Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 862

Huo CI is sitting not far from the opposite side, big legs on the table to play games, seven obediently sat beside him to eat melon seeds, and occasionally took a melon seed kernel with saliva to give him to eat in his mouth.

But both of them pay attention to Ling Sheng!

She was born beautiful. When she spoke, she was even more elegant and confident, and the whole person was shining.

Huo CI satisfied with the hook lip smile open, the eye is his own do not know when to take pride, stinky girl, very good she!

Those stupid women, also do not know where to play the confidence, but to provoke her, he Huo Ci's daughter, they also deserve!

Do you know what fireflies compete with the sun and the moon? This is what they are doing. They are simply beyond their means to embarrass themselves!

Xiao Qi's eyes are shining and full of adoration and joy. He claps in his heart: mummy is so powerful, mummy is so powerful, mummy is the best!

"Old master, gentlemen, dinner is ready, and the old lady has asked for dinner." Uncle Liu, the housekeeper, came forward and called for dinner.

Other people did not speak, Huo word slowly opened his mouth: "uncle Liu, tell my mother, let the kitchen side slow down, I have to wait for a person."

Liu Shuqi was very strange and looked at other masters, especially Huo Xiao.

Huo Xiao was angry at him: "who are you waiting for? It's so late. I'm waiting for you to go out and eat. "

Huo CI said with a smile: "Dad, don't be angry. What you are waiting for is not an outsider. My son-in-law, your grandson-in-law."

Small seven big eyes suddenly a bright, look to grandfather, is uncle Jun coming? Is uncle Jun coming home?

Huo Xiao heard here, glared at him fiercely, bastard, Jun three people want to come over, also don't know to discuss with him.

Other men in the family listened to his son-in-law, looked at each other for a while, and looked at him with a puzzled look. Where did he get his son-in-law? Where did it come from?

"My Lord." Liu Shuo called out again, and he was waiting to reply in the kitchen!

Huo Xiao was not happy all day and was worried about it. He didn't expect that this son of a bitch brought people here on his own initiative. However, he came here and spoke with confidence and happiness: "since my dear sun's boy friend wants to come, listen to him, let the kitchen wait a moment, and go and talk to the old lady."

"Lao Liu, when did Sheng Sheng have a boyfriend?" Old five Huo Kai's heart is not to block the mouth of the family, casually to find a man!

"Is it Xiao Qi's father?" Holly followed.

"It's none of your business." Huo CI is still playing games. He is not polite and directly kills people.

Huo Kai and Huo Li had a boring discussion. They met with a lot of ashes. They were very angry. What kind of arrogance was he? What kind of good people would like to be his son-in-law? Was it a good thing to be his daughter-in-law?

Huo Ji was clever, but did not directly ask Huo Ci, looking at the old man: "Dad, you also know Sheng Sheng's boyfriend?"

Huo Xiao thought in his heart that when people came, he stopped your mouth directly and shook his head: "how do I know?"

Huo Ji

Both sides of the people have asked for a boring, Huo words do not say even, Huo Xiao is obviously informed, but do not say, let them begin to doubt.

The son-in-law mentioned by Laoliu should be satisfied with the appearance of his son-in-law. In such a big China, there are not many people who can attract his attention.

Ling Sheng, they are still chatting here. I don't know what happened to the man.

Huo Xuanzhou to send a plate of small desserts, looked at them and said: "we dinner will be late, if you are hungry, eat something cushion first."

Ye Hui: "what's going on? Don't you think you can have dinner already? "

Huo Xuanzhou said with a smile: "there is no big deal, it is to wait for individuals."

Cao Yunxian frowned. The old man hated waiting for others. Which face was so big that he asked a large family to wait for him: "which one?"

Huo Xuanzhou looked at Lingsheng and winked at her, quite arrogant and proud: "my sixth uncle said that Sheng Sheng's boyfriend came to visit today."

I'll see it later.

Sheng Sheng man, Jun Shiyan, the famous Jun San Ye!

Ling Sheng took a small biscuit to eat, but did not swallow it, almost choked, covered his mouth and coughed in a low voice.

What the hell?

Her boyfriend coming?

How can she not know!

Huo Xuanzhou looked at her laughing and gloating, but still handed over a glass of water: "eat so fast to do what, the thing is more."

He knows, six uncle calls the person, she does not know!

When ye Ru heard this, she couldn't help it. She had a boyfriend. She also offered to introduce her husband and played with people. This is: "Sheng Sheng, you have a boyfriend. Let's arrange a blind date for you in a hurry?"

Ling Sheng sheepishly smile: "my father does not agree, we are not together, is really sorry, sorry for you aunts."Did she mention the blind date?


Is the blind date something she has to do?

It's not!

They are so funny. If it wasn't for the pressure from my grandfather, they would introduce some monsters to her, such as Yi Jingwei and Yunsong!

Lingsheng's attitude is very good. Ye Ru and they are still angry. They go directly to Huo Ci and Huo Xiao. When they have a boyfriend, they also ask them to introduce their blind date and deliberately play with people!

"Old six, what do you mean?" Xiao Hui was the first to make a voice. She was very angry and her face was blue: "Sheng Sheng has a boyfriend. Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"That's right. We're busy looking for people and helping blind dates. Isn't this just a slip away?" Cao Yunxian was also angry: "Dad, do you do things like this

Huo Ciqi was strange, and directly put aside the relationship: "I didn't say that you would make a blind date for her. I have said that no one can look up to her. Aren't you on the pole to find a blind date?"

Cao Yunxian and his wife were hated by him, as if they were blind date. They were all their fault: "old six, we should be conscientious. We are not just for your daughter's good. We can do this kind of thankless thing when we are full of food."

Huo CI frowned and scoffed at him: "you're not full."

Xiao Qi still has a grudge. When she sees a few women coming, she grabs her fist angrily and glares at them. They are all bad people. Even the dog bullies the bad woman!

"Noisy what, I let blind date, you that introduce is what crooked melon split date." Huo Xiao interrupted them and frowned: "no one can be on the table of things."

However, if you can find him a person who can get into the eyes, you can't get three grandsons to be arrogant! , the fastest update of the webnovel!