Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1023

Huo CI sat next to him and frowned: "Jun Laosan, you can't even see a child. You're such a big man. What's your use?"

Seven busy look at him: "grandfather, is small seven is not careful, not about Dad's business."

Huo CI is so angry that I really want to slap him. Stinky boy, after a long time, I forget what the son of a bitch is doing to him and his mother? Didn't you just protect him? Lao Tzu protects his son. It's natural to step on the horse, OK!

Bear child is bear child, can have any backbone, this small favor, he was bought.

Ling Sheng was smiling and looked at his father's face. He didn't expect that he had worked hard for more than ten days. Once he returned to the liberation, Xiao Qi had done a lot to the third master and her father! It must have been his instigation.

Jun Shiyan didn't expect that his son was so simple and kind. He just suffered a little skin trauma, so his son would forgive him without any principle. If he knew that, he should have hurt him earlier and let his son worry about him.

Xiao Qi was a sensible and soft hearted child. After forgiving Jun Shiyan, he was a father. When he wanted to go home, he took Huo's words seriously: "grandfather, you drive."

Huo CI sneered and roared angrily: "why should I drive? Is Laozi the driver of your family of three? Go away

Xiao Qi: "Dad is injured, grandfather drives."

Huo CI a mouthful of blood blocked in the throat, have a look, pain grandson has a fart use, open mouth and shut mouth is his conscience less father, stinky boy has no point principle, how to say to forgive? I want to piss him off!

Ling Sheng didn't dare to let her father drive. However, because the relationship between his son and the third master was relaxed and he was in a good mood, he said with a smile, "Dad, please, I'll drive. I'll be your driver."

Huo CI sneered, glared at her, turned around and left, walked two steps, and came back again. Why should he go? Why do you want to give the three of them a chance to get along with each other alone? The stinky boy is so uncertain. If he leaves, he may go and follow the third gentleman.

Yes, you can't go. You have to watch them here! It's a useless thing to exert pressure on a bad boy. The big one is like this, and the small one is the same. It doesn't let him worry at all.

Jun Shiyan and Lingsheng looked at each other, and then he said with a clear smile, "I just suffered a little skin injury. I can drive. You go there."

Ling Sheng didn't want to, but in the end, he was pushed onto the co pilot by a man. He tied her seat belt carefully before driving.

The hot search of Weibo was finally clarified after Ling Sheng logged in to Jun Shiyan's microblog number and sent a photo.

The picture is taken by her in the shopping mall. The back of father and son, the big one holding the small one, is very harmonious and warm.

The child is not the son of the film emperor, but the son of the richest man. The film emperor shows his son to the richest man!

The brain tonic ability of gourd eaters is very strong. If we didn't know that Huo Da Ying Di had Nangong film queen, and the richest man also had a wife who loved very much, the film emperor only helped the richest man with his son once and twice, and could make up a small theater of 10000 words in minutes.

[I'm curious. What is the relationship between Huo Da Ying and the richest man? Why help the richest man see his son again and again? 】

[Lingsheng's son, is it so strange that Huo Da Ying Di takes his grandson?

It makes sense upstairs. On the 29th day of the lunar new year, didn't the photos of Ling Sheng and Huo Da Ying Di enter the hospital with their children in their arms? It must be Ling Sheng's son. 】

[shit, this baby is the son of Ling Sheng and the richest man? 】

[the amount of information is too large, let me slowly, Ling Shengyin married and had a child? Or with the richest man in the world? impossible! 】

[let me give you a calculation. Lingsheng has just turned 22 this year, and his child looks like he is 3 years old. If he is Ling Sheng's son, he will be pregnant and have a child at the age of 18? 】

the topic has just come out, and the gourd eaters are just ready to discuss the possibility of this matter. They find that hot search instantly becomes blank, comments are deleted in minutes, and some people's microblog numbers are directly cancelled.

The Related words about Lingsheng have become sensitive words, and they can't be sent out on Weibo. They have become indescribable.

In this case, gourd eaters are not idiots. They must have relevant capital behind them. The boss behind the microblog is not Jun Shiyan, the richest man in the world. If you doubt the relationship between them, no one dares to discuss it openly.

Xiao Qi and Jun Shiyan get close to each other, and they start talking about their father and dad every day.

Huo Ci's whole person is not good, at most also scolds him two, also cannot do too much.

Otherwise, stinky boy has a father now. What should he do if he is angry and runs to find his father and doesn't come back?

There are stinky girls, talk with fart like, that day left after did not come back, but also said to help him!

"Grandfather, it's through." Xiao Qi held his breath nervously, staring at his phone watch.Huo CI sat next to him, playing the mobile phone game carelessly.

"Seven?" Nangong Lengyu's gentle voice.

"Grandma, it's me." Seven weak cough, secretly look at grandfather, do not know their performance is not good.

"What's the matter? The voice is wrong. Is it sick? " Nangong Lengyu is very nervous. She has to go abroad for a week. She just came back yesterday. The company has just started operation. She needs to keep an eye on everything. The press conference tomorrow is also in preparation. She has no time to go back to see her daughter and grandson.

"Cough!" Xiao Qi coughed twice and was not good at lying. She blushed to the root of her ear, and her voice was lower: "no, Xiao Qi is not sick. Grandma, don't worry. Work hard. Xiaoqi just wants to listen to grandma's voice."

Nangong Lengyu knew that the baby was sensible and frowned: "Xiao Qi, is grandma there? Did you go to the hospital? "

"Granddad and grandma went to see their old friends. My grandfather took medicine for Xiao Qi." Xiao Qi is good.

"Is your grandfather alone at home?" Nangong Lengyu frowns more tightly, on his one unreliable, at home and can look after the child? No, she will go back immediately: "grandma will go back soon, you and grandfather don't go out, you know?"

"Well." Xiao Qi said.

After hanging up the phone, the little guy's eyes are glittering, but his heart is a little uneasy. In his only cognition, pretending to be ill to cheat grandma over is wrong.

But he missed his grandmother very much. His grandfather asked him to call. If he didn't, grandma would not come over. He also said that he couldn't always look at him alone. Grandma also had the responsibility to support him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!