Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 860

"Put it here first, and we'll take good care of it." The doctor sighed, the world is big, what monsters, ghosts, neuropathy, animal abuse more people to go.

In particular, those who are psychopathic and twisted, who take maltreatment of stray animals for fun, are even more damned.

Years ago, they also rescued a cat whose body was pierced with 12 needles, but later, a needle penetrated the heart, and finally, they could not help watching it die in pain.

Born as a human being, he is ashamed of those animals. Some people are really demons and should die.

"I'll trouble you. I'll try to come and see it every day." Ling Sheng doesn't know if she has time, and her father is allergic, so it is impossible to adopt her.

"No trouble. Thanks to meeting you, you don't know. Some owners of cats and dogs are too irresponsible. The pets are abandoned when they are sick. Every year, our hospital can receive many of these dogs and cats. The dying cats and dogs are left at our door, and they don't care." The doctor was helpless for those little lives: "it's too difficult to meet a responsible host."

"Sheng Sheng, when they participated in the program, they also raised a donkey." The little sister of the nurse has already called her name very well: "it is raised in Ji fanchen's home! When I watch variety shows, you eat everything. I thought you were cruel! "

The doctor also laughed: "yes, at the time of your variety show, there was the animal protection alliance that wanted to boycott you! You eat frogs to protect animals. "

his girlfriend is also make complaints about how to eat frog frog, locusts are so cute, how can they eat them?

At that time, he also told him that Lingsheng was too cruel, and he certainly didn't have any love. Now he's a real slap in the face.

"The program team did not have big subtitles. It also clarified that frogs are in the area where we shoot the program. They are not protected animals and can be eaten." Ling Sheng knows that some people are selectively blind and only want to see what they want to see.

At that time, she was a lot of private letters, said that she ate state protected animals, scolded her, blackmailed her, and boycotted her.

It is clear that the frog resources in their area are very rich, which does not belong to the nature reserve. The protection of animals is also good in different regions. In one area, it may be endangered, but in another place, it may become rampant. Human intervention is needed to reduce the number of frogs!

"It may be that they think your handling is rough and bloody and cruel." The doctor answered her question seriously.

At that time, he was also thinking, how could a delicate and lovely girl be so cruel? How could she not be afraid of killing chickens and fish? She was not vague at all. She dared to do anything. She was too brave.

Until Ling Sheng and Xiao Qi got on the car and drove away. The doctor and the nurse were still standing at the door watching them.

Ling Sheng drives. This time, she and Xiao Qi sit in front of each other. Her father sits at the back. Before getting on the bus, she also borrows the pet hospital's sticky hair artifact to make the dog's hair clean.

Fur allergy is an allergy to the hair on a pet. It may cause a very serious allergic reaction if it is inhaled or touched. Some may even be allergic to the smell.

"Where's your third son?" Huo CI looked at the stinky girl driving and pretended to ask her carelessly.

"Break up." Ling Sheng is very indifferent. Through the rearview mirror, she looks at her father who has basically recovered to normal. The hospital is not necessary. The allergy symptoms have been recovered.

"Go away." Huo CI a low roar, pointing to her sneer: "break up? Who are you cheating on? Ask him to roll over to me and call him immediately. "

Used to her!

You've got to be careful with him!

Ling Sheng is very hard: "I don't fight, I want to fight you, you tell him, anyway I don't tell him."

I'm afraid my father didn't expect that one day her father would call in person and ask him to come to Huo's house. My grandfather looked for her father yesterday. It must be because of this.

"Do you want to fight?" Huo pointed at her and threatened.

Ling Sheng shook his head and said firmly, "if you don't fight, I won't fight even if you kill me."

Huo CI gas handsome face iron green, pointed to her several times: "you don't fight, do you? You don't fight, you If you have seed, don't fight for the rest of your life

Ling Sheng small nerves are tense up, with her point of backbone, has not been able to hold for a long time, and then threatened to call.

Who knows her father didn't force her. She was relieved, but at the same time, she was a little disappointed.

Shouldn't she insist? Her father asked to call, just call! What a chance!

After Huo CI got home, he thought more and more angry for a while, and he thought more and more loss when he stepped back. In his final anger, he didn't care about anything. His face went away and dialed Jun Shiyan's phone.

Jun Shiyan expected that he would receive a call from Huo CI. Unexpectedly, he was still abroad: "Mr. Huo, when I arrived in the capital, I will be there immediately. Please rest assured."

Anyan stood beside him, looking at the happy smile aroused by the corner of the third master's lips. In my heart, it must be Miss Ling's phone call. Otherwise, no one can make the third master laugh so happily.Jun Shiyan hung up the phone and looked at him and said, "let someone prepare a gift. I'm going to eat at Huo's house in the evening."

Yan Yan's eyes suddenly widened: "Third Master, I'm not talkative. I'm afraid it's not good for you to go at this time."

The temper of the sixth master and the master of Huo's family is that the third master may have to eat a lot of Pai tou. He knows that the third master is eager to see Miss Ling, but he can't make fun of his life!

Jun Shiyan hook lip smile: "Huo CI called, let me go to Huo's house."

Can he not know about the big family? Sheng Sheng back to the Huo family, will certainly be ostracized and bullied, Huo Ci and the old man let him pass, sooner or later.

However, even if he was in love with his little girl, he didn't know how to live in the Huo family these days, and how much gossip he had to endure.

The banquet was stunned for a moment, and then congratulated happily: "congratulations to the third master."


Third master, this is the fruit of cultivation!


Ling Sheng is not a fool. Naturally, she knows why her father and grandfather want to ask the third master to come over. In the final analysis, it is because she and Xiao Qi.

In a rich family, rumors are inevitable, especially when she is unmarried and pregnant, with a child, and her father is unknown, she may be talked about secretly.

Her grandfather is powerful, her father is also fierce, but on the face of others do not say, secretly how do you block the mouth of others?

What's more, they are not talking behind the scenes, but have been given a face-to-face provocation, and ask you if you are angry! , the fastest update of the webnovel!