sitting on the bed pulling her quilt: "don't cover your head, it's not good for your health, sleep well."

Ling Sheng pulled the quilt, but he refused to show his head. He was pulled so hard that he exposed half of his head and looked at him with big eyes.

Jun Shiyan hook lips smile, looking at the little girl's sad eyes, voice more sexy low dumb, thin lips gently opened, asked her: "excuse me, Miss Ling, can I kiss you?"

Lingsheng where can think of him suddenly said this, his mind rang out a voice, not between men and women on that matter, suddenly got up, in front of the men in front of the sexy thin lips, kiss in the past.

She has great strength every time. Jun Shiyan looks at the little girl and rushes forward. She can't let her break her lips any more. She clasps her big hand on the back of her head to cushion her strength.

When Ling Sheng went back to the bed again and became a silkworm pupa, he felt his lips and breathed.

The little girl's soft panting voice made Jun Shiyan's heart rise rapidly. Her throat knot rolled up and down involuntarily. She touched her lips and lay down contentedly. Then she gently poked at the silkworm chrysalis around her: "I'm good. I'll show my head."

Ling Sheng first showed a pair of twinkling big eyes, hummed, did not believe him.

Jun Shiyan: "if I'm not good, you call your father."

Lingsheng believed him. As soon as his head came out, he saw that the man came up again. His thin lips quickly brushed her forehead, feather like, gently, but lifted to the tip of her heart, itching.

"Good night." Jun Shiyan's deep and joyful voice rang out again.

Ling Sheng touched his forehead and turned to look at the man lying beside him. His heart was soft and sweet, and his voice was waxy: "good night."

When I woke up the next day, the man lying beside him had disappeared. I could only vaguely see his indentation on the bed.

Ling Sheng crazily holding the quilt, he rolled several times on the bed, pedaled his legs, covered his mouth, and laughed low, like a fool.

The TV station had a stage accident. Although the gourd eaters were fighting, they didn't have much hope. After all, the capital TV station had a big fortune. In the past, people died in recording programs. Finally, they apologized.

This time, although the victim is Ling Sheng, the daughter of the movie emperor and the film queen, she is OK and is saved by Si chengluo.

Ling Sheng sent a micro blog to thank him and, incidentally, once again expressed his concern that he regarded Si chengluo as his younger brother.

Si chengluo also replied that after the last scandal with Lingsheng, he would not be allowed to tweet on his own. The studio had made plans, saying that he should do what he should do and let her not take it seriously.

After both of them clarified the relationship, Ling Sheng and the fans of the emperor and empress were very calm. They also went to the bottom of the microblog to thank him for saving Ling Sheng.

Because of this, Si chengluo was directly pushed to the top of the storm. The fans of his family, fairies, were crazy. They were either fighting or on the way to fighting, or on the road of de powdering.

He was so popular that he was envied and envied by others. He finally got the chance to get rid of him. He bought up the marketing number and was in a daze. He tried his best to bring rhythm to Ling Sheng and Si chengluo.

They are definitely in love. It's right to be in love. Fairies don't pretend to be deaf or blind. It's obvious that they are in love.

Not in love? That is, the head of your family likes Lingsheng, but he doesn't run away. Otherwise, which fool will risk this kind of risk to rush to the stage to save people? What if there's nothing wrong with Ling Sheng? Is your family leader running to the stage and being ridiculed by the crowd? Stupid?

Because of the stage accident and the death of an artist in country h, I'm worried about how much I want to run to save people. According to the official explanation, you can really pull it down. Your brain is a good thing, and you should take it with you.

The marketing number and the right family not only want to complete chengluo, but also bring the rhythm to Ling Sheng's body, leading the younger brother's fairies to attack her.Look, my brother just turned 18 last month. He also had a birthday party with your fans. He said thank you for your support and will always love you. I hope we can go on together. As a result, in a twinkling of an eye, your brother and your husband went to other women and asked if you were angry!

Si chengluo's fans are young at the beginning. Many of them are still wife fans. Many of them do not have the ability to think independently. When they are brought with rhythm, they form groups to scold Ling, and there are not a few of them who take off the powder angrily.

There's nothing wrong with Lingsheng. Yan fenshao, a lot of them are her personality fans, variety show fans. It's OK to love, marry and have children. What you should like is still like.

Ten hours have just passed since the incident happened. The microblog has long been in a uproar. Yesterday night, the scandal between God and the last two of them was a top hit.

At this time, Ling Sheng and Si chengluo took the place of empress dowager, and they rushed into hot search. It was the hot search without TV stations. The masses who ate melons, ha ha ha ha, must have been shameless. They spent money on hot search to reduce the heat.

Just after I finished thinking about it, I slapped my face. When the heat of the TV station came, I still dropped the headlines directly, which immediately exploded.

#The relevant leaders of Beijing TV station took the blame and resigned ᦇ br >

; Beijing TV promised to thoroughly investigate the stage accident ᦇ

; the director and chief director Shen Kaiyuan publicly apologized and reviewed ﹤ br >

the top ten hot searches were all news from Beijing TV station. They were shocked by the eating melon crowd who thought that the matter was over. They called Ling Sheng v587! How hard the backstage is!

Zhen · melon eating crowd · Sheng, while eating watermelon and brushing Weibo, saw her younger brother's brain damage powder running to her micro blog, shouting and swearing. She had no waves in her heart and even wanted to laugh.

Looking at it, I want to teach them how to swear in person. This group of two force xxj? The vocabulary is too small, OK? Turn over the words!

When I think of the ring tone of the mobile phone, it shows a strange number. I feel a little good. When I press the answer button, it turns out to be si chengluo.

"Lingsheng, do you believe me?" The sound line of Si chengluo is very tight.

"What's the matter with you?" Ling Sheng is still gnawing at the watermelon and shaking his legs happily.

"Lingsheng, go to find your grandfather, now immediately!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!