Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 960: 1st person ever

Han Jue\'s voice fell, and there were strong and unparalleled momentum in all directions of the early realm.

Han Jue also felt some familiar aura.

The Twelve Ancestors!

Yuanshi Tianzun!


The avenue saints who had returned to the Ruins God Realm also came.

Millions of years have passed, and the twelve ancestral sorcerers have all accomplished the Great Way.

Originally, these Great Dao Saints and Heavenly Dao were friendly, but now they have become enemies.

Han Jue was expressionless, he would not show mercy.

Not only the avenue saint, but also the avenue supreme!

One after another, terrifying figures seemed to come from the end of the ancient and desolate years, bringing the world-destroying divine might, all the murderous auras locked on Han Jue, and the shattered realm of Absolute Beginning trembled.

The top of Han Jue\'s head condensed a magical image of the devil.

In an instant, five hundred demons and gods were successfully condensed, and all five hundred were enough!

War is imminent!

Five hundred demons and gods face each other, roaring in all directions, each casting magical powers.

The Tiangang Demon God threw his fists and punched, the fist wind was fierce, tearing the void!

The Shadow Demon God raised his arms, and countless Shadow Demon Gods attacked like a torrent, unstoppable!

The Demon God of War gathers the fighting spirit, the power of the divine soldiers, shakes the Qi of Chaos, and overwhelms all the enemies\' momentum!

Inside the Taoist Temple.

Han Jue opened his eyes, the absolute purification of Xing Hongxuan had just ended.

It takes hundreds of years, and the lifespan is deducted, and absolute purification can only be one-to-one.

It is really troublesome to use absolute purification to crack the will of chaos. At most, he can only use it on his relatives and direct disciples, not to mention the way of heaven, he can\'t even save the hidden door. .

This way does not work.

Xing Hongxuan opened her eyes and saw Han Jue. She couldn\'t help but ask, "Husband, what happened? I seem to have had a dream that we became enemies..."

She recalled that dream and was extremely frightened.

So real.

Luckily it\'s all fake!

Han Jue said, "That\'s not a dream."

He raised his hand and pointed at Xing Hongxuan\'s forehead.

All the scenes of Baiyue Xianchuan flooded into her mind, and she couldn\'t help being in a trance.

Han Jue explained to her the reason for all this, which shocked her completely.

"Chaos Will..."

Xing Hongxuan muttered to herself, her voice trembling.

Although she has been practicing with Han Jue, she does not understand Han Jue\'s vision, and her own cultivation makes her not even aware of Chaos.

She dared not even think about manipulating the will of sentient beings.

What kind of existence is Chaos Will that can manipulate all beings...

What are these creatures?

Xing Hongxuan was confused.

She suddenly felt that everything was meaningless.

It can\'t be said that she is vulnerable, and the same is true for other people.

What is the meaning of life when you discover that you can be manipulated arbitrarily by a being?

Han Jue said, "Don\'t be afraid, I\'m here."

His words were light, but weighty, and Xing Hongxuan couldn\'t help but raise her eyes and looked at Han Jue with a light face. She felt very warm in her heart, and her previous sense of security returned.


With her husband here, what is she afraid of?

Xing Hongxuan suddenly thought of something and asked, "Isn\'t Huang\'er..."

Han Jue said: "That\'s right, then you stay here and cultivate well, don\'t go anywhere, although they are manipulated by the will of Chaos, but they just hate me, not crazy and must kill me, before they are sure, they will not It will trouble me, and I still have time to get stronger."

Xing Hongxuan nodded and did not dare to make any demands. All she could do now was not to hold back.

Han Jue and Xing Hongxuan used Absolute Purification just to test this function. It took too long, so he decided to practice hard.

Since he might not be able to defeat the incarnation of Chaos Will, he simply forced Chaos Will.

He used his clones to continuously kill the incoming powerful enemies, weakening Chaos, forcing the creator of Tao to intervene.

Anyway, Han Jue\'s deity is hiding in the dojo, and the creator of the Tao can\'t be hurt!

Just do it!

Han Jue\'s eyes lit up with cold light.

Xing Hongxuan saw the killing intent, but didn\'t say anything.

In her heart, Han Jue is the most important thing. Even if all beings are manipulated to kill Han Jue, and are killed by Han Jue, she will never sympathize.

Her heart is very small, and there are not many people who can pretend, her husband and son are enough.

Primordial realm.

Surrounded by blood and energy, looking around, corpses of different sizes are distributed in all directions of the Absolute Beginning Domain.

At first glance, it seems like a chaotic Jedi here, and the fierce karma is visible to the naked eye.

Han Jue\'s clone was sitting in the Absolute Beginning Domain, waiting quietly.

A hundred years have passed, and all the great powers who came to challenge have been killed by him!

However, most of the great powers have life-saving means, either leaving a clone, a soul, or a treasure to escape.

Han Jue did not kill them all, but there were also some poor people who came to die without any means of saving their lives. After Han Jue killed them, he did not sympathize with them.

Now, the entire Chaos knows where he is, and his terrifying achievements have spread throughout Chaos.

this day.

There is power again!

Han Jue opened his eyes and saw that there was a sword qi across the void outside the Absolute Beginning Domain, which seemed to divide Chaos into two.

There is a figure above the sword energy, wearing a Taoist robe, with white hair, sleeves facing the wind, and an aura like a sword, piercing the chaotic void.

Lao Tzu!

The two looked at each other from a distance, and the blood energy and the chaotic energy surging around the Absolute Beginning Domain instantly stagnated, as if time and space stood still.

At this moment, there are countless practitioners standing and watching in the distance in all directions. They dare not approach, for fear of being affected.

"I\'m taking action!"

"Hopefully he can compete with the divine power."

"Hey, it feels very difficult, Shenwei Tiansheng is too strong, I feel invincible."

"Defeat the generals of the gods, slay the ancient desolate gods, and win the avenues of hundreds of honors. From ancient times to the present, Shenwei Tiansheng is indeed the first person, but this person has done many evils, which is the doom of chaos."

"If Lao Tzu is defeated, what will Chaos do?"

"As long as Lao Tzu can contain Shenwei Tiansheng, he has a chance of winning. After all, he is not fighting alone!"

Han Jue stood up and stepped out of the realm of Absolute Beginning.

Lao Tzu looked at Han Jue and said, "Actually, you still have other paths to take. The path you choose now is a path of no return. That was the case with the giant **** who died in the past. You can learn from my teacher."

Pangu slaughtered 3,000 Chaos Demon Gods, and finally died.

Dao Ancestor did not create much killing karma. It is estimated that he chose another path and compromised. Since then, the Heavenly Dao has stagnated, and every time his strength is about to go further, countless catastrophe occurs.

Let Han Jue imitate Daozu, he can\'t do it.

Today is different from the past. If he bows his head, the way of heaven is not as simple as stagnation. How many saints must be sacrificed to restore to the previous situation.

In that case, the way of heaven might as well be destroyed!

Han Jue decided to fight.

Compared with Chaos Will, who is more ruthless!

The big deal is that he let the ancestors of Tianxu display his life.

The peace of all beings is the supernatural power of destroying the Dao, the number of supernatural powers of fate, and the sacrifice of one\'s own cultivation base and qi fortune in exchange for the death of all beings, can only be displayed under a certain heavenly way and in a calamity, and the price is that the cultivation base loses a big realm!

The ancestor of the Tianxu is not a living being of the heavenly way, and the heavenly way that includes him is chaos!

This step of chess is basically breaking the net with the ninth chaotic fish!