Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 892

Therefore, as a father, he certainly does not want his daughter to be hurt in any way. It is understandable from his point of view to make such extreme behavior.

But from the point of view of his little girl, he would never forgive him. If it were not for him, she would have grown up happily instead of suffering so much.

"Third Master, I won't forgive him anyway." Ling Sheng sniffed and looked at him seriously.

Jun Shiyan nodded, gently patted her fluffy head with big hand, and said in a warm voice, "no matter what kind of decision you make, I will always stand by your side."

In the living room, after Lingsheng and Jun Shiyan left, the atmosphere became more and more dignified. Even Huo Ci, the whole person was rarely serious.

Nangong Lun politely looked at Huo Xiao: "I remember that brother Huo once promised to satisfy my wish. I don't know whether to count now?"

Huo Xiao frowned and didn't like him. He snorted: "you don't beat around the bush with me. You can say what you want to say. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

The problem now is that even if the old Huo family was ashamed of his Nangong family before, it should be cleared up because of the Sheng Sheng affair!

He is really good. What is his heart made of? Even his own blood are willing to abandon, he is not a person?

"I want Lingsheng and Xiaoqi." Nangong Lun didn't like to beat around the bush. He just made it clear. He didn't know whether he would recognize his promise at that time!

"I don't agree!" Huo's words were as deep as the calm eyes of the cold pool. Suddenly, he got angry and looked at him with a sneer: "Uncle Nangong, I think you'd better change your wish!"

"Brother Huo?" Nangong Lun did not want to see him, so he automatically ignored his opposition.

As long as he saw him, he couldn't help getting angry. If it wasn't for him, yu'er would have married and had children and had a happy life according to the road he had paved.

He has the face to talk to him!

Huo Xiao chuckled, but he was angry with his righteous words. After drinking tea calmly, he said, "the ci'er is right. You'd better change your wish. As long as the elder brother can do it, he will do his best to satisfy you."

What is he? Do you think a child is a toy? If you want to, you can throw it, you want it, beautiful him!

"If I say, I have only one wish?" The expression on Nangong Lun's face has not changed much, but the expression on the bottom of his eyes is more and more condensed and profound. Now he takes a bit of ridicule.

"Well, if you want your wish, I'm afraid there is no way to satisfy you. Shengsheng is a person, not an object. We parents should always listen to her opinions, don't you think so?" Huo Xiao is not angry at the moment. He has made up his mind and plays a rogue in the end.

What bullshit promise, what bullshit wish, do not recognize, all do not recognize!

Nangong Lun knew his attitude. He was going to cheat on him and refuse to admit it: "brother Huo told me that as long as he didn't violate morality and morality, he would promise me whatever it was. Now he's going back on his back and don't think it will damage the reputation of your Huo family?"

"The reputation of my Huo family? What is the reputation of my Huo family? " Huo Xiao laughed: "you can even throw away your own grandson. You still mean to say my Huo family's reputation. You don't even want human nature. I want my face. What should I do with the fame of Huo family?"

What is fame? He can't have his face? Are these things important to his family?

Nangong Lun was angry, and his eyes changed again and again. Even his expressionless face was slightly distorted and gloomy: "brother Huo, is he ready to disown?"

I always know that his elder brother is not the kind of person who can keep his promise, but he never breaks his promise. Although he has made psychological preparations before coming, he still can't hold back his anger after being rejected suddenly.

"Nangong." Su Xiyin's words are always soft, to rob people, is it? It is impossible for people to give them to him: "from the moment you put your heart down to abandon her, you are not qualified to return her. When you sent her away, did you expect to have today?"

"It was because I didn't have it that I came here myself." Nangonglun also did not expect, just how long, they had such a deep feeling for that girl?

Or do they just want to fight against him on purpose to disagree with this matter?

She asked him if he had expected that there would be today. If he had talked earlier, he would never let Lao Li deal with this matter. He should do his best to make her never have a chance to find it back!

"If you're here for this, I'm sorry I can't help you." Huo Xiao looked at him and called out, "uncle Liu, send off the guest."

Nangonglun looked gloomy: "what do you want? What are you going to do to give her to me? "

Huo Xiao has always tolerated the fire. He didn't send it to him. After all, he came all the way. Hearing his words, he was very angry. He was blue in the face and clapped on the table: "nangonglun, don't give me a face. I tell you, Shengsheng is the granddaughter of Huo family. It's not the goods you use to trade. If you are smart, you can get rid of me quickly. Don't force me to treat you Do itThis is, his good grandson is the treasure of his Huo family. What do you want? I won't give him this This This inhuman beast!

"Elder brother Huo, don't talk too much. She is also a member of Nangong family. She has half of my Nangong family's blood." In front of nanzulun?

Even if they are their own blood, they have been together for less than half a year. Where did they get such deep feelings?

What's more, Huo CI has always been reluctant to recognize her in public. According to intelligence, Huo CI is very unhappy with her daughter, for fear that she will delay his future and affect his reputation.

"Seeing off the guests!" Huo Xiao is really afraid that he will go down with his ink again, and he will really be unable to help himself. Is he coming to ask for people or to trade?

If he is the first time to admit his mistakes, good introspection, he can give him some face.

As a result, he is very good. When he comes, he talks about important people and keeps his promise. He forces them to make a deal? He thinks he's itching!

"Brother Huo, why don't you and I quarrel here endlessly, why don't you shout her out and ask her for her opinion and see how she can choose?" Nangonglun felt that as long as the conditions were attractive enough, no one could resist the temptation.

If she is a smart person, she should know how to choose. The relationship between Huo family is complicated and Huo CI is unreliable.

And Nangong family can definitely provide her with the best opportunity and the best conditions to let her have what she wants, what she wants to do, and will never have any worries about her future! , the fastest update of the webnovel!