Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 859

Huo CI couldn't stop his tears. His eyes were red and his face was red. After staring at her, he directly gave her the dog in his arms: "cry fart. I'm allergic and allergic!"

With that, he sneezed several times, his face was red, his nose was itchy and his throat was blocked.

"Aren't you allergic to fur? What do you do with the dog? " After Ling Sheng took over, it didn't matter if she didn't look at it. She was scared at the sight. The dog was covered with blood all over her body. Her hand almost didn't get lost. Fortunately, she was brave at ordinary times. After holding it firmly, she asked, "what's the matter? Isn't this the Lele of aunt Wu? Really Eat dog meat hot pot

It's cruel!

Huo CI looked at her virtue and didn't have time to talk nonsense with her. He was so bad in her heart. He endured discomfort and roared: "all are dying. Go to the hospital. Go to the hospital immediately."

Ling Sheng was holding the dog and wanted to get on the bus. Her father refused to let him put it in the trunk. In the end, she could only put a wounded and half dead dog in the trunk.

Huo CI is allergic. He can't drive and doesn't want to be close to the dog. He sits on the copilot and Ling Sheng drives. Xiao Qi sits in the back by himself.

Hearing his father finish, Ling Sheng was very angry: "how can you be so excessive, even if it is a dog, it is a life! Is she still not a person? "

"No!" Xiao Qi angrily squeezed his small fist, just like Ling Sheng, and puffed his cheeks: "they are all bad guys, Mommy, they are all big bad guys!"

Huo CI took a look at them and rubbed their noses. They were still crying. They couldn't bear it. Their throat itched to scratch. What did he do? He had to save a dog!

"You sit down." Ling Sheng points to Xiao Qi. The grown-ups talk to see how angry he is. However, the fifth aunt is not a thing. Is it because the dog is pregnant that she doesn't want to kill the dog?

She didn't like the dog very much. When she saw the dog last time, she held the dog in her arms and called out her daughter.

"Mommy, they are really good or bad. Bad people will go to hell." Xiao Qi is full of anger and is a bad man!

Ling Sheng laughed. You don't have to ask. He must have followed him. However, "Dad, you're allergic to fur. You can find someone to hold the dog. You have to take it by yourself."

Look at what makes him uncomfortable. He has been coughing and crying all the time. It looks very serious.

"Ask your good son." Huo CI is still rubbing his nose, itching to death, tears are still flowing down, I don't know how miserable he was crying!

Ling Sheng looked at him, heartbroken and wanted to laugh. It was really funny. The first time he saw him cry like this, his tears kept flowing down.

"Mommy, it's Xiao Qi who asked her grandfather to save her." Xiao Qi is a very honest and good child. He clarifies it to his grandfather. He puts his head forward and asks anxiously, "grandfather, are you really upset? You'll see the doctor later

Huo Ci was furious: "that's a hospital for dogs. Is Laozi a dog?"

Seven seriously thought for a moment, shaking his head: "No."

Ling Sheng coughed and gave the most reliable advice: "Dad, I'll find a drugstore to buy you some allergy medicine, and we'll take you to the hospital after seeing the dog."

Huo CI frowned and bit her back teeth to remember the death gaze: "Laozi is not as good as a dog, is it?"

"What do you say?" Ling Sheng said that this can't do, that also can't, that dog suffered so heavy injury, first of all, it's important to help!

Finally, according to Ling Sheng's advice, he first went to a pharmacy to buy allergic drugs, and then went to the pet hospital.

On the fourth day of the new year's day, many pet hospitals were not opened. The navigation system found several. When we got to the fourth one, we couldn't delay any more. We asked the person who opened the shop nearby to call the doctor.

Huo CI is allergic to fur. He can't go to the pet hospital and wait in the car.

Ling Sheng and Xiao Qi send the dog in.

The doctor did a comprehensive examination, the dog mother two front legs to break, ribs also broken three, viscera is not what damage, will not be life-threatening.

However, two dogs died in the belly of the dog mother, the remaining one to see B-ultrasound and vital signs, to immediately carry out surgery, to take out the stillbirth.

Seven holding Ling Sheng, nervous looking at the operating room: "Mommy, dog baby will not die, right?"

Lingsheng did not know, but looked at his son's sad little expression, or nodded: "well, let's pray together, there will be a miracle!"

The doctor said don't hope too much. Even if the baby dog didn't die during the operation, the dog born half a month prematurely would not survive.

The operation lasted two hours. When the doctor came out, he looked at Ling Sheng: "mother dog is OK, but it's better to be hospitalized for observation for a week. The breath of baby dog is very weak. We will try our best to have a look."

Premature delivery of half a month of the dog, they are not seen in the hospital, but they have never been fed.

"Thank you." Ling Sheng heard that the dog is OK, just relieved, dog mother is OK is the best result.The doctor looked at her and said, "normally speaking, if you fall down from the second floor, the dog's stomach won't be so impacted. I think the injury is like being kicked."

Ling Sheng's heart is not to be kicked down from the second floor by a kick, fortunately this little guy has a big life: "we don't know the specific, it was picked up downstairs."

The pet hospital is not big. The doctor is also the owner of the pet hospital. The nurse is his girlfriend. Both of them are dog lovers. So they opened this pet hospital.

Both of them are young people. Naturally, they recognize Ling Sheng, not her black powder. However, because she has a lot of gossip, she also resents her. I didn't expect that the real person is beautiful, gentle and kind-hearted. If you don't know what you hear, what you see is believing.

When she just came in with her dog in her arms, her nervousness and worry could not be pretended. She had been waiting outside during the operation. It was not her own dog, but the injured dog she found. She was really loving.

"Xiao Qi, this is for you to eat." The little sister of the nurse gave Xiao Qi a lollipop. Looking at the child carved with jade powder, her heart began to sprout: "don't cry, the dog mother will be OK, the dog baby sister will take good care of it, and try to make it survive, OK?"

Seven red eyes nodded, took the lollipop: "thank you sister."

Ling Sheng is checking out.

The doctor was still angry: "if it was the dog owner who did it, it would be worse than animals. Psychopathic. A dog raised by himself is just like a child. I can't bear to fight."

"If that's the case, the owner is too vicious. I think he's seriously hurt, so he didn't dare to delay there. I'll go over and see if I can find the owner." Ling Sheng's heart is not as good as an animal. She is a vicious woman with twisted and abnormal psychology. Her own dog can also use this kind of cruel hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!