Transcendent Noble

Chapter 46

The loud horn sounded in the hill camp, which immediately disturbed the orderly order in the camp.

The villagers of the hill camp put down their work and gathered at the training ground of the camp. They were surprised and curious, but there was no panic or uneasiness, because this was not the alarm bell of the enemy attack, but the horn of departure.

Teams of soldiers in armour have gathered on the training ground. They are militias selected by Nelson from the leading people. After this period of training and elimination, they have become full-time guards in the camp.

Guards and militia are essentially different. Militia is the guard selected by the village head or town head from the people under his jurisdiction. They are poorly equipped and receive a certain degree of training. They also have military salaries in wartime, but they are still the people in essence. The guards are full-time soldiers. They are well-equipped and well-trained. They are the armed forces directly under the Lord.

Victor currently has 94 guards in the official escort team. Except for 36 War Bear mercenaries, the other guards are ordinary young and strong. Nelson is the undisputed captain of the whole escort team. He divides these guards into three teams, one of which is led by himself, and the other two teams are led by Gru and hammer respectively.

At Nelson\'s request, Victor made these guards completely separated from production labor, specially received military training, and awarded each of them ten acres of land. In addition, these guards can earn 10 work points every day, and the work points issued when they go out of work will be doubled.

These guards are all made of York family lock armour, iron helmets, hard leather boots, iron oak round shields and one handed spears. Although these equipment are not excellent in the eyes of the nobility, they are all rare boutiques in the eyes of the War Bear mercenaries.

Each set of such equipment was purchased by Victor from the greedy black Fort Quartermaster at the cost of 20 kinsol. Victor objected to the price at that time, because at the price of Heibao town at that time, 20 jinsol could buy 5 cows.

The Quartermaster told Victor that the price had been halved, and the equipment was completely treated as obsolete materials. Victor realized that it was expensive for the Lord to support a soldier. Just a set of ordinary equipment of the York family was equivalent to the value of 10 cows. This is why Baron eskry can only support dozens of soldiers.

The support of these more than 90 guards has been the limit that Victor can bear, and today these people will prove their value to victor.

"Captain Nelson, what are they doing?" A leader asked the people around him suspiciously.

"It is said that he is going to crusade against those abominable refugees."

"Ah?! that\'s great. It\'s time to teach those shameful thieves a profound lesson!"|

"Good job! It\'s time to do this!"

"Shane! You must kill more damn bandits! When you come back, I\'ll invite you to the canteen to drink purple cane wine!"

"Captain Nelson! Don\'t be merciful to those robbers!"

Hearing that the convoy was going to attack the free people in the territory today, the leaders in the camp were excited. They ran around and told each other excitedly, like a festival.

Victor stood in the upper camp and looked at the noisy and happy crowd below. Only then did he realize that his leaders were deeply hostile to the free people in the territory.

In fact, this is normal, because these free people are a group of bandits who are stealing their property from their neighbors. In fact, all lords will not allow free people\'s groups to stay on their territory for a long time, because these bound free people will threaten the security of the territory. Only those loose free people will be conditionally accepted and engage in some cheap and dangerous jobs.

Under Nelson\'s command, teams of fully armed guards went out of the camp and embarked on the journey, but Victor did not go with him, because he was the most terrible marksman in the camp. When the guards poured out, he needed to guard the whole hill camp. However, one day he will face this bloody fact. Victor has this consciousness!


In a wooden house in a free private land, several men were talking while eating and drinking around a table.

"Unexpectedly, those useless purple sugarcane can be used to make wine, and it tastes so good! Come on! Let\'s respect the honorable little Lord, thank him for inventing such a good wine. Ha ha." A man drank up the purple cane wine in his glass and said jokingly.

"A Lord without a knight or a castle can be called a lord?" Said another man disdainfully.

"Of course he is the Lord. We should hope he will always be the Lord here. Isn\'t that good? He will be his Lord. We will continue to be happy here. Maybe I can get a village head." A thin old man smiled and said.

His name is uze and he is the leader of the free private land.

