Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 958: All beings are enemies, the supreme incarnation

Han Jue was still in retreat when he was suddenly interrupted by the prompt in front of him.

[Your friend Xuandu Shengzun has hatred for you, and the current hatred degree is 6 stars]

[Your son Han Tuo hates you, the current hatred is 6 stars]

[Your son Han Huang hates you, the current hatred is 6 stars]

[Your apprentice Zhou Fan hates you, the current hatred is 6 stars]

[Your friend Xie Tiandi hates you, the current hatred is 6 stars]

[Your apprentice Ji Xianshen hates you, the current hatred is 6 stars]

[Your apprentice Jiang Peishi hates you, the current hatred is 6 stars]

[Your friend Huang Zuntian hates you, the current hatred is 6 stars]

Hate reminders popped out frantically, not only friends, but also many names he had never heard of.

Han Jue frowned, the will of chaos began?

He called up the attribute panel to check. He was only 10,372,308 years old, and it was more than 400,000 years away from the refresh of the Book of Fate.

The crisis came too early and caught him off guard.

Han Jue noticed one thing.

Any existence that has passed through the Prison of Hongmeng has not changed into hatred.

It seems that Hongmeng Heavenly Prison is still very powerful, and it can be immune to the influence of Chaos Will. .

Han Jue noticed that Xing Hongxuan and Qing Luan\'er had also become six-star hatred, but the disciples in the third dojo did not, because this universe of stars was created by Han Jue. Before they were conceived, this place was already a dojo, so they and Chaos has nothing to do with it.

Han Jue sighed and went to seal Xing Hongxuan and Qing Luan\'er.

Afterwards, he entrusted a dream to those who were enslaved by the Hongmeng Heavenly Prison to inform them of the Chaos Will, so that they could hide it well, and the matter was handed over to him.

The people enslaved by the Hongmeng Heavenly Prison include the Sanqing Patriarch, Wu Tianzun, Qiuxilai, Tianjue Cult Master, Tian\'e Emperor, Fang Liang, Pan Xin, Xu Jidao, Void Soul Great Sage, Shenpao Taoist, Hongyuan, Yang Toru, Supreme Punishment God Venerable, Tianxu Patriarch.

The ancestor of Tianxu stayed in the third dojo, and was not assigned a task by Han Jue for the time being.

Han Jue finally dreamed of the Supreme Punishment God Venerable, and by the way asked the Supreme Punishment God Venerable something.

in a dream.

The Supreme Punishment God frowned and said: "The will of chaos is really terrible. Except for those creatures who have never heard of your name, the entire chaos hates you, and it is an absolute mortal enemy. The stronger you are, the more luck you will have, that is to say, you have to defeat all the famous powerhouses in Chaos before you can break this game."

Han Jue suddenly realized that it is no wonder that the descendants will also admire Pangu and Daozu when they think about it again, which shows that these two people succeeded in breaking the game.

"No, why did Pangu and Daozu fail?" Han Jue asked with a frown.

The Supreme Punishment God said: "This is just to break the death situation of all living beings, what should they encounter after that, so Pangu died and opened up the world. Chaos center, the strongest place."

Han Jue said, "You don\'t have to worry about my affairs, you just continue to manage Chaos."

"Are you sure?"


The dream is over.

Han Jue opened his eyes, teleported to the main dojo, and found that his Taoist temple was surrounded.

Now the disciples in Baiyue Xianchuan have already exceeded 100 million. All the disciples want to force his way into his Taoist temple, but the power of the system makes them helpless.

Not only in Baiyue Xianchuan, but outside Baiyue Xianchuan is even more lively.

More and more practitioners came.

Han Jue secretly said that the chaotic will is terrifying. There is no caller, and all beings come spontaneously. The most important thing is that these creatures do not realize this. In their memory, they all have hatred for Shenwei Tiansheng, which cannot be resolved.

They just heard that all beings in the world are going to crusade against Shenwei Tiansheng, so they came.

There are different opinions as to who is the initiator.

Han Jue looked outside the thirty-third layer of the sky. All the saints gathered in the Qiankun Hall, discussing how to attack the Baiyue Xianchuan and how to deal with the divine power.

He found it amusing, as if a group of children were plotting how to rebel against the adults, who were eavesdropping outside the window, unaware.

At this time, Han Jue felt a strong aura spying on the heavens.

Road first!

Among them, there is no lack of the existence of the Great Dao Supreme Consummation!

It has to be said that the background of Chaos is still very strong.

Han Jue asked in his heart, "If I defeat all the powerhouses in Chaos, what will happen?"

[Need to deduct one thousand trillion years of life, whether to continue]


【Facing Chaos Will】

"Faced with Chaos Will, will I die?"

[Need to deduct one thousand trillion years of life, whether to continue]


[There is a 40% chance of falling]

Han Jue frowned.

so dangerous?

He returned to the third dojo and thought to himself, "I want to see the scene where I face the will of chaos!"

[Need to deduct one thousand trillion years of life, whether to continue]

Why are you still deducting?

Isn\'t this question the same as the previous one?

Han Jue scolded secretly, and then chose to continue.

His consciousness entered into an evolutionary illusion. UU reading www.

Opening his eyes again, he came to the top of the Three Thousand Avenues.

He saw himself and was looking up at the Seven Supreme Rules.

The seven supreme rules burst out with dazzling light, twisted violently, and turned into seven figures.

Two of them were in the form of Huang Zuntian and Qingtian Xuanji, and the other one was in the shape of a divine general, who couldn\'t see the appearance clearly.

The avenue of luck theocratic transformation!

Is this the battle I\'m going to face?

Han Jue carefully felt the aura of these seven people, and none of them were weaker than the ancient desolate gods and Xiaoyao Xian.


"Shenwei Tiansheng, Han Jue, you are an odd number, the origin of your soul does not come from chaos, chaos tolerates you, but you interfere with the fate of chaos many times, do you know the sin?"

A majestic voice sounded, extremely indifferent, Han Jue had never heard of this voice.

The future Han Jue in front of him replied: "I have suffered from closed-door cultivation all my life, and I rarely fight with others. The enemies I kill are all people who have to be killed. I have never killed innocent people, and I have no right to control chaos. What\'s the guilt?"

The majestic voice continued to sound: "The people you kill are all people whose fate should not be destroyed. Some of them will create great fortunes, some will promote doom, and some will establish merits. In order to protect the people around you, you have killed countless people. Living beings, their sins are incalculable."

Han Jue laughed and said: "It\'s a joke. It\'s a joke, and the whole body is affected by it? If you want to add guilt, there is no need to worry. Come on, let me surpass the power of Chaos Will. Today, I will tell you to shut up!"

The seven supreme incarnations swooped towards Han Jue one after another, and the three thousand avenues below rose up, weaving into a huge net of avenues, trying to bind Han Jue.

Han Jue watched the battle nervously.

After a stick of incense, Han Jue will destroy the seven supreme incarnations in the future, and he will be extremely powerful.

Han Jue had to admit that from an outside perspective, he was really handsome when he was serious.

However, things are not over!