Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 959: If you want to kill me, you have to die

After the seven supreme incarnations were annihilated, they turned into countless light stars, all of which condensed together to form an incomparably stalwart figure, comparable to the entire chaos below, like a chaotic sky.

Han Jue was incomparably small in front of this stalwart giant shadow, and he was a little shocked that Rao had reached the supreme perfection of the Dao.

This is even more exaggerated than cells looking up at mountains!

This hugeness has surpassed the realm!

Although Han Jue can make infinitely bigger, no matter how big it is, it is impossible to reach the level of chaos.

And this stalwart giant shadow has reached it!

The sense of oppression visible to the naked eye is suffocating, and its breath is far more than that of the ancient gods!

A name popped into his mind.


No way!

To face the creator of Tao?

Han Jue\'s heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

In the future, Han Jue seemed to be shocked as well, and remained silent for a long time.

The stalwart giant shadow is too high to spy on its head, and the majestic voice from before sounded: "Han Jue, it is too late to lower your head now, from now on you only need to stay in your own domain or in the heaven, without interfering in the chaos, nor can you help Heaven grows, and this calamity will be over."

In the future, Han Jue will remain silent.

The evolutionary illusion is shattered.

Han Jue opened his eyes, his face solemn.

What happened after that was either he confessed or was killed in seconds, otherwise it wouldn\'t end there.

He felt that nine times out of ten it was the former.

Admit it, then hide in the dojo and continue to practice.

No matter how strong the creator of Taoism is, it is impossible to break into the dojo, so the other party is willing to give him a chance.

Knowing that you can\'t kill him completely, so give it a step.

Han Jue asked in his heart, "In the evolution illusion just now, was the last giant I faced the creator of Tao?"

[Need to deduct five trillion years of life, whether to continue]

That\'s not the price.

Forget it, be safe.



Han Jue breathed a sigh of relief.

Is the gap between a million billion years and five trillion years so big?

He felt that the stalwart giant shadow was very different from the ancient gods, and they were not of the same level at all.

Han Jue frowned.

How can this be good.

He had to think about facing the Chaos Will before accepting the challenges of all beings.

Never mind, practice first!

Anyway, he was hiding in the Taoist temple, and no one could trouble him. As for the disciples in other dojos, they were restricted by the dojo and could not escape.

No matter how strong the hatred is, it will become hatred after the passage of time!

I have to say that the will of chaos is indeed domineering, and the identity of the public enemy of all living beings has come too quickly, just like the reset button of the world.

Han couldn\'t help but think of what Pangu had said to him before.

Everything is false!

Can the world and one\'s own will be manipulated arbitrarily, what is the difference between the meaning of the essence of life and the illusion?

If you don\'t reach the creator of Dao, you will be weak after all!

Ten years later.

Han Jue opened his eyes and frowned.

He wanted to retreat for hundreds of thousands of years, but the situation is not optimistic.

He is all right, but Tiandao is oppressed by the forces of chaos, and there are no less than a hundred avenue saints near Tiandao.

That\'s right, hundreds of avenue saints!

On weekdays, there are not so many saints in Chaos Statistics Avenue. After the will of Chaos is revived, all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods have appeared!

Half of the Chaos Heavenly Road of Heavenly Dao was trampled on, and the hidden door of Heavenly Dao was even more chaotic, as if it were disbanded at once.

Han Jue counted that Han Tuo, Han Huang, Zhou Fan and other descendants and apprentices were attacked in various ways. Although they also hated Han Jue, the chaotic creatures did not believe it and wanted to arrest them and threaten Han Jue.

Han Jue could summon them all back with the help of Shinto, but in this case, he would not be able to save Heaven and those hidden disciples.

Not all hidden disciples will ask for magic.

Even if they are summoned back, they will become hidden dangers. Just like the future he had calculated before, there will be wars in the Baiyue Xianchuan.

Attention must be diverted.

Han Jue\'s eyes flickered, he began to exercise, mobilizing the power of the three thousand avenues.

He has mastered the three thousand demons and gods. Although he does not directly master the three thousand avenues, he has the power of the rules of the three thousand avenues.

He created a clone with the power of the three thousand avenues and the power of the last yuan. This clone contains his power of the last yuan and all the magical powers, but there is no magic weapon and independent wisdom.

He immediately sent the clone out.

He divided his will into two, one half was responsible for the cultivation of the deity, and the other half was responsible for manipulating the clone.

The clone travels quickly in the chaos, away from the heaven.

"Where to go?"

Han Jue was a little confused.


There you can!

Han Jue immediately moved and quickly came to a chaotic realm.

The realm of the old days.

After the fall of the Demon God in the beginning, this area became desolate, the Demon God\'s evil spirit was still there, and no practitioners dared to approach.

Han Jue landed on the ruined Absolute Beginning Continent, and then said: "I am a divine and powerful heavenly sage. Since all living beings are my enemies and come to the Absolute Beginning Realm, I will welcome all enemies here, and kill all who come!"

His voice resounded throughout the chaos, even beings in the heavens and the world could hear it.

Almost in an instant, a powerful breath locked onto the realm of Absolute Beginning.


Han Jue was secretly nervous. It was the first time he had become the enemy of all living beings.

He deliberately threatened all living beings, just because he was afraid that he would seize the chaotic luck too quickly and would not be able to buy the deity time for cultivation.

He wants to wait here for all beings to challenge, and he wants to turn this place into a forbidden place for lore over the long years!

All sentient beings have been changed by the will of chaos, but all sentient beings have not become stupid, and a strong enemy that cannot be defeated naturally cannot keep fighting.

"What a mighty god!"

A cold snort came, billowing blue flames were used from the depths of the chaos, and a man in a purple robe stepped forward above the flames.

Road first!

And it\'s not just the usual avenues!

Han Jue stared at him calmly and didn\'t say a word.

The purple-robed man said, "I am..."


Han Jue suddenly appeared in front of the purple-robed man, and stopped in front of him with a palm. The divine power was invisible and colorless, directly annihilating the purple-robed man\'s body, leaving only the divine soul in the void.

The boundless blue flame below dissipated instantly.

The man in the purple robe was moved, his soul body trembled, and his face was unbelievable.

How can it be!

He is on the road!

How could it even have no reaction time?

But the speed just now...

Han Jue was expressionless and said coldly, "Do you want to die?"

The purple-robed man held back his fear and said angrily, "Shenwei Tiansheng, you destroyed my dojo and took my treasure..."

Han Jue\'s right hand clenched into a fist, and the purple-robed man\'s soul body was instantly annihilated.

The other party is the avenue, and there must be a backhand.

If not, it deserves it!

Blame Chaos Will!

Han Jue turned around, looked at the void, and said, "Come out all, I will not show mercy, even if you are being manipulated, but if you want to kill me, you have to die!"

Thousands of years of ascetic cultivation, only today\'s supernatural powers!

Although all beings are manipulated by the will of chaos, they are now enemies!

The enemy must die!

Han Jue can tolerate his relatives and disciples, he can tolerate Heaven, but there is no reason to tolerate Chaos!

He can immortalize all beings in chaos, that is the scruples of the creator of the Tao!

But he doesn\'t mind letting Chaos\' first-class cultivation realm drop a few layers!