Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 910: Chaos unknown

In the vast void, sailboats traveled in the same direction.

A middle-aged Taoist stood on the deck of a huge sailboat at the forefront, surrounded by ten slap-sized stone slabs, like a puzzle, mysterious and unpredictable.

The middle-aged Taoist stared at the bright and beautiful universe of stars in front of him, frowning slightly.

A creature with a snake body and a human head next to it smiled and said: "I didn\'t expect that there are such heaven and earth hidden in the chaos, which is very suitable for my race to survive."

The middle-aged Taoist said, "Something\'s wrong. There is no strong restriction nearby, and there is no breath of life in it. Why don\'t other races take the lead?"

The snake body and the human head said: "The chaos is boundless, and it is normal not to be discovered by living creatures."

"Yes, but it\'s better to be cautious."

The middle-aged Taoist thoughtfully said.

The snake-shaped human head nodded and turned to go down to give orders. .

at the same time.

Inside the third dojo.

Han Huang looked at the races outside the universe with a look of excitement.

"Saint Liberty, just give me a chance to practice my hands and open meat."

Han Huang muttered to himself, he jumped, and wanted to rush out.


The invisible dojo formation blocked Han Huang from the sky, and the sky was turbulent, causing all the disciples in the dojo to look up.

Han Qing\'er looked surprised, what does this kid want to do?

She looked up and soon saw a mysterious race outside the universe.

"Second brother, don\'t worry, there will be no danger with Jiang Peishi." Han Qing\'er shouted, she had witnessed Jiang Peishi\'s attack to defend against foreign enemies before.

Hearing this, Han Huang frowned.

He didn\'t continue to die in the dojo formation, turned around and flew to Han Jue\'s Taoist temple. He wanted to enter the temple and asked Han Jue to let him out, but he couldn\'t open the door of the Taoist temple.

Han Jue was busy practicing, so how could he be disturbed.

Han Huang was moved, he was already a saint of the Great Dao, and he still couldn\'t shake this door.

He knew that his father was strong, but he didn\'t expect that he was still so strong that he couldn\'t compete with him.

He is already a saint of the Dao, can\'t even open the door of a Taoist temple?

Han Huang didn\'t believe in evil, he gritted his teeth and continued to push, trying his best.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn\'t push it, and he couldn\'t destroy the door in front of him even with the divine power.

Han Huang let go and turned to leave.

He went straight back to his own Taoist temple to retreat and practice.

At the same time, Jiang Peