Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 893

"No need to ask. My good grandson will never choose you as a dead old man!" Huo Xiao's anger rose a pair of eyes, and pointed to him angrily: "I now advise you to go, is for your good, leave you some affection, don't at that time your old face can't pick up, disgraceful!"

Su Xiyin doesn't know where he comes from. She thinks Shengsheng will choose him. She believes that her family's good grandchildren will never give up on them for any reason to choose an outsider.

"Why, brother Huo doesn't believe himself so much?" Nangong Lun looked at him in a rage and scoffed: "I took her away for her good. For her safety, you Huo family gave it to her, and my Nangong family could give it to her thousands of times."

His Nangong family, all people dream of things, money, power, reputation, enjoy endless resources, what to have.

What about his family? Brothers can be fraternal brothers, Huo Ci's life was almost gone in those years. What else could they not do?

"I can give it to Huo family, but you can't give it." Huo CI stood up lazily and sneered.

He finally saw with his own eyes what is called "old without death" is a thief. Other old people are more lovely as they get older. The older he is, the more disgusting he is!

Where does he come from self-confidence, want to let the family stinky girl come out to choose? She will definitely choose to stand on their side, which is confident that he still has!

When Ling Sheng was called out, he was still a bit confused. Was it not their conversation that they wanted them to avoid? How did you end up yelling back!

"Granddad, grandma, Dad." Ling Sheng called all over, then politely looked at Nangong Lun with a smile and called out, "Mr. Nangong."

"Is this the tutor of your Huo family?" Nangong Lun frowned. For the first time, he felt that he didn't have a taste in his heart. Why, did he even refuse to shout?

"It's from our Huo family." Huo Xiao is very satisfied, is also very provocative, looked at him, has the opinion? Hold on!

Nangong Lun's breath was choked in her chest. Looking at the girl who was holding Su Xiyin's arm with a sweet smile on her face, she felt more and more stuffy in her chest.

"Whatever uncle Nangong wants to say and ask, just ask. She has already arrived." Huo CI looked at the eye smelly girl, but she still had a sense of interest, and did not raise her for half a year in vain.

"Ling Sheng, I'm your grandfather. Ah Yan must have told you already!" Nangong Lun directly said, "I'm here to pick you up with your son."

"But this is my home." Lingsheng, ignorant and simple, asked Su Xiyin in a low voice: "grandma, isn't this my home? Where is he taking me? "

Su Xiyin patted her hand: "this is your home."

Huo CI clearly saw that nangonglun's face was blacker. His smelly girl was white and black. Even he dared to play in the shade. He was afraid that he didn't want to anger the old man in front of him.

"Mr. Nangong, I'm sorry. I want to stay at home and can't go with you." Ling Sheng is also very embarrassed to bite the lip, looks more innocent.

She's an actress! Actors!

Nangong Lun looked at the girl in front of her. Intelligence said that she was very smart. But now it seems that she is a bit silly. She is afraid that she is not brainwashed by Huo family: "do you like acting? Want to get into Hollywood and become an international superstar? A superstar more famous than your mom? "

Ling Sheng quickly ordered a little head, of course, her ultimate dream ah: "but this has something to do with my return to Nangong home?"

"Of course, it's related. As long as you come back to Nangong home with me, I'll give you the best resources, find the best broker and brokerage company, and make you a world star, money, status, and supreme glory. What do you want Nangong Lun knows that as long as a person has desires, there are weaknesses. As long as you can give her enough temptation, you can move her.

Before that, he had never seen her, how could he say that he had feelings for her. Playing emotional cards was a little too hypocritical. He always disdained to do such things against his heart.

Huo Xiao was listening, and the more he listened, the more angry he became. If he was not a guest, his words in front of his good grandson would be enough to make him beat people out!

He knows that the person in front of him is not without heart and affection. He only has money and interests in his eyes, but his heart and his feelings are not in Shengsheng's body!

Now in his eyes, Sheng Sheng is just a toy. It's a toy he takes back to make his baby daughter happy!

"Really?" Ling Sheng small eyes with doubt, but also with the palpitation and joy: "you didn't cheat me?"

Nangonglun knew that people were not seduced, but the chips were not enough. Seeing the girl begin to shake, he nodded: "really, as long as you go back to Nangong home, I will test your wishes and give you everything you want."

"But..." Ling Sheng tangled and hesitated. She frowned slightly and puffed her cheeks. She was cute and smart: "but my father said that pie will not fall from the sky. To succeed, you must walk out step by step. Otherwise, it will be like a pavilion on the sand. A gust of wind will blow over and it will be gone."Huo CI couldn't help laughing and wanted to see what kind of tricks she could play, but when did he say so?

"I'll help you with all the help you need, so you can get twice the result with half the effort no matter what you do." Nangong Lun looked at her seriously.

"Then I want to take the little golden man, Silver Bear, golden palm and Golden Lion next year, OK?" Ling Sheng broke his fingers and began to count, saying that he wanted to laugh, how could she be so bad? Bullying others!

Nangong Lun finally got a little bit of a sense of return. Knowing that the ghost girl in front of her was deliberately playing with him, she held a mouthful of blood in her chest: "I said, I will provide you with everything you want. If you want to get those awards, you still have to rely on your own efforts."


He lived such a big number that he was let in by a wet girl!

"Cut, you can't do it!" Ling Sheng curled his lips and snorted out a breath from his nostrils: "who can't talk big? My father said he would send me to the moon!"

Huo CI couldn't help laughing, low cough, serious board with a handsome face, he used to want to send her to the moon, roll far away, don't bother him!

Nangong Lun has been able to determine that the girl in front of her is playing with him. She is so heavy that she can't breathe. She is arrogant! How arrogant!

as like as two peas, he feels that he is the same as the word "Huo".

No wonder he didn't have a good feeling when he saw her first face. It turned out that she didn't inherit her good one, but inherited her ungrateful father!

"You must have heard something about how bad your second uncle's leg is!" Nangonglun tries to suppress his anger. He doesn't know good or evil!

"But will you come with me? Does it matter? My dad said he would protect me from being hurt. If anyone broke my leg, he would send someone to hell's palace. " Ling Sheng said earnestly, looking to Huo Ci to prove: "Dad, is it?"

Huo CI a face lovingly nodded, ugg, when did he say such a thing?

Huo Xiao looks at Lingsheng with a proud face, and his heart is at last comfortable. No matter what they say, they are not very lethal to nangonglun. After all, he is such a shameless person who is invulnerable.

But good sun's words, on his influence is still very big, even if not angry him, also won't let him get better.

"You are determined to stay in the Huo family and don't want to go with me, do you?" Nangong Lun clenched her teeth and squeezed out a sentence. It was unexpected that she still had feelings for the Huo family.

Even if there is no Nangong! What about the Huo family? But it's only half a year's work! He didn't believe how deep the feelings would be.


Ling Sheng just secretly rubbed to finish meeting people's words, just opened a word, suddenly was interrupted, the direction of the door someone angry cry.

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