Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 861

The best way to solve this problem is to solve it from the root. Her man, Xiao Qi's father, Jun Shiyan, is enough to make everyone shut their stinky mouth obediently!

For a dog, tossed about all afternoon, back when it was dark, winter weather, originally dark early, get off when the sky is still floating snow.

Huo Xiao didn't know what happened in the afternoon. He was surrounded by his children and grandchildren in the living room. He thought that the Huo CI family had not come back yet!

Huo xuanchen, the youngest son of the third family, Huo Xuancheng, the son of the fourth family, and Huo xuanan, the son of the fifth family, all came back with their girlfriends in the afternoon. They were talking to the old man and making him happy!

"Sheng Sheng, come here." Huo Xiao saw Lingsheng at a glance. Anyway, Huo CI is the air for him, smiling: "come and sit by my grandfather."

Ling Sheng took a look. At the moment, all the young people are surrounded by Huo Xuanzhou. There are more beautiful young women in their generation. It seems that they are girlfriends brought back by her cousins.

Although don't want to go, but also can't let grandfather embarrassed, give small seven to her father, oneself past.

She guessed it right. If they were all future cousins, they were very polite and friendly when they saw her coming. They were all young girls, and they could talk to each other.

Huo Xiao saw that the good sun was still having a good chat with others, so he let the boys all go and let their young girls whisper together to get in touch with each other.

He knows what his daughter-in-law looks like in private, but as a big parent, he always does not give up his heart. He hopes that a large family can become a real family with Meimei, instead of you defending me or you.

Huo xuanchen's girlfriend is Gu Shiqi. She is closely related to the Gu family, but she is also far away. She is a 25-year-old doctor and painter of the Imperial Academy of fine arts.

Huo Xuancheng's girlfriend, Lu Fu, is the daughter of a branch of the Lu family. She is 24 years old. She has returned from studying abroad. She has a good temperament and looks very impressive.

Huo xuanan's girlfriend is Jingwen, one year older than Lingsheng. She is still studying in University. She is from the Finance Department of DIDU University. She has a baby face and long curly hair. She is very cute.

People look very good, but Ling Sheng chats with them and clearly feels the discrimination and disdain from them.

What do you want to talk about when you meet for the first time? Of course, cosmetics, bags, beautiful clothes, gossip.

But what did they talk to her about? Talking about music, art, economy, politics, education, international situation, and so on, which are regarded as elegant in their hearts, and which she absolutely does not understand.

Ling Sheng has a saying in his mind that MMP should not be said properly. Of course, it is inappropriate to say it. When she was a vase, she chatted and talked about investment: "sister Shiqi is right. The domestic oil painting market is a newly started investment field. Compared with foreign oil painting quotation or traditional Chinese painting, the price is still very advantageous.

And I think the biggest advantage of oil painting is that the source of auction collection can be checked, which can reduce the probability of counterfeiting

She doesn't have a lot of research on painting, but it's OK to play with them. After all, she asked herself that although she didn't have talents, she only dabbled in every field.

Gu Shiqi didn't expect that she could even talk about the field of investment, and it was reasonable. Some people were dissatisfied and said, "sister Shengsheng is right, but some people are more interested in short-term fund speculation, just like speculating in houses, stocks and artworks. She bought out all the works of an artist at one time, then hoarded them for speculation, and finally sold them at a high price It completely disrupts the market and tarnishes the purity of art. "

The other two women, quietly look at each other, bored with obvious jealousy, not to say Lingsheng is a straw bag?

They had planned to find their own professional fields, find topics that she can't talk about or understand, make her ugly, embarrass her, and let her know how much she weighs. The best way is to make her feel inferior, ashamed, and crush her under her feet.

But in fact, things are completely out of their control. Whether it's about music, art, or finance, she can catch it and talk about it.

What's more terrifying is that she can control the rhythm, control the discourse power without trace, become their center, and even lead them by the nose.

Ye Ru and they seem to be chatting, but actually they have been paying attention to Lingsheng!

Several of them had already mentioned something with their future daughter-in-law, asking them to deliberately isolate Ling Sheng and embarrass her.

Three of them are high school students. She is a senior high school student. She can talk about other people's topics. She is very happy. She is at a loss and can't get in a word. It's funny to be left alone.

The old man should know what his favorite granddaughter is, and there is no cultural thing.

But they did not expect the scene did not appear, Ling Sheng did not have a bit of embarrassment, talking and laughing.

But the other three, sometimes even her words can not connect, is completely crushed by her, or crush."What are you talking about, so happy?" Ye Ru saw that her future daughter-in-law Gu Shiqi's face changed a little. She went over and asked with a smile.

"Talk about oil painting investment!" Ling Sheng's voice was crisp and sweet. He once again looked at Gu Shiqi. "Shi Qi Jie, with a lot of short-term speculation, is a relative value bubble. At present, the oil painting market is very big, just like the stock price of last century island province.

After a certain amount of accumulation, social wealth will reach its peak in a period of time, and after a sharp fall, it will be decaying for decades or even decades. If you want to get involved in this field, you must be careful. "

Ye Ru didn't understand what they were talking about. She only saw a few other girls chatting with each other and said with a smile, "what kind of investment are you girls' family? It's all men's business. You don't have to worry about the lack of money. We Huo family can't lack your money."

Xiao Hui and Cao Yunxian also joined in, and soon changed the topic from professional topics to maintenance, skin care, skin and body management, gossip and other things that women like.

Ling Sheng talks and chats, and then chats. Anyway, it's who is ignorant who is embarrassed, who is ugly when the ink in his belly runs out first. She wants to make her ugly and beautiful. She is an omnipotent fairy in the world and in the sky and the earth. Hum! , the fastest update of the webnovel!