Transcendent Noble

Chapter 47

Harvest manor is one of the oldest noble manors in Gambis kingdom. So far, it has a history of more than 200 years.

Covering an area of more than 700 mu, the manor is composed of walls, animal pens, water wells, pools, houses, warehouses, barracks, cultivated land and fruit forests. Unlike other noble manors, the harvest manor has no beautiful gardens and exquisite houses. Instead, it is full of crops, vegetables and fruit trees in a wide open space.

Except that the wall is built of solid limestone, most of the houses in the manor are made of bricks and tiles. The shape is simple and atmospheric. There is no superfluous decoration, but the space is used to the extreme. Only the mottled green moss on the brick wall bears witness to the history of the noble Manor.

This farm style noble manor is the style of the chebman family. It is economical and practical.

In the evening, a simple and strong carriage drove slowly into the harvest manor without any obstacles. Because the guards in the manor knew that this was the car of Lord DeWitt, the great Knight of the family.

Dwight, who was carrying the Mithril sword, got out of the carriage and immediately a servant came up and bowed to him.

"Take me to the count. I have something important to report." Dwight nodded to the attendant and ordered.

Then Dwight went to the depths of the manor under the guidance of his attendants.

Behind the main building of the manor, there is a small green space. Although the cold water season has not passed, there is still green grass here. The lawn on the ground is a rare evergreen grass. This grass is evergreen all the year round. Although it will not bloom, it has a fresh smell, which makes people relaxed and happy.

In this meadow, Dwight met his Lord, timock Lord chebman.

"DeWitt, if you\'re not in a hurry, wait a minute and let me finish my dinner." Count chebman was sitting at a table and enjoying his dinner. When he saw Dwight coming, he raised his voice.

He had to finish his dinner before the sun set, so that he could save a candle, a habit he inherited from the old count.

Dwight did not speak, but raised his left hand and motioned his Lord to enjoy dinner at will. As a great Knight of the chebman family, he certainly knew the habits of the count.

Soon, an attendant brought a chair for DeWitt. After DeWitt sat down, he took a deep breath and inhaled the unique fresh smell of evergreen grass into his lungs. Even the Silver Knight was intoxicated by this pleasant taste.

It is said that there are only two places of evergreen grass lawn in Gambis Kingdom, one is the harvest manor of chebman family, and the other is the garden of Gambis royal family.

The evergreen grass of the harvest manor is a small turf dug from the Royal Garden by count chebman when he was young, which has been cultivated for decades.

As for why only such a small lawn has been cultivated, it is because the old count believes that it is not necessary to plant this kind of grass on the precious land. The land should be used to grow crops, and a small evergreen lawn is enough to show the noble heritage of the chebman family.

Chebman was absorbed in his dinner. He had to speed up. Although he was the Lord of Dwight, it was impolite to talk to a silver knight in the dark.

Count chebman looked like he was in his thirties. He had a gloomy temperament, a thin face, long and narrow eyes, and a thin mustache on his lips. He was wearing a black Earl\'s casual dress. Although it looked bright, flat and meticulous, its style was the style of decades ago, and there were some slight wear marks on the cuffs.

The dress matched chebman\'s face and made him look mean and old-fashioned.

At this time, the count was sitting at the table, holding a knife and fork, dealing with his dinner - a roasted golden lamb leg. He was elegant and leisurely, completely in line with the dining etiquette of the aristocracy, and even the most picky court aristocrats could not find any problems.

But the count\'s eating speed was frightening. He saw pieces of mutton of the same size cut off from the leg of the sheep and put them into his mouth. The fast movement with a wonderful rhythm gave people a pleasant feeling.

Soon, the meat on a whole roast leg was eaten by chebman, leaving only smooth and clean leg bones. Even the most hungry goblins could not find a trace of meat on it.

The knife on chebman\'s right hand gently knocked in the middle of the sheep\'s leg bone, and a green breath flashed away. The hard leg bone was immediately divided into two, exposing the snow-white sheep marrow in the bone cavity.

