Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1022

"Third Master, Xiao Qi is a child. It won't be long before he forgets it." Ling Sheng's voice was very low. He was afraid to be heard by the excited and laughing masters: "you will double your kindness to him in the future, and he will slowly accept you."

Children are the most simple, not to mention her sensible and lovely son, Xiao Qi, he just needs some time to digest this matter.

"Well." Jun Shiyan's gentle smile looked at the little girl: "I know."

But now, the most important problem is that he doesn't have many opportunities to get along with Xiao Qi. If she hadn't followed him this time, his son would not have looked at him.

Xiao Qi is watching the video. You can see that mommy is leaning her head. When she talks to him, she frowns. Mummy says that he left them because they have a hard time. He doesn't mean to. But he knows that the man who abandons his wife and children, no matter what, is a bad guy.

Because there was no father since childhood, mummy was scolded, he was scolded, even Grandma was pointed at.

These left indelible shadows in his young mind.

No matter how clever and how much he thinks, Xiao Qi is a child after all. When he plays the ocean ball, he forgets all his troubles and runs up and down the slide. He has a good time.

Ling Sheng accompanied his son up and down several times, but he didn't know where he had such great energy in his small body. She was tired, but the little guy seemed to have endless strength, and was still crawling up with his little buttocks.

As she slid down, she watched the little guy climb up, turned and ran to the handsome man who was standing outside looking at them. She raised her small face and whispered, "Third Master, come and play with me!"

Jun Shiyan looked hesitantly and climbed onto the slide. The little guy who was ready to slide down, with a bitter smile, dropped his eyes and wiped the sweat on her face: "you play, I watch."

If he goes in, his son may not be happy to play. The little guy doesn't like him at all, and even hates him.

"Xiao Qi is now playing happily and has forgotten the unhappy things." Ling Sheng turns his head and takes a look. The little guy is calling for his grandfather to catch him!

In fact, the amusement park can play a variety of game equipment, but his son does not know what happened, he likes to play ocean ball, slide, trampoline these simplest games.

Huo CI a cold eye swept in the past, stinky girl also want to point the face, smelly boy all know Jun old three grandson is not a good thing, all ignore him, she still like a treasure rare him.

There are so many men in the world. None of them is better than Jun Shi's having a grandson. She has such a damned temper that she intends to hang herself from a crooked neck tree.

"Dad, you can go with me to buy some drinks." Ling Sheng wants them to get along with each other, cultivate their feelings, and take Huo Ci to leave.

Huo CI frowned and glanced at her coldly. His attitude was very firm: "I won't go!"

Ling Sheng whispered with him to discuss: "Dad, if you go with me, how about I let my mother go home?"

Huo CI sneered: "where does she live? What does it have to do with Laozi? I'm annoyed when I see her. Why should she live in my house? "

"If you don't go, I'll go myself." Ling Sheng skimmed his mouth, heart you hard mouth.

Mom hasn't come over for a while recently. Grandma says he's lost his soul. When he hears something outside, even in the bedroom, he'll run out to see it in a hurry. His mouth is hard, but he can't catch up with his daughter-in-law!

Huo CI frowned and turned to follow him. He saw that the smelly girl turned back to him and gave him a meaningful smile. He coughed. There was no silver 300 Liang to explain: "I'm afraid you can't finish it."

Ling Sheng was too lazy to tear him apart. He said with a smile, "Dad, don't worry. I promise I'll do what I say."

When Xiao Qi saw that mommy and grandfather had left, he was left to look at himself in front of the slide. He frowned and clenched his small fists hanging on his side. When he wanted to call Mommy, he found that she and grandfather had gone far away.

Big eyes are full of dense fog, mummy and grandfather do not want him.

"Mommy and grandfather went to buy orange juice for Xiao Qi." Jun Shiyan looked at the little guy biting his lips, staring at the two figures away, and said, "Xiao Qi, your mother and grandfather have gone to buy orange juice. Dad will play with you first."

Xiao Qi's interest in playing was suddenly gone. His head drooped and he didn't want to play with the slide. So he went down the stairs. Who knows when he was halfway there, he bumped into a child face-to-face.

Jun Shiyan saw that Xiao Qi's body was unstable, so he fell head down. His face was white with fear. When he stepped forward, he went up the stairs quickly and hugged his son in his arms. It was too late to stabilize his body.

At the moment of falling on the ground, the body was in a protective posture, and the little guy was tightly protected in his arms, and he was not hurt at all.

When Xiao Qi was held in his arms, his small hands also seized his clothes, which made his heart flutter and flutter. After hearing a dull sound in his ear, he was followed by a stuffy hum. He raised his head nervously, and saw a scratch on the man's face. He had blood in his big eyes, and his voice was dumb: "Dad, you bleed 。”Jun Shiyan never knew that a father would make him so happy. His heart was jubilant in his chest. He looked at the little guy and comforted him in a warm voice: "Dad is OK, Xiao Qi is OK, is there any injury?"

Xiao Qi shook his head and his nose was red. He pulled him up with embarrassment and heartache. When he saw Lingsheng coming, he cried out: "Mommy, dad is bleeding. Come here quickly!"

Ling Sheng really did not know whether he should be happy or should be regretful.

Her son was almost injured. The third master's arm was scratched, and her handsome face was broken and bleeding. She looked at herself and blamed herself.

However, since that incident, her son called his father for the first time, and the relationship between father and son finally took the first step to break the ice, and she felt very happy.

Xiao Qi stood beside nervously, looking at Mommy treating his father's wound, and asked in a low voice, "Dad, do you feel pain?"

Jun Shiyan looked at his son's cramped appearance and shook his head with a smile: "it doesn't hurt at all."

Xiao Qi snuffled his nose, and his eyes were red. It was all because he was not good. If he wasn't careful, Dad would not be injured because of saving him, and he would not bleed. It must be very painful. Xiao Qi always hurts when he injects and breaks his knee. , the fastest update of the webnovel!