Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 894

Ling Sheng Zheng for a moment, turned to see her father, found that his father's face did not have many changes in expression, a low cough, suppressed the words he was about to speak.

Nangong indifference directly rushed in. With good manners, he was not in a hurry to stop his father, but to say hello to the two old people of the Huo family: "Uncle Huo, aunt Huo, excuse me."

Nangong Lun didn't expect that he would catch up so soon. He was angry at him. Seeing him, he became more angry. He knew that it must be the traitor of Lao Li.

He came to China on a private trip. He had already sent him away for fear that he would make trouble. If he could come with him, he must have told him at the first time.

"My father didn't give you any trouble." Nangong indifference, where can you think that after the things he did were exposed, he still had the face to look for Sheng Sheng!

Because of what he did, he did not have the face to speak to Sheng Sheng, and he did not dare to talk to Sheng Sheng. He was the person who was the culprit and could come to the Huo family with dignity.

He knew clearly that he must have come to ask for someone.

Dad, in his life, the most painful is his sister. When he sent away the little star, he always thought it was for the sake of her sister.

Now he is still so selfish, so stubborn, for the sake of his sister, he wants to take Sheng Sheng back.

"Take your father with you!" Huo Xiao didn't want to talk to this kind of stubborn old man. It was not enough for him to be angry, out of sight and out of mind.

"Do you have a plan?" Nangong Lun held back a mouthful of blood, and was more and more unhappy with Ling Sheng. It was too much like that. She was carved in the same mold as her father. If it wasn't for yu'er, he would never have said a word to her.

"Mm-hmm." Ling Sheng quickly nodded his head and asked with a smile, "Mr. Nangong, I don't know if you've ever heard a word. The Golden Nest and silver nest are not comparable to your own dog's nest."

"I hope you won't regret your choice today." Nangong Lun's eyes became more and more profound. If she followed her father, she didn't follow yu'er at all.

"Dad Nangong called out coldly and angrily. If he was right, he came to pick up Sheng Sheng. Why is he so stubborn and stubborn?

Don't think about it, he knows that he must be all kinds of inducements, but this little girl is not so easy to be seduced by interests. She has her own set of rules of conduct and adheres to her own bottom line.

"I also hope that Mr. Nangong will be as blessed as the East China Sea and live longer than Nanshan. He will never regret what he has done." Lingsheng smile more and more sweet.

Bang, she'll regret it? Nangong family can give it to her, her father can give it, and the third master can give it to her. She has two big backers. Why go to his Nangong family? He doesn't like her!

Self righteous old man is the most annoying, or her grandfather is the most lovely.

Nangong Lun no longer talks with her, and looks at Huo Xiao's husband and wife. Even if they can't make a deal, friendship is not in, and the basic cultivation is still there: "then we'll leave, disturb."

"Sheng Sheng." Nangong indifference took the opportunity to run to Ling Sheng side, frowned and asked her in a low voice: "he didn't embarrass you, did he?"

"Good director Chen." Ling Sheng shakes his head and says hello with a sweet smile.

Nangong's indifferent voice was not good, and his heart was not very good. He murmured in a low voice: "it's not director Chen. I'm my uncle."

Ling Sheng is a kind-hearted person. He immediately changed his address, looked at him with a smile, and gave him a salute: "uncle, hello."

The crisp and sweet voice made Nangong Lun's face more and more ugly. She turned around and saw the little girl beside her. All her beautiful faces were smiling, sincere and sweet, instead of being fake and perfunctory enough to be used as a mask when facing him.

Ling Sheng really liked this uncle, and what happened at that time had nothing to do with him. He pulled him in a low voice and asked, "is my mother back?"

Nangong indifference was called by her uncle. She was a little bit elated. She was elated and whispered to her: "I have informed you that I have come back."

Nangong Lun looked at them and whispered. His uncle was really close and sharp. He had been here for such a long time, but he didn't see her calling her grandfather.

He was not so angry when he stepped into the Huo family and was refused. He was not so angry with the polite and alienated Nangong old Mr. she just said, but because of his uncle, he ignited a fire on his chest.

"When will you be back?" After that, Linglun's face was afraid of the south.

"Don't worry, he won't come to you again." Nangong indifference and gentle voice appeasement, knowing that he came to frighten little star, and glared at his father.

Miraculously found that his father was not angry when he just came over, but now he is angry, or sulky.

"Gone." Nangong Lun doesn't want to stay here any longer. He is a completely excluded person. However, they are on one side, including his son who just came here. They are not on his side!

He raised a good son!Nangong indifference and told Lingsheng: "later he will look for you, don't pay attention to him."

Ling Sheng nodded his head and said, "uncle, walk slowly, Nangong old man, walk slowly."

Nangong indifference left with Nangong Lun.

Nangong was indifferent and happy. She thought that Shengsheng might transfer her resentment to him because of her father's reason. Unexpectedly, she didn't blame him at all. She laughed like a fool when she thought of her sweet uncle.

"Does your sister know?" Nangong Lun sneered coldly and looked at the people around her. She was just so happy. She should have called him uncle, just what she should have done!

"Dad." Nangong indifferently heard his voice, put away the smile on his face, only seriously told him: "if you are for my sister's good, you don't interfere in Shengsheng's affairs. My sister will deal with it by herself. Shengsheng is not the kind of girl you think. Don't use your business means on her."

What he said has been very polite, for relatives, that means, is an insult! And he, obviously, did not regard Sheng Sheng as a relative.

He came here just to negotiate. What else can he do, he can only take out his usual means and think that there is nothing money can't buy.

"What will she do? Did you see the girl's attitude? Can you argue with Huo's words about her ability? " Nangonglun's eyes were very cold, and the fire was bright and dark.

What kind of person is Huo CI? He is a dead rogue, that girl's temperament, is 100% with Huo Ci that bastard thing, look at him to be angry! , the fastest update of the webnovel!