Chebman put his mouth close to the past and sucked it gently across a distance of a few centimeters. The sheep pulp immediately flowed into his mouth as if it had life.

After all this, chebman drank up the water in the water cup with satisfaction. The waiter on the side immediately came forward and removed the tableware and sheep bones on the table. According to chebman\'s rules, he had to grind the sheep bones into powder for feeding the hounds in the manor.

"Adults have a subtle control over fighting spirit. I\'m afraid they will soon step into the peak field?" Dwight couldn\'t help exclaiming when he saw the natural freehand brushwork of chebman knocking on the sheep bone with fighting spirit.

"The golden rank is so easy to be promoted? I have stepped into the silver peak for ten years, and I can\'t feel the existence of yuan suhai until now. It seems that it\'s impossible to promote the peak field only by honing fighting spirit. The most important thing is to see the affinity of blood talent for elements, just like his highness Roland." Count chebman shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Dwight was speechless. He knew that his Lord was the old Silver Knight of the kingdom. He had polished his fighting spirit to be mellow and pure. Unfortunately, he was still far away from the gold field. However, his royal highness Roland, the eldest princess of the Kingdom, was successfully promoted to the gold Knight at the age of 23. This talent was terrible.

"Dwight, you didn\'t come to see me today to discuss chivalry with me?" Chebman smiled at Dwight. As an earl of feudalism, he didn\'t care much about whether he could be promoted to the Golden Knight. He was more eager for his family to grow and inherit, which was his responsibility as a Lord.

"Well, I just escorted a truck of secret silver mine back today. The quality of the ore is higher than that of the previous two times. Only this truck of ore is enough to extract a pound of secret silver." Dwight said to the count, gathering his mind.

"Oh, that\'s good news!" Hearing Dwight\'s report, chebmanton showed a heartfelt smile.

"There\'s better news. Our miners found that there were fewer and fewer silver ores in that mine, but more and more secret silver ores." Dwight paused and continued, "this shows that the vein is not silver associated with secret silver, but secret silver associated with silver!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha! This is the best news I\'ve heard in recent years!" Chebman could no longer restrain his inner ecstasy and laughed loudly.

"Sir, the last time I asked someone to report to you, I\'m afraid the plan to control that territory will have to be changed." When count chebman calmed down, Dwight said softly.

Some time ago, after knowing Victor\'s weakness and incompetence, Dwight ordered someone to deliver a plan to control Victor\'s collar to count chebman. But before count chebman replied, an important event happened in Victor territory, which forced DeWitt to revise the original plan. Therefore, taking the opportunity of escorting the secret silver mine back, he wanted to discuss this issue with count chebman face-to-face.

"Sir, my original plan was to encourage the free people to unite against the small Lord. After the Knights of the York family leave his territory, I will control the free people to move near the small Lord\'s Hill camp, establish camps and strongholds, limit the small Lord\'s range of activities to that area, and finally let our people enter the territory as free people and actually control there. ”

When he saw count chebman motioning to him, Dwight continued: "Unexpectedly, just four days ago, the captain of the little Baron\'s guard and the soldiers broke three free people\'s camps and killed more than 100 free people in two days. Now the other free people in that territory have been frightened and dare not disobey the order of the little Lord. Even some free people killed the original leader and took refuge in the hill camp."

"Oh, I didn\'t expect that there were such talents under the little Baron! What about their own war damage?" Chebman raised his eyebrows in surprise and asked Dwight.

"According to our eye liner, the guardians of the small Lords have only ten casualties."

"Why are there so many casualties? Doesn\'t it mean that the little Baron doesn\'t have knights? Has Sophia quietly sent family knights to her little husband?" Although the opponent was a weak refugee, he killed more than 100 enemies and killed and injured more than 10 people in two days. Only a knight can achieve such a crushing record.

Chebman was really surprised. The reason why he was able to steal Victor\'s Secret silver mine was to bully victor. Now he is an abandoned son of the family and has no strength and backing.

