Transcendent Noble

Chapter 45

Lilia described the whole story in detail, and Victor fell into deep meditation.

Victor didn\'t refuse the free people who came to the camp, so the leaders of the free people more or less planted some ears and eyes in Victor\'s camp. They thought they knew the details of the camp, but they didn\'t know. Victor knew them better.

The hill camp has accommodated more than 100 free people. From these people\'s mouths, Victor recorded what he learned one by one.

At present, there are 11 free private lands in Victor\'s territory. In addition to two large camps, there are 3 medium-sized camps with more than 100 people and 6 small camps with less than 100 people, with a population of about 1000 people.

Victor has some knowledge of the names, characters, number of close associates and scope of activities of these camp leaders. After counting and supplementing the information during this period, Victor found that except Bayer in Pinghu village, other liberal leaders are strong and domineering guys. They always win over some strong men and squeeze the weaker members. Anyone who dares to disobey them will be suppressed by fierce means until everyone is used to their rule.

Now these free people leaders have become the biggest obstacle for Victor to absorb free people!

Victor thought that when the free people heard that they could get the identity of leader as long as they joined the hill camp, they would respond like a tide, but this is not the case.

At the beginning, some free people came to join the camp one after another, but the number was not large. After investigation, Victor found that these people came secretly by taking advantage of the opportunity to go out for food, because they were worried that the camp leader would stop them.

This situation made Victor realize the defiance and ambition of the leaders of the free people. In order to deter them, he asked the guard to patrol the whole territory with the head of the ogre.

Sure enough, these free people leaders were shocked, no longer dared to openly oppose Victor\'s policy, and more and more free people joined the camp.

But this kind of deterrence is obviously not enough. With the passage of time, these free people leaders know more and more about the situation of the Lord. They no longer allow their members to leave their control. In order to prevent the free people from joining the hill camp, they began to strictly control their activities and take extreme and bloody measures against the escapees.

The most obvious change is that there are fewer and fewer free people joining the hill camp recently. Even the free people joining the camp are bruised and frightened. It is obvious that they have been pursued. In the last two days, even a free man can\'t see it.

By asking about the recent entrants, Victor learned about the thoughts of the exile leaders. They were unwilling to give up their current rights and status. They knew that Victor had no Knights under him. The invincible ogre was also killed by the Knights of the York family, and the Knights of the York family were about to leave here recently. They wanted to wait until the York Knights left before negotiating with Victor to keep their current position.

Victor is very angry about this. He needs the free people to join in to supplement the manpower of the camp and cover up the alchemists at the same time.

These two days, he has been thinking about countermeasures, but unexpectedly, the leader of the free people dared to shoot and kill the free people who tried to join the hill camp in front of the people.

This made Victor very angry. Now they killed a free people who tried to take refuge in themselves. After that, do they want to attack their leaders?

In addition to his anger, Victor had a deep sense of powerlessness and frustration. He began to doubt whether his gentle means was wrong. After all, this is no longer the earth he is familiar with, nor the orderly capital of Gambis.

"Lilia, what do you think of this?" Victor wanted to hear from the girl mercenaries at this time.

"My Lord, I think they need a lesson!" Leia said softly.

"Be specific."

"My Lord, these refugee leaders dare to do this because they think we are not strong enough, so..."

Lilia secretly observed Victor\'s expression and found that the LORD was looking at her with encouraging eyes, so she gritted her teeth and said, "so we\'ll give them a bloody lesson and let them know who is the master of this territory!"

"We need to kill some disobedient people. If this can\'t deter them, continue to kill until all disobedient people are killed!"

Victor expected this answer, but it was very uncomfortable for him to say such murderous and natural words from a beautiful girl.

"My lord... Am I wrong? That\'s what we used to do..." Seeing Victor\'s serious expression, Lilia asked timidly.

Lilia likes Victor very much. From the beginning, a handsome and elegant young baron. Which girl would not like? But that\'s just secretly like it.

Lilia knows her identity very well. How could a mercenary and a free girl be liked by the Lord? This is destined to be just a dream.

However, this dream is becoming a reality. Since Victor began to teach her how to manage the internal affairs of the camp, everyone thought she would become the legal partner of the Lord. Lilia is happy and frightened about this. She studies hard and tries to do everything best. She doesn\'t want to disappoint victor. Although Victor never made it clear.

