Transmigrating: I Married the Male Protagonist's Uncle

Chapter 1024

When the door bell rings, Xiao Qi is jumping happily and is about to run out and open the door.

Huo CI pulled the little guy's back collar, pointed to the direction of the sofa, and threatened the child: "lie down well. If you are sick, you should look sick. If you don't perform well, your grandmother will know that you pretend to be ill and cheat her. She won't spank you, and will ignore you in the future."

Xiao Qi's eyes darkened. Obediently, she turned and ran to the sofa and lay down. She covered the blanket prepared by her grandfather. However, she was expecting her grandmother to come. She thought of her appearance when she was ill and closed her eyes.

"What's up? Did you go to the hospital? What did the doctor say? What disease is it? " Nangong Lengyu asked a lot of questions in a row.

She hung up the phone and didn't even ask the baby what the disease was. However, she asked her to call Huo CI again to ask him, but she didn't want to call. Anyway, she would come to see the baby right away. She would know it when she went to the place. She was not in a hurry for a moment and a half, so she didn't call.

"Low fever. I've taken the medicine. I think it's gone." Huo CI looked at the woman in a hurry, I don't know if she didn't have a good rest. The dark circles around her eyes were very heavy, and her cheeks were thinner than when she met last time.

"Grandma." Xiao Qi heard the sound, opened his eyes, lying on the sofa and smiling at her.

Nangong Lengyu looked at Baobao's spirit and found that he was OK. In the past, he was worried and tried the temperature on his forehead. He felt relieved. It seemed that he didn't burn. However, "Huo Ci, go and bring me the thermometer."

Or to measure the temperature to rest assured, after all, the measurement of the human body, is not accurate.

"Grandma, where have you been?" Seven holding grandmother, rely on in her arms rub rub, childish little voice with a few minutes just wake up hoarse like: "seven miss you."

My grandfather wants to be a grandmother, otherwise he won't call her over.

"Grandma wants Xiao Qi, too." Nangong Lengyu will never find Huo Ci as a last resort. Who knows she will go abroad this week, not to mention Shengsheng. Even the second elder of Huo family is not at home, so Huo CI is left alone to look at her baby grandson.

If it is the second old man at home, she can talk about it every day and talk with little seven baby video.

If Huo CI is here, even if she misses it again, she doesn't want to use his phone to video with Xiao Qi. She has no way to find him for the last paternity test. After all, he is Shengsheng's biological father. If there is such a big matter, she can only consult him.

Huo CI listened to his grandparents and grandchildren talking about missing each other. He raised his eyebrows slightly and casually threw the thermometer on the sofa. He sat beside him with his legs on the tea table and then played the game.

When Nangong Lengyu saw him like this, she was not angry. If possible, she really wanted to kick him. The children were all sick and feverish, and he was still in the mood to play games. How could she trust Xiao Qi to someone like him.

When Xiao Qi talks, her face is red to her ears.

Nangong Lengyu was worried and worried. She only thought that he was ill and the baby was in her heart. She had always been a good child who was obedient and sensible. She did not expect to lie.

Xiao Qi didn't dare to talk. He was afraid that his grandmother would know that he had lied. His heart was beating incessantly. He also took a look at his grandfather who was sitting beside him playing games. He was more worried.

When Nangong Lengyu saw that the baby was all right, she took out her computer to work next to her. The little guy didn't want to go back to the room to sleep. When the child was sick, she couldn't sleep all the time. So she asked him to sit on the sofa and watch cartoons.

Xiao Qi, who was nestled on the sofa with an oil painting stick, quietly looked at his grandfather and saw that his grandfather was staring at the black mobile phone screen all the time. He was afraid to disturb his grandmother's work. He said in a small voice: "grandfather, your mobile phone is not on."

Huo CI heard the little guy's words, just came back to his mind. The mobile phone slightly deviated. On the black screen, the picture of a woman working hard nearby was reflected. Maybe it was cold. She took a coat and put it on her body. I don't know if she was too involved in the work and didn't see clearly. It was his coat.

"Shh!" Huo's words hissed in a low voice, so that Xiao Qi was quiet. Her eyes were softened. The living room was very quiet. You could clearly hear her fingers tapping the keyboard, sighing from time to time, and even her shallow breath.

is filled with the fragrance of her nose. If she does not smell like perfume, she will never use perfume. The fragrance is very light and charming. At this moment, he has a feeling of going back in time in a trance.

Xiao Qi is obedient, but she still touches her stomach and whispers: "grandfather, Xiaoqi is hungry."

When Huo CI took the stinky boy away, he found that she was frowning. It seemed that she had encountered some problem. He wanted to interrupt and ask, but he was afraid that she would turn over. He took Xiao Qi to the balcony to pick vegetables.

"Grandfather, can you cook?" Xiao Qi picked several big red tomatoes and ran over to put them in the basket. He was a little suspicious of his grandfather's cooking skills. Otherwise, he called grandma!

"Tomato and egg noodles." Huo CI looked at the little guy: "do you say you eat or not?"Seven busy little head: "grandfather do seven eat, grandfather's cooking is the best in the world."

Huo CI scolded a flatterer, but his lips were very happy. He picked several cucumbers, a handful of vegetables, two balsam pear, and finally picked more than ten strawberries. He washed the strawberries first and handed them to Xiao Qi, pointing to the people in the living room: "send them to your grandmother."

Xiao Qi had a little head and put strawberries on the table with her short legs. She didn't dare to disturb her. She ran back to the kitchen to help her grandfather cook without saying anything.

When Nangong Lengyu works, she sometimes goes into a state of selflessness. When she closes the computer, she finds that she is not in the office, but in the house of Huo CI. She looks to the side and suddenly stands up. With a nervous voice, Xiao Qi just reaches her throat, she sees two busy figures in the kitchen, one big and one small, with a faint fragrance filling the tip of his nose and tomatoes The smell of eggs.

I don't know why, at this moment, all her preconceptions about Huo CI were suddenly put down and looked at the figure of the man. What appeared in front of her was the picture of him jumping in the kitchen when he was young.

Old things come to mind, and the corners of his lips are also slightly curved. Maybe the atmosphere is too peaceful now, or maybe Huo CI didn't lose his temper and didn't look for trouble. He felt a lot better when he looked at him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!