Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 954

Nangong is cold and asleep. Jun Shiyan doesn't dare to go to the little girl at home so soon. He is afraid that Huo CI is not sleeping. He is ready to catch him where he is.

He is not good at using medicine. His father-in-law is not the same as brother-in-law. He is much more vigilant than brother moose. If he really uses the medicine, he is afraid that he will never be able to enter his home.

Ling Sheng sleeps vaguely. He hears someone knocking on the window. His voice is very low. He sits up and takes a look. He sees the man standing at the window. He thinks he is visionary. He rubs his eyes and finds that the man is still there. He opens the quilt and gets out of bed.

Jun Shiyan looked at the little girl coming over. He looked at her with a soft expression. His thin lips opened up: "open, let me in."

Ling Sheng never thought that the man in front of him would one day appear in front of his window, his heart thumping with joy and excitement. He opened the window and pulled the man in: "Third Master, how did you come?"

"Miss you!" Jun Shi Yan fixed her eyes and saw that the little girl was still barefoot. The ground was cool. Her lovely feet could not move. She bent down and held her up.

Ling Sheng a low exclamation, by a night lamp in the room, vaguely saw something sticking behind the man's ear. He looked up and smelled the smell of blood. What was it? But he was hurt. His little heart suddenly tightened up. His little hand touched it gently and lowered his voice anxiously: "how did you bleed?"

Jun Shiyan felt the girl's warm breath on the side of her ears, soft and itchy, and her lips were slightly hooked. She was also surprised: "it may be that when she jumped off the wall, she accidentally scraped it. Does it flow much?"

"A little. Does it hurt?" Ling Sheng was put on the bed by the man, squatting down to wear shoes for her, just can see his wound, heartache: "how do you jump off the wall?"

"I want to see you, and I'm afraid of calling the door to disturb your rest, so I have to climb over the wall." Nuo's voice is not clear when she's still awake. No matter what she's doing, she's still awake.

"Be careful when you climb over the wall." Ling Sheng frowned, shrugged his nose and sniffed: "I'll get the medicine."

"Do you know where it is?" Jun Shiyan looked at her vaguely and asked with a smile.

"I don't know." Lingsheng lack of sleep, the whole person is confused, a bit silly, the brain operation is slow, the reaction will be slow: "I go to find."

Jun Shiyan looked at her small appearance, and his heart was soft. He just wanted to look at her like this all his life, but he wanted to tease her: "what do you say when your parents find out?"

"I said I said... " Ling Sheng wrinkled his small eyebrows and didn't think about how to say it. He put out his fist and hammered his chest: "Why are you so troublesome? I'll go out and look for the medicine box."

Jun Shiyan pressed the girl's shoulder and stood up. When he looked at her from a commanding position, his soft and cute group became more and more lovely. His voice was a bit heavy: "I'll find it, and I'll be back soon."

Ling Sheng was in a hurry and pushed him: "then go to acridine quickly! After a while, the blood drained away

As soon as Jun Shiyan went out, he found her quietly following him, just like a little tail. Wherever he went, the smile on the corner of his lips became more and more pleasant, and suddenly stopped.

The little girl didn't have time to react, bumped into his back, rubbed her nose wrongly, made a small voice and complained: "why don't you go?"

Jun Shiyan turned back and gently rubbed her bright forehead with big hands. Her voice was deep and sexy: "what do you do with me?"

Ling Sheng frowned, pushed him, soft voice son: "you quickly look for medicine, I'm afraid my father found to kill you."

Jun Shiyan took the medicine box and took the girl's hand. When he crept back to the house, he found that he felt very good. As long as he could be with the girl, everything would be fine.

In the dark, two people one after another to the house, the movement is very small.

Ling Sheng looks up and looks at the man in front of him. In his mind, a strange picture suddenly appears.

In the same darkness, but in a different environment, surrounded by the roaring of wild animals, terror and infiltration, the foot is stepping on the thick rotten leaves.

The man took her hand, step by step forward, warm, blazing hands, temperature a little bit, warmth spread to the tip of the heart.

"Sheng Sheng, Sheng Sheng." Jun Shiyan found that her whole person was like a soul swim, and he called out nervously: "Sheng Sheng."

Ling Sheng suddenly regained consciousness and looked up at the man in front of him with a deep smile: "Third Master, do you believe in the past life and this life?"

She seems to see, the environment is very frightening, but the heart is warm, holding her, must be he!

"Believe it." Jun Shiyan nodded. After closing the door, he took her hand and sat on the bed, with his back to her: "start!"

It was very dark in the room. After pulling the curtain, Ling Sheng didn't dare to turn on the light. For fear of being caught, he took a mobile phone and gave him medicine. The wound was not very big, but it was a little deep, and it would bleed all the time.After treating the wound, Lingsheng gave Jun Shiyan a quilt on his bed. He was afraid that the temperature of the heating was not enough, so he turned on the air conditioner.

Jun Shiyan side body, looking at the little girl on the bed: "Sheng Sheng, did you sleep?"

Ling Sheng voice with a smile, tired and lazy back a: "well."

Jun Shiyan: "but I can't sleep."

Ling Sheng: "then count the sheep, one sheep, two sheep, three sheep..."

Jun Shiyan heard the little girl's soft and sticky voice, counting the sheep, and seriously asked her, "can I sleep closer to you?"

Ling Sheng hesitated for a moment and nodded: "well."

Jun Shiyan moved the quilt to the edge of the bed, lying on the bed with his upper body, and began to count the sheep.

Ling Sheng didn't know why. He was still very sleepy. When he counted sheep with Su's sexy voice, he couldn't sleep, and he had an inexplicable impulse to be thirsty.

From the beginning to now, men have been maintaining the same decibel, but to a certain number of time, suddenly the voice can not be heard.

Ling Sheng side over the head, strange squint eyes at him, low voice: "to how much?"

"May 2..." At the end of Junshi's reign, the voice was gone.

Ling Sheng has been listening to it, frowning, angry: "I didn't hear, are you on purpose?"

"Not yet?" Jun Shiyan's long and narrow eyes, looking at the little girl affectionately, repeated: "May 2..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!