Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 957: will recover

Han Jue began to think about a question, should he put the fifty-three Chaos Demon Gods in the second dojo into the Hongmeng Realm to help him unify the Hongmeng Realm.

But on second thought, no need.

His control over the Hongmeng Realm is absolute, and after all, these fifty-three Chaos Demon Gods are born and bred in heaven, and the cause and effect are difficult to cut off, and there is no guarantee that they will become a breakthrough in the Hongmeng Realm in the future.

Forget it.

Eggs cannot be placed in one basket by themselves.

After a long time, in case someone betrays, and his hole cards can never be fully displayed.

Han Jue thought so. .

He wants to make his disciples and descendants not aware of all the forces he controls.

Not even the closest people, let alone enemies.

After Han Jue observed the Hongmeng Realm, he teleported to the main dojo.

He has not paid attention to Tiandao for many years, and he should take a look.

In any case, he has protected the Dao of Heaven several times, and the Dao of Heaven has been regarded as a possession by him.

This is his site, a must see!

During Han Jue\'s retreat, there were more and more saints of the Tao of Heaven, and there were more than ten saints of freedom in the local area.

Han Jue was very pleased that he was right to leave the saints alive at the beginning.

It would be difficult for him to be so prosperous if he were to govern the way of heaven.

He is only suitable for being a backer, not for governing sentient beings.

More and more practitioners of the Heavenly Dao go to Chaos, spreading the fate and cause and effect of the Heavenly Dao on the vast map of Chaos.

Some old people have left, and new people have risen in Tiandao, and the situation has emerged in large numbers. It is currently the healthiest state of development.

There is no absolute peace policy within the Heavenly Dao, so there are often Qiyun sects and dynasties attacking each other, but this situation makes the Heavenly Dao orderly stable, the yin and yang are harmonious, the immortals and gods are righteous and feasible, the underworld has reason to accept, and there is no hatred in the world. Depression, although the karma increases, there is no sign of a calamity.

A few hours later, Han Jue just left and returned to the third dojo.

He called Xing Hongxuan.

"Husband misses me?"

Xing Hongxuan asked with a smile.

Han Jue smiled and said, "That\'s right."

Xing Hongxuan was instantly overjoyed and threw herself into Han Jue\'s arms.

When she was about to make the next move, Han Jue said, "I\'m going to let the Han family spread its branches, what do you think?"

Xing Hongxuan was stunned for a while, and asked in surprise, "Do you want children, or descendants?"

Han Jue smiled and said, "It\'s okay, I plan to have a son every ten million years."

Xing Hongxuan pondered: "Then it\'s Xuan Qingjun\'s turn, she has been waiting for a long time."

"would you like?"

"Naturally willing, it is my great fortune to be able to serve my husband, how can I monopolize my husband."

Xing Hongxuan shook her head and said, she is very clear that liking is not occupying.

If it weren\'t for Han Jue, she was just a mortal. Han Jue could accompany her through her whole life, and she could still find a loved one. Women were never the most important and caring thing for Han Jue, so she did not dare to be greedy to dominate Han Jue.

Han Jue smiled and said, "When Huang\'er and Qing\'er come back, you have to persuade them to get married."

Xing Hongxuan nodded and said, "Huang\'er is okay to say, after all, he is a man, and Qing\'er is a daughter\'s family, so how can you take the initiative? She is your only daughter, and her marriage must be cautious and cannot be easily settled."

Han Jue was lost in thought.

This is true.

How can the precious daughter of Shenwei Tiansheng marry indiscriminately?

Looking at the entire chaos, how many people can get into his eyes?

Choose from disciples?

That\'s all, I have to look at my daughter\'s thoughts again. If there is no such intention, it would be like not marrying. After all, the direct line of blood must be inherited by a man.

a few days later.

Xing Hongxuan left with satisfaction.

Han Jue continued to practice.

Although it is not clear when the will of chaos will appear, all he can do is continue to practice.

Be as strong as possible!

The sky is full of red clouds, the sea of ​​clouds is cascading, the boundless ocean is ups and downs, and the waves are magnificent.

The Virgin of Order stands at the end of the sea, with a mighty shore like a giant mountain, and the sun behind it is shining brightly.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Our Lady of Order, it was Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu frowned and asked, "Did you feel it?"

The Virgin of Order replied, "Let it be."

"What kind of power is that?"

"The Supreme Rule."

"Then why does it affect the Supreme Dao? I am like that, all beings..."

Lao Tzu narrowed his eyes and asked, "Could my teacher be controlled by this power back then?"

Our Lady of Order said: "Except him."

The old man is moved.

Our Lady of Order sighed, "Young Daoyou Li has reached the apex of the Dao, which is considered to be beyond the rules. You should understand the difference between acting along the path and acting against the path. Go back to practice and wait for the guidance of the Dao Heart."

Lao Tzu asked: "At the beginning, my teacher was besieged by chaos. Although he suppressed the evil with great magical powers, the way of heaven has been unable to develop since then. Could it be that my teacher compromised?"

Our Lady of Order did not answer.

Lao Tzu asked, "Who is this time talking about? Divine Mighty Heavenly Sage? Supreme Punishment Divine Venerable? Or the Dark Lord and Life Lord?"

Our Lady of Order still did not answer.

Lao Tzu understood something, raised his hand to salute, and disappeared.

The Madonna of Order did not move, as if the statue was standing on the sea, ancient and vicissitudes.

In the realm of order, there is no change of day and night, and the sky will occasionally change color, but it is still day.

I don\'t know how long ago.

The Virgin of Order slowly raised her right hand, and as her right hand was raised, a tornado wave rose from the sea and shot straight into the sky.

The tornado wave suddenly exploded, turning into a downpour that enveloped the entire order world. The heavy rain roared and thunder followed, as if a storm was coming.

Despite the strong wind and waves beating on the flesh, the Virgin of Order still did not move.

Above the chaos, the seven rules of high above began to slowly merge, the action was very slow, and there was no movement.

Except for a few great powers in the entire chaos, no one noticed this.

On a barren star, Huang Zuntian meditated in a giant pit, surrounded by countless tiny black stones.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and strange black lines appeared between his eyebrows.

He frowned tightly and murmured, "What\'s going on? The power of divine power..."

A black light suddenly burst out from his eyes, and his whole body began to shake violently, as if he was about to explode.

after awhile. UU Reading

Huang Zuntian returned to calm, he raised his head again, his expression became indifferent, his eyes looked into the depths of the universe, and he said to himself, "Shenwei Tiansheng, you made me so miserable!"

He stood up suddenly and disappeared with countless tiny black stones all over his body.

at the same time.

The Dao of Heaven, outside the thirty-three layers of the sky, inside a palace.

The door suddenly opened!

A terrifying aura erupted!

I saw a figure walking out slowly, it was Qingtian Xuanji.

Qingtian Xuanji was full of anger and murderous aura. He looked at the immortal world below and shouted in a deep voice: "Shenwei Tiansheng, cut my cause and effect, I will get rid of you!"

In the past, other saints would have been disturbed, but this time, no saints came.

Thirty-three layers of heaven fell into an eerie silence.