Unlike other strong and rough free people leaders, uze is old and weak. He rules these free people by cunning and insidious.

"This kind of purple sugarcane wine will make us rich. We need to arrange people to collect more purple sugarcane. Don\'t cut down the purple sugarcane near the camp. Go to other camps to collect purple sugarcane." Wuze drank up the purple cane wine in the glass and ordered the others.

He was the first Liberal leader to send his eyeliner to the hill camp. When he learned that Victor had made use of purple cane wine, he also began to try his own brew. Today, for the first time, they taste the taste of purple cane wine.

"Head, aren\'t there many purple sugarcane nearby? Why did you run so far to collect?" A strong man asked puzzled. In his opinion, the farther you go, the greater the risk, and it may cause conflicts with other free private lands. After all, everyone has their own territory.

"There are many doorways here..." Wuze smiled and pulled a long tone. When he saw that others were stretching their necks waiting for him to answer, he smiled happily.

Uze likes to see the expression of yunu\'s men asking him for advice. He thinks he is a smart man. Smart people should be the leader naturally.

"Now nobody knows the value of purple cane except the little lords and us. Unfortunately, the secret will not be long before all the free and private areas will know that after all, they have placed their eyeliner in the camp of the Lords. So we have to cut the purple cane near their camp when they do not know it, and when they understand it, we have made a big profit. ”

"Also, everyone knows that the little Lord doesn\'t allow people in the territory to cut down purple sugarcane. But what will he do if he finds that those free camps are disobeying his orders?"

"He will send guards to exterminate the free people. Unfortunately, he has no knights and is doomed to lose his troops. When they lose both sides, we will collectively join his camp and help him exterminate the free people."

"At that time, we will become the vassals in this territory, and the little Lord with great strength will be controlled by us. We make more money by selling purple cane wine, recruit more people in the name of the little Lord, and then designate Bayer\'s Gang as bandits and ask the Knights of York family to kill them all!"

"Finally, this territory belongs to us!" Uze proudly told his plan to his stunned men.

"Ha ha, clever!"

"Worthy of our head!"

The men flattered uze loudly, and their eyes were red with the prospect depicted by uze.

Just as wuze and his family were imagining the future, a free man hurried in and shouted, "head! No! The Lord\'s guard is coming!"

Uze is a little confused. What\'s the situation? No!

Nelson rode on a strong war horse and looked coldly at the free people camp in front of him. He was dressed in green and black armor, with a cold and ruthless smell, just like his mood at the moment.

Victor is the most special aristocrat Nelson has ever seen. There is aristocratic elegance and wisdom in him, but there is no aristocratic arrogance and ruthlessness. Nelson can clearly feel Victor\'s respect for everyone, not only for powerful and violent soldiers like him, but also ordinary War Bear members. This is the main reason why he sincerely supports victor.

The only thing that made Nelson unhappy was that Victor was too kind to the free people. This may be because the Lord is too young to realize the harm of these free people to the territory. That\'s what Nelson thinks.

Nelson never liked or even hated the unregulated free people\'s groups. Even though the War Bear mercenaries were a free people\'s group two months ago, he always believed that the War Bear mercenaries were different from those free people. Every time they entered the noble Lord\'s territory, they would report to the sheriff and pay taxes in full, The War Bear mercenary regiment is a group that abides by the Lord\'s rules.

Moreover, the free people once killed his relatives. Now, these hateful guys like mice are robbing adults\' wealth in their territory!

Nelson\'s strong heart was pulsating in his chest, pumping blood to every corner of his body. His muscles were contracting naturally, and the pinched refined steel axe handle made a "squeaking and crunching" sound in his hand. He was furious that the purple sugarcane forest around the free private land had been cut down.

Victor and Nelson talked about the value of purple cane forest. At first, he was skeptical, but with the success of purple cane wine, he was full of expectations for sucrose that could replace honey. Therefore, these purple sugarcane 4 or 5 meters high became plants made of silver in his eyes!