Recently, Victor began to teach her some aristocratic etiquette. Lilia studied it very seriously. She worked hard to learn the aristocratic way of speaking and figure out the aristocratic perspective. She wanted to change herself and make herself worthy of the identity of an aristocratic partner.

However, Victor\'s dignified expression frightened her. She felt that she must have said something wrong just now. She didn\'t act like a noble maid. She was still the vulgar maid, and the tears had been swirling in her eyes.

Victor looked at Lilia\'s wronged appearance, both funny and moved. He said softly, "Lilia, you didn\'t say anything wrong. I just want to listen to your real thoughts. But..."

Victor paused and asked, "Lilia, have you ever killed anyone?"

Victor\'s gentle attitude reassured Lilia a a lot. She thought for a moment and replied truthfully, "yes, when I was 12."

"Have you ever thought that the person you killed will be flesh and blood, painful and afraid, and his relatives will be painful? Have you ever thought about these?"

Victor was a little excited. He had killed the jackals himself, and there was more than one, but those were just man eating beasts, at least he thought so. Now, he may have to make a decision that even he himself is afraid of, which is by no means an easy and simple thing.

"I didn\'t think so much. I grew up in the mercenary regiment. My parents died when I was very young. In addition to brother Nelson, I once had a sister and a brother. They all died, even in the hands of the refugees. On that day, the members of the mercenary regiment went out to perform their tasks, and a group of refugees invaded our camp. The old and weak remained in the camp Women and children, we sacrificed a lot of people to repel the refugees. Just that time, I shot two refugees and lost my brother and sister. Then the mercenary regiment killed all the people who attacked the camp. In fact, the refugees were just like us to survive, but they attacked us because they thought we were weak. "

Victor was shocked by the girl\'s calm narration. He finally intuitively felt that this is not a peaceful world. The world pursues the law of the black forest, and civilization is only the civilization between nobles.

"You\'re right. We should give them a bloody lesson!" There was a moment\'s silence, said Victor astringently.

"My Lord, am I being rude?" Lilia didn\'t care about Victor\'s decision. Instead, she lowered her head and asked nervously.

"No, actually, I like your real appearance, but in the future you will help me take charge of this territory and will certainly deal with other nobles, so..."

"Really?!" Before Victor finished, Lilia shouted in surprise.

Lilia was elated. This was the first time she got a clear statement from victor. She was tightly surrounded by a great sense of happiness. She even felt a little dizzy. At this meeting, she really didn\'t care about the reserve of the aristocracy.

"What? Don\'t you want to be my maid?" Victor meant to tease Lilia.

Lilia quickly shook her head and felt it was wrong. She quickly nodded again, as if it was still wrong. She had to say anxiously, "I do! I do!" As soon as I finished speaking, my face turned red with shame.

Seeing Lilia\'s lovely appearance, Victor couldn\'t help laughing, and his gloomy mood was much better.

"Well, go and call your brother. It still needs his consent, and I have something to tell him to do." Said Victor softly.

"Hum! How dare he disagree!" Lilia proudly tooted her little red mouth.

Although Nelson and Lilia are brothers and sisters, there is a full age difference of 16 years. Nelson dotes on Lilia like a brother and a father.

"Well, there is one more thing for the grown-ups to tell you. I think he is suspicious about the new Renault. We should investigate him secretly." Instead of going to Nelson immediately, Lilia said to Victor positively.

"Oh? What did you find?" Victor felt a sudden surprise, but he looked as if nothing had happened.

"Renault\'s strength is too strong. Except my brother, no one else in the camp will be his opponent. A person with such strength should be the leader of the free people. How can he join us alone? And he usually pretends to be a fool, so I think he is very suspicious!"

Hearing Lilia\'s question, Victor sighed in his heart. That\'s why he didn\'t allow the War Bear members to intervene in the affairs of the free people, because they were much more vigilant than the ordinary people.

"What is a Renault? In the future, when the territory develops, more powerful Knights will join our territory. Lilia, you should understand that your status is different now. As the leader of the territory, we should be happy to see powerful people join us."


"I\'ll tell Maureen to watch Renault secretly. If he is really willing to work for us, I won\'t care about his past. Lilia, we especially need capable people to join the territory now. You should understand this. Well, you go and call Nelson." Victor interrupted Lilia and reached out and gently stroked the girl\'s smooth cheek.

Sure enough, the girl nodded her head with a blushing face. She was no longer entangled in the problem just now. She gently "um" and turned to leave the room. She was still a little flustered. Victor\'s intimacy just made her flustered.