However, if the Marquis Sophia re accepts Victor, the situation will be different. Although Sophia\'s military strength is far less than that of the chebman family, she is rich and powerful, has extensive contacts and strong potential power, which can not be underestimated.

Chebman turned around and thought it was unlikely.

According to the report of the family members resident in the royal capital, the Marquis Sophia is enthusiastically pursuing Lord Andre, the Golden Knight of Borui United Kingdom.

Although the Marquis Sophia is rich, her strength is not strong enough, so she urgently needs to win over a powerful Golden Knight as her backer. Only in this way can her business empire be further developed.

Moreover, it is rumored that her behavior is supported by Queen Catherine. Obviously, her majesty also hopes to win over a powerful Golden Knight to join her prince\'s camp through the gorgeous marquis.

Therefore, Sophia will exile her little Baron in disguise to the western development collar. Before she reaches her goal, she can\'t accept the little Baron again. Once she reaches her goal, I\'m afraid it will be the moment when her little husband dies.

"Did the York family secretly send a knight disguised as his escort captain?" Chebman then asked Dwight.

This possibility is great. As a camp hostile to the prince party, the York family has every reason to use Victor\'s identity to make some articles.

"Neither. The leader of the little Lord\'s guard is a rare fierce soldier named Nelson. He used to be a mercenary and was later recruited by the little Lord," DeWitt explained to chebman.

"Oh? I didn\'t expect that the little Baron was so lucky that he could recruit a fierce soldier." Chebman was relieved to hear that it was not the York family and the Marquis Sophia who secretly supported victor.

"Well, this Nelson is not a nobody. Adults may also hear his name - the bear of the north."

"The northern bear of Dodo? No wonder, it\'s a pity." Chebman said in surprise and shook his head regretfully.

Generally speaking, no amount of ordinary people can kill a knight, just as no amount of sheep can kill a lion. However, violent humans are not ordinary people, such as the fierce barbarians in the trier mountains. Adult barbarians are enough to face the Knights of the hard bronze stage. But ordinary ferocious humans rarely have combat effectiveness comparable to Knights, and the bear of the north is a few of them.

Five years ago, in a military conflict between the kingdom of Dodo and the Sassanians, a mercenary of the kingdom of Dodo encountered a raid team led by a Sassanian knight. There was a fierce battle between the two immediately. However, surprisingly, the raid team including the Sassanian knight was completely wiped out. After the first World War, the mercenary of the knight who was killed directly had a name - the bear of the north.

"Yes, the northern bear of the Tartus family who offered a reward of 5000 kinsol." Dewey nodded and said.

The Tartus family was a powerful military aristocrat of the Sassanian empire. It was not a big deal for them to die of a family knight, but the family knight was killed by a humble mercenary, who stepped on the name of the Tartus family and won a title, which made them feel humiliated, So they offered a reward of 5000 kinsol for the head of the northern bear, and claimed that any family that took in the northern bear would become a hostile family of the Tartus family.

Of course, the nobles of Dodo kingdom will not kill Nelson who fought with the Sasan for a mere 5000 kinsol, but they will not offend the powerful Tartus family for a fierce soldier. After all, in the national war, the captured family knights can be redeemed. If they offend the Sassanian nobles, I\'m afraid this rule will not work.

With the war between dodo and the Sassanians becoming more and more gentle, many mercenaries participating in the war were incorporated by Lord dodo, but the famous War Bear mercenaries were ignored. Nelson was so frustrated that he had to leave the Dodo kingdom with the War Bear group, and his name was gradually forgotten.

Chebman doesn\'t care about the threat of the Tartus family. It\'s a pity that this fierce warrior comparable to a knight was recruited by Victor.

"Sir, I thought the little Lord was weak, but I didn\'t expect him to have a fierce soldier with the strength comparable to that of a knight as the guard captain. Therefore, in order to successfully implement the plan, I\'m going to kill Nelson myself!" Dwight said faintly. It seems that getting rid of a fierce soldier is like viewing patterns on his palm, which is not worth mentioning.

"Oh, DeWitt, I\'ve seen your plan, but I\'m not going to agree at all!"