Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 957

Rong Zhengguo and Jiang you, who are also in the air raid shelter, feel that the ground under their feet is shaking violently. The rocks on the top of the cave fall down with the soil. In front of you, you can't see anything.

Both of them had experienced big storms and waves. Without stopping for a moment, they turned around and ran towards the entrance of the cave. At the same time, they cried anxiously: "No. 1, No. 1, No. 1, please answer me when you hear me."

On the other side, there is no sound. The electric current of the walkie talkie is very strong, and you can hear one explosion after another.

"Huo Xiao, do you hear me? When you hear that, answer quickly After Rong Zhengguo roared, his eyes were red and worried.

The sound of explosion came from the air raid shelter where Lao Huo was. His legs are not good. Can he run!

Jiang you was covered with dust, and had no time to clean it up. He climbed straight up to the highest altitude. Seeing the northwest direction, the whole air raid shelter collapsed. His eyes turned red and he called to the walkie talkie: "Huo Xiao, please answer me when you hear me. Huo Xiao, come back, you old goods, come back quickly!"

He yelled and yelled, and his voice was split. He comforted himself again and again in his heart. It's impossible. Didn't he go out to answer the Shengsheng phone? There must be no accident!

By the way, Sheng Sheng, call Sheng Sheng!

At the scene of the accident, the big stone blocked some of the broken stones. He coughed and opened his eyes slowly. No matter whether he was hurt or not, he got up and stood on the stone and looked around.

His forehead was injured, and his blood flowed down and his eyes blurred. However, when he saw that only the air raid shelter where he was located exploded and collapsed, and both laorong and Laojiang were OK, he took a breath of relief and turned to look for his mobile phone.

When xiaosun called him, the air raid shelter behind him exploded and collapsed. The sound was so loud that she must have heard it. Now I don't know how afraid I should be!

Now he has to find his mobile phone and call his good sun to report his safety.

When Rong Zhengguo and Jiang you were running to find him, they saw him turning around the big stones, as if they were looking for something. His face was covered with blood, which looked very frightening.

Two people looked at each other, at the same time, relieved, tears broken under the eyes, no matter what, others are OK.

Rong Zhengguo cried with joy and cried out to him, "Huo Xiao, Huo Xiao!"

I don't know where the old man and crutches are going. I'm limping and dragging my legs. I'm almost lying on the ground looking for something.

Jiang you ran over and was close to him. I don't know whether he should be angry or should be anxious to shout: "Huo Xiao, why don't you answer the walkie talkie and don't talk?"

Others are all right, and they don't answer the walkie talkie. Do you want to rush them to death? This age has not stopped running over, the bones are going to fall apart.

Huo Xiao is not ignore them, is the walkie talkie lost, not found, mobile phone also lost, do not know where to fly.

What's more, when the air raid shelter collapsed, he was too close to him. His ears were shaken so much that he couldn't hear anything. There were only bursts of buzzing. More than 20 minutes have passed since the incident, and his ears are still ringing!

Jiang you calls Ling Sheng and hands him his mobile phone to talk.

Lingsheng was so anxious that she couldn't let herself think about it until she got a call from grandfather Jiang, telling her that he was OK. Her tears fell down again and her voice was mute: "grandfather!"

Nangong Lengyu and Nangong indifference are also anxious. When they come in, they see her fainting on the sofa. When they wake up, they are like crazy. They call over and over again, crying while they are fighting. They can't persuade them.

Huo Xiao couldn't hear anything, so he laughed and was afraid she couldn't hear it. The voice was loud: "Sheng Sheng, I'm my grandfather. My grandfather is OK. My grandfather is fine. Don't worry about it!"

Ling Sheng couldn't say a word, choking and crying for his grandfather. Listening to him talking on the other end of the mobile phone, his voice was full of gas. A heart hanging in the air finally fell to the ground.

Jiang you took the phone and glared at him: "you old goods, you can't hear Sheng Sheng talking. What are you talking nonsense about?"

Listening to Jiang's grandfather talking to her, Ling Sheng said that thanks to her phone call, her grandfather was not in the air raid shelter. In order to call her, he ran out of the air raid shelter only after entering the cave far away.

Rong Zhengguo was treating Huo Xiao's wound urgently. Looking at him, he said with a smile: "you old man, your life is really big. After you go home, thank Sheng Sheng well. A phone call saved your life."

He thinks now, also be afraid very much, if old Huo didn't go out, now also be dead, namely Sheng Sheng call, change person he also won't be in such a hurry to go out.

Jiang you hung up the phone and nodded, "Sheng Sheng, this child, is a treasure. We should all thank her well."

It happened that there was no signal in the air raid shelter. They used the walkie talkie intermittently. Sheng Sheng's phone calls could come in. Lao Huo was a sun loving man, and he should have survived this disaster.Huo Xiao also didn't hear Ling Sheng's voice, but he knew that xiaosun must have cried, and his heart was in pain, and his mood fell.

Thinking of something important, he yelled, "you two haven't told me about it!"

Jiang you blocked his ears, drew back and pointed to him: "no, you don't have to make such a loud noise. We are not deaf!"

Rong Zhengguo pointed to him and laughed: "this old thing, people who are not deaf will be called deaf by him."

He is glad that all three of them are still alive. In the future, outdoor adventure activities should not be played. Nothing is more important than life, and it is most important to live well.

The older he is, the more he is afraid of death. He always has countless wishes. When his son grows up and becomes a family, he hopes to have grandchildren, and when he has grandchildren, he hopes to have great grandchildren.

Ling Sheng was red with a pair of eyes. When he got on the bus, he was still afraid of crying all the time. He was surrounded by a pile of paper towels and pulled out a piece of wiping tears and snot.

Nangong Lengyu took a paper towel to help her wipe her tears. Wensheng advised: "don't cry, isn't your grandfather OK? Stop crying

"I know." Lingsheng knew that her grandfather was OK. She should be happy, but she didn't know what was wrong. She couldn't control herself, and her tears kept flowing down.

"You look at crying eyes are swollen, you want to see grandfather, let grandfather worry about heartache?" Nangong Lengyu knows that she has a deep relationship with her grandparents, but she didn't expect it to be so deep. , the fastest update of the webnovel!