It wasn\'t long before Nelson stood in front of victor. Despite his efforts to restrain, there was still an indelible joy in his face.

On the one hand, Lord Victor finally wanted to clarify Lilia\'s identity to him, which he had been looking forward to for a long time. On the other hand, Lord Victor was finally going to fight the refugees, which he had endured for a long time.

"Nelson, I like Lilia very much. I want to make her my personal maid. Now, I need your opinion." Victor smiled and said to Nelson, in fact, he was a little ashamed and uneasy. After all, he wanted to abduct someone\'s sister to be a little wife.

Nelson scratched his head. He wanted to be polite, but his words turned into three crisp words.

"I agree."

Victor nodded, stood up and said solemnly to Nelson, "I assure you that I will be kind to Lilia, cherish her, love her, protect her, and strive to give her happiness. Please rest assured."

Nelson was moved by Victor\'s solemn attitude. He bowed deeply to victor and said, "thank you, sir!"

"Well, that\'s it. Now let\'s talk about free people."

Victor motioned Nelson to sit down and asked, "what do you think will happen if we don\'t take measures for free people?"

"My Lord, the best situation is to maintain the status quo as it is now. The worst situation is that they will unite and attack us!"

Nelson said in a deep voice, "but we can\'t accept either situation, because there can only be one voice in this territory, your voice! We don\'t want them to understand this, but we must do it!"

Victor knows what Nelson means. These free people leaders are opportunists like hyenas. If they think you are weak and deceptive, they will tear you up and devour you, so they must destroy them or drive them away, just as tigers will not let hyenas wander in their territory.

"Do you have a plan?" Victor asked softly, finally going to this step.

"My Lord, I plan to take out three medium-sized free people camps in the territory first. Let everyone in the territory know that although we don\'t have knights, they can\'t challenge us!" Nelson said calmly.

Nelson has been prepared for a long time. At present, the two large free people camps in the territory are not what they can chew down. They can put them down first. Breaking through the small camps is not enough to deter everyone, so the three medium-sized camps have become his targets.

"What will happen in the territory after that?" Victor asked. He was not worried that Nelson could not carry the three medium-sized camps. He knew very well that Nelson\'s strength would not lose to ordinary knights.

"After that, some leaders of the free people will leave the territory with their people, some will take refuge in Pinghu village, and some will be killed by their free people, and then these people will take those heads to take refuge in us." Nelson smiled disdainfully. He knew what these people thought too well.

Victor nodded. This situation is acceptable. The camp in the East is secretly presided over by the chebman family. In fact, even the land has been controlled by the chebman family. At present, they can only choose to accept it. Pinghu village has a large population and its strength is no worse than victor\'s Hill camp. If it is attacked by force, it will certainly suffer heavy losses and outweigh the losses. Moreover, the villagers of Pinghu village have been Victor\'s nominally leading people and began to pay sacrifices on time. As long as they pay sacrifices, their strength will be weaker and weaker, while victor will be stronger and stronger. What\'s more, Victor has laid out the layout and tried to disintegrate them from the inside.

Victor took out a piece of parchment and began to write on it with a quill pen. He took out the Lord\'s seal and poked it heavily on the oil mud of the parchment. Finally, he handed the parchment to Nelson.

This is the bandit suppression order written by Victor. It indicates that Victor believes that there is a gang of bandits entrenched in his territory, and he now orders the territory guard captain to eliminate the gang of bandits.

This document is of great significance to Nelson, because it means that Victor authorized his killing of the enemy, and Victor bears all the consequences.

Ordinary Lords will never sign such documents easily, otherwise they will be in trouble once the glorious church is investigated. Therefore, lords often choose mercenaries to clear the disobedient free people in the territory. This is also a small trick of the struggle between the nobility and the church.

"You must not disappoint adults!" Nelson quietly took over the document, and the cold voice was full of cold and bloody breath.

"Nelson!" Victor stopped Nelson as he was leaving.

Nelson turned and waited for the Lord\'s orders, but Victor said something to him gently.

"Let go!"

With a deep look at Victor, Nelson left the room with a murderous spirit.

Originally, Victor wanted to ask Nelson to kill as few people as possible, but after all, this is a battle of life and death. Who has time to distinguish these people and who can be safe? It\'s better for the layman not to interfere with the layman.

Since you have numbly given up your right to fight against fate, accept the end of destruction together.