Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 895

"Don't worry about this dad. My sister will take care of it." Nangong is indifferent, handsome and serious: "you should not have come here."

"I shouldn't have come here." Nangonglun gnaws his teeth. If he knew it would be such a result, he would never come here to be humiliated!

It's no wonder that the old saying is not that a family doesn't go into a house. The old Huo family interprets Lingling delicately. The old man tore his face with him in public. If he didn't fulfill his promise at that time, he didn't say that. If he really answered that sentence, the upper beam was not straight, and the lower beam was crooked!

Ling Sheng felt that the old man of Nangong family was absolutely angry. He was not sure how to think about his family!

However, her father seems to be very happy and happy. She really wants to remind her: Dad, that's your father-in-law. Hey, if you play like this, what should he do if he doesn't let you marry his daughter-in-law?

Huo Ci was very satisfied today. He always knew that the Nangong family didn't like him. He didn't like him in the past. No matter how he flattered him, he always didn't like him.

Since this is the case, he will keep the courtesy and respect that he should have. Why should he try his best to please him?

He had already figured it out, in the time when he was with her, he wanted to live with his daughter, not him!

Now it's even more so. Since everyone has already broken their faces, who is still keeping their hypocrisy?

Huo Xiao is not happy, smiling at Ling Sheng: "good sun, what do you want to eat in the evening, grandfather let the kitchen prepare."

Ling Sheng looked at his grandfather. He was as happy as if he had won a battle with the children. He was also very happy: "eat pig's feet, braised pork, sweet and sour pork, roast duck, roast chicken, and big hoof."

Huo Xiao then nodded: "good, eat big hoof!"

Huo CI slanted her one eye, still eat, become a pig, quite disgusted, but kind reminder: "you will start work on the tenth of the new year's day, you see when you go on the camera, are not all horizontal balls?"

Ling Sheng turned his head and glared at him angrily and complained: "grandfather, look at my father, he says I am fat!"

Huo Xiao hit people with crutches: "who are you talking about? Who do you say? You, my good grandson, where fat, where the ball? Fat is lovely. "

Ling Sheng's small face suddenly withered, pricked my grandfather's heart, biting his lips to prove: "grandfather, I'm really so fat?"

Huo Xiao smile amiable: "no, chubby just lovely, grandfather likes your meat appearance, soft."

Ling Sheng's heart was stabbed again, had to face the cruel reality, pinched his flesh face, speechless choking, fat, she is really fat!

Lingsheng likes to eat all the meals in the evening, but she doesn't move a mouthful of meat. She eats vegetable dishes and has a bowl less rice.

As an actor with professional quality, she must make herself in the best condition before acting. She can lose five Jin without eating for three days, and she will be on camera in two days.

Jun Shiyan didn't know what was wrong with the little girl. She asked in a worried voice, "no appetite?"

My favorite meat, which I didn't touch at all, turned into a vegetarian rabbit. I didn't eat any meat for her, so I ate two peeled shrimps. I'm afraid my mood was affected by the afternoon.

Ling Sheng nods, small appearance is very lost.

"If she eats it again, it will become a ball. You think you are feeding pigs!" Huo CI looked at the stinky girl, but nodded without mercy.

Where does she come from? Look at her figure. Does she have any sense of being an actress? If you can't stop talking, the key is that she is still lazy and can't move her legs. To let her eat less is like crying and mourning.

Huo Xuanzhou chuckled and looked at Ling Sheng. He didn't pay attention to it. He looked at it carefully. He chuckled and said, "listen to me. Eat. It's good-looking."

Ling Sheng glared at him indignantly. He was sad because he couldn't eat the delicious food in front of him. Could he be a good family? They are all dedicated to heart piercing. Are you round

"No fat, eat less. I'll go out for a walk with you later." Jun Shiyan chuckled and gave her a piece of lean meat.

Finally, I found out why the little girl sighed and was unhappy all afternoon. Some of them couldn't laugh or cry. It was not because of the Nangong family's father, but because she wanted to lose weight and couldn't eat delicious food.

I don't know if Uncle Nangong knew that he was in the little girl's heart, but he couldn't resist a chicken leg or a big hoof.

Although the Nangong family has not lived in China for decades, the old house of Nangong family in China has always been there, and the servants clean it regularly.

When Nangong Lengyu comes back, Nangong indifference and nangonglun father and son are just sitting at the table ready to eat.

"Back." Nangonglun chopsticks were not put, as if nothing had happened. He looked up at her and said in a warm voice, "clean up and come out to eat. It will be cold later."

Nangong lengyuli kept calm and looked at him with a red eye. His voice was hoarse and asked, "Dad, what are you doing?"She did not know, things have come to this point, where he came from the mind to eat, he would not not not know what she was looking for him to do!

He deliberately came to Huaxia and went to Huo's house to ask for help. He thought that after he had done that kind of thing, Xiaoxing would be happy to come back with him?

Now, she even felt that she did not know him at all. The person in front of her was her father, who loved her most from childhood to adulthood.

In front of outsiders, he is a dignified and highly respected Nangong family leader. No one dares to be unreasonable to him.

But at home, he is just her father. His harshness to Xiaomo has never been applied to her. Even she once felt that Xiaomo might be a child picked up.

When his mother died early, he never thought of remarrying for her sake. No one knew that the majestic Nangong master outside could be her horse at home, climb around the garden and spoil her. She said that he would pick up the stars in the sky.

But this is how he made a decision in person to send her daughter away and let them separate. How could he give up, how could he bear to treat her like this!

"You love her so much, I'll go to the Huo's to get people back." Nangonglun slowly looked up and looked at her. Her eyes were red and her heart ached: "but dad is useless. The Huo family is not willing to let people go. She is not willing to come back with me. You can rest assured that my father will help you get her back sooner or later." , the fastest update of the webnovel!