Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 896

Nangong Lengyu looked at him, tears fell silently and asked in a trembling voice: "what do you want to do? What do you want to do? Why do you make decisions for me again and again? What right do you have to go to her? "

"She's your daughter, why don't I have the right to go to her? She has half the blood of my Nangong family. Why can't I go to her? " Nangong Lun's voice is very quiet, holding the chopsticks hand, but suddenly tightened.

"Why are you still like this Nangong Lengyu suddenly broke down. She was shaking. She looked at the people in front of her angrily and despairingly: "you didn't regret the things that happened then, even if there was a little bit of regret?"

Why can he say this kind of words so naturally, does he not have a bit of guilt, do not feel sorry for her?

What kind of man was her father? She can't see clearly now, and she doesn't want to know.

"If it's all over again, I'll still do it." Nangong Lun's chopsticks suddenly folded into two parts, but her voice was as cold as ever. Looking at her, she said, "I never regret it."

"Why did you do that?" Nangong Lengyu screamed hysterically and couldn't help crying out any more. She asked: "why do you want to treat me like that?"

Nangong Lundun for a long time, his body was shaking slightly. When he looked up, his eyes were gradually dyed red. He tried to squeeze out a sentence from his teeth: "because you are my daughter!"

"Sheng Sheng is also my daughter!" After Nangong Lengyu roared, she sobbed, and her voice became louder and louder. In the end, she became a roar: "why do you treat her like that? She is my daughter, Dad, she is my daughter! It's my daughter born in October

"Yu'er, I know you care and love your daughter." Nangonglun looked at her with heartache, but she didn't dare to get up to go near her and comfort her. Her eyes were red: "what about my daughter? What about my daughter? Who cares for my daughter

He doesn't care what other people will do. He just wants his daughter to live happily and happily. He doesn't have to sacrifice her happiness for the sake of a child.

But he was wrong. She would hate him. The hatred in her eyes was like a knife, which poked his heart.

She hated him and blamed him for her daughter. Could he also hate and hate the girl who might have ruined her life for her daughter!

Nangong indifference has already red eyes, looking at his father, looking at his sister, some at a loss, do not know who he should stand there.

In this way, they all seem to be right? Who was wrong? Is it the little star that was sent away at birth?

Is she just a child? What does she know? What's wrong with her! How can she bear so much suffering and suffering!

Nangong Lengyu choked and couldn't speak. Even so, why should he make a decision for her? She has decided to stay with her child. She has decided to be a good mother, but he still cruelly takes her away from her.

Stomach colic unbearable, and even the internal organs with spasm colic up, bean big sweat from the forehead, in front of a burst of black, pain feeling, let her brain instantly blank, a mouthful of blood vomited out.



Nangong indifference and nangonglun stand up at the same time and rush in panic.

Nangong Lun looks at his daughter in his arms, and his heart aches and pains. She has grown up, she has grown so big, but in his heart, she is always just a child, his child, his baby daughter!

He can do anything for her. He can do anything for her!

But she didn't think he did everything for her good. She resented him and blamed him for making decisions for her.

Is he wrong?

Did he really do something wrong?


after eating, Ling Sheng went back to his bedroom.

Jun Shiyan accompanied Xiao Qi to play jigsaw puzzles. She was not far away from reading the script. However, the two men, one big and one small, were always talking, disturbing her mind. After a long time, they still didn't read a word. They held their chin in both hands and lay down on the carpet to watch the father and son playing.

Xiao Qi disliked Jun Shiyan and taught him: "Dad, you put it wrong. You should put it here."

Jun Shiyan humbly admitted his mistake, put it in the right place, and seriously asked again, "that's right!"

Little seven points a little small head, satisfied: "well, by the way."

Ling Sheng felt that no matter what they did, the two people were strangely similar. They were really like father and son. Looking at them, their depression was swept away and their mood became better.

Jun Shiyan tilted his head and looked at the little girl who was staring at them seriously. He said with a smile, "come and play together!"

Ling Sheng is stupid to play with this, but Xiao Qi has two attitudes towards her and Jun Shiyan, so she takes the trouble to teach her.But Ling Sheng can't, won't just won't. after teaching for countless times, he always put it in the wrong place. Finally, he abandoned himself and threw the thing on the ground: "I don't want to play, you can play!"

Xiao Qi looked at Jun Shiyan, quietly made a look.

Jun Shiyan's indulgent smile, looking at the little girl's angry appearance, put the building block in her palm, and taught her to put it.

But Ling Sheng is a fool. After playing for a long time, he still can't play, so he wants to play cards. Xiao Qi can't play. It's simple. He who is big will win. If he loses, he will play.

Lingsheng koi is attached to his body. He is lucky to be a thief. He can win at random. The more he plays, the more addictive he becomes. He looks at the opposite side and starts to play with the big and the small. He bends his fingers and knocks cards: "I'm happy when I say I'm playing. Where are you going? Do you regret it?"

"Mommy, you cheated!" Xiao Qi frowned and frowned. Why did he lose with his father every time?

"What cheating, I'm lucky!" Ling Sheng laughs very arrogantly, points to them two, has done, does not move.

Ha ha ha ha, it's still interesting to win all the time. She can't remember how many sets she won. She looks at the two people who have closed their eyes and sent their heads to her. One of them flicks her forehead.

The game continues.

Xiao Qi and Jun Shiyan looked at each other and sighed. They saw helplessness and doting in each other's eyes.

Xiao Qi: as long as mommy is happy, it doesn't matter how long he plays.

Jun Shiyan: the little girl is not in a good mood today. Playing this can make her happy, so he gave up his life to accompany her.

Ling Sheng was excited to shuffle cards. She didn't know how lucky she was tonight. After playing so many games, she didn't lose: "Third Master, do you think the lottery shop is closed now? I think I will win the grand prize if I am possessed by Koi today , the fastest update of the webnovel!