As for, why isn\'t it made of gold? That\'s because Victor told him that the amount of sucrose determines the price at which it can\'t sell honey. Although Nelson doesn\'t know much, out of respect for Lord Victor, he still reduced gold to silver. Anyway, there are many purple sugarcane here. Even if it is made of silver, it is a wealth he can\'t imagine!

But these free people dare to ignore your orders and cut down these precious purple sugarcane! Absolutely unforgivable!

Nelson took a heavy breath, and the hot breath in his mouth and nose met with the cold air to form a white fog, which was more than two feet long. As an experienced mercenary, he deeply understood that when fighting, he must not be controlled by angry emotions.

"Uncle Barrett, it\'s still the old rule. I\'ll take people into the camp and put down the suspension bridge. You\'re responsible for directing the rest." Nelson loosened the handle of the axe and said to a thin old mercenary beside him.

"Don\'t worry, Nelson boy, can a bandit camp with more than 100 people stop our War Bear group?!" Barrett said hoarsely.

Barrett is an old man among the War Bear mercenaries. He is not as strong and powerful as other mercenaries, and his martial arts skills are very general. However, he is good at shooting and is very calm when fighting. He is the commander of the War Bear mercenaries on the battlefield. Nelson led the charge every time, while Barrett was in charge of the overall situation in the back array.

"I hope these newcomers will die less in the battle..." Nelson looked at the new guards and said with some worry.

Although these guards are strong and well-equipped, after all, the training time is too short to be a well-trained elite. There will be casualties in the cruel battle.

"Boy, how can you become a woman? Our new members in the past have equipment and training like them. They are not all trained in battle. If they forget what I usually teach them, they will die."

Barrett looked at the newcomers with some dissatisfaction. Different from the calm and indifferent War Bear mercenaries, some of them were excited, some were bloodthirsty, some were nervous, and some were afraid. These emotions would make them make mistakes, either kill themselves or their comrades in arms. Only blood and death can make these people grow into qualified soldiers, rather than training every day.

"That\'s right. I have changed. We have all changed. We have changed from free people to feudal officials. We used to have nothing but life. Now we have land, wealth and status. But one thing has not changed. We will never show mercy to those bandits!"

Nelson smiled calmly and said to Gru, "go and shout!"

Gru, holding a tower shield, went to the front door of the camp and shouted, "listen, people inside, on the order of Lord Victor Wimbledon, open the door and surrender within a quarter of an hour! Otherwise, you will be destroyed!"

In response, the crossbow shot from the arrow tower was blocked by Gru with a shield.

"Boss, it seems that they have made a choice." Gru returned to Nelson, raised his arrow shield, grinned, and was completely free from the anger of rejection. He was very satisfied with the result.

Nelson nodded, rode his horse to the front of the team and shouted to the guards: "soldiers, the bandits have rejected our goodwill, and we will level the camp!"

"Listen, everyone. In a group of five, three spearmen are in the middle, and two sword and shield men are responsible for protecting the two wings of the group."

"Kill every enemy within your attack range, whether men or women, old people or children. Don\'t let any enemy live behind you! Don\'t have any pity and hesitation! Remember! If the drums don\'t sound, the fight will not stop!"

"If someone is injured, step back. If you can\'t walk, lie where you are! If the team is reduced to three people, move closer to the nearest team!"

After shouting, Nelson returned to his position and whispered to Barrett, "Uncle Barrett, don\'t kill too many people! Lord Victor likes unnecessary killing, and can\'t let the shining church trouble us."

Barrett is the one who decides when to stop fighting. Before he gives an order, all the guards must keep fighting and killing.

"Don\'t worry! Just because Lord Victor is kind to those disabled old guys, I won\'t disappoint him." Barrett replied solemnly.

When Victor came to take office, he took out 2000 kinsol to resettle those disabled war bear members, which made all war bear mercenaries feel the same. You know, 2000 kinsol is a huge sum of money.

"OK! I\'m on!"

"Go and let these bandits experience the power of the bear in the North!"

Nelson smiled when he heard this. The bear of the North was his name in the kingdom of dodo.


At the command, under the cover of the tower shield, the Bowman of zhanxiong fired at the archers on the arrow tower with a military heavy crossbow. Although it is at a disadvantage in terrain, the military heavy crossbow is worthy of being a weapon that can threaten knights. Its crossbow arrow crossed a distance of tens of meters, penetrated the bodies of free people shooters, and made them scream and fall from the high arrow tower. The rest of the people no longer dare to stick their heads out from behind the wooden guardrail and shoot at the guards below.

After the arrow tower in the camp was suppressed, Nelson moved.

Two hundred pounds of armor was as light as nothing on Nelson\'s body. With a sudden push, he crossed the ditch more than three meters wide and rushed directly to the strong wooden fence.

Nelson crossed his double axes in front of his chest and hit them. The strong iron oak fence collapsed like paper in front of the ferocious soldiers with a physique of 20 points, breaking a huge hole. Nelson has burst into the camp.

The camp immediately heard Nelson\'s roar and the howl of fighting. The War Bear members outside were not idle. Several boards were quickly put on the trench. More than a dozen elite soldiers wearing lock armor and spears and shields rushed into the camp along the hole on the fence. They will help Nelson put down the suspension bridge so that the brigade can enter the camp.

Nelson is really like a violent bear at the moment. Under the green and black armor is the muscle of the cardia. The fierce Tomahawk is the sharp claw of the violent bear. Any enemy within its attack range will be directly split. These people\'s are often broken in two in the air, and the blood is everywhere. The people who are not dead are still crying bitterly on the ground.

For mercenaries, cruelty and blood are necessary kindness in close combat, which will make the enemy lose their fighting spirit due to fear and finally abandon their weapons and surrender. Only in this way can more people on both sides of the war survive.

What a cruel kindness!

The free people in the camp no longer dare to confront Nelson head-on. They began to shoot at Nelson from a distance with hunting bows and crossbows. Unfortunately, their arrows could not cause any damage to Nelson with his armor.

A javelin shot through a crossbow man shooting at Nelson. With more than a dozen war bears joining the battlefield, the free people who tried to resist finally collapsed.

Soon, the lock of the suspension bridge was cut off, and then the guards swarmed into the camp.

Soon after the battle, when the convoy rushed into the camp, the free people in the camp knelt down and surrendered, because most of the diehard elements had been slaughtered by Nelson and his elite men.

The drums of the armistice soon sounded. The guards were surprised to find that the battle was easier than expected. Most of them had not even seen blood, and the casualties were pitiful. Only one unlucky ghost accidentally fell into a ditch when crossing the suspension bridge and was seriously injured....

A raging flame was lit in the camp, and the entire free camp was set on fire by the guards.

Uze hid among the surrendered free people and looked at the burning camp. His heart was dripping blood.

Damn it, you say the little Lord doesn\'t have knights? So the captain of the guard who broke my camp is not a knight. What is it? Did the ogre pretend to be? liar! Damn pigs! He was cursing his eyelid curly in his heart.

However, Nelson did not let him go.

"You are the head of the bandits, uze?"

Nelson went to uze with his axe. When he made the battle plan, Victor gave him the information of the leader of the free people.

"Master knight, I\'m not a bandit. I\'m just a humble free man." Uze bowed to Nelson again and again. The bloody means of this powerful soldier made him fear from his heart.

"Disobeying Lord Victor\'s orders is a bandit! Die!"

Nelson ruthlessly raised his sharp axe and left none of the free leaders! This is Lord Victor\'s order.

"Wait! The knight cannot kill the surrendered free people at will! This is the instruction of the Lord of glory! You will be punished by the church!" Uze shouted loudly, in order to survive, he was making the last effort.

"Poof!" With a sound, uze was directly split in half by Nelson without any hesitation.

"I\'m not a knight! But I killed a knight! I\'m Nelson the bear of the North!"

Standing in front of the burning wooden house, Nelson, covered in blood, threw the sheepskin instrument in his hand into the fire and watched it burn to black ash. This is the bandit suppression instrument signed by Victor.

"Next camp!" Nelson turned over and mounted his horse, his face firm and cold.

From that day on, the reputation of the northern bear began to spread in this territory with blood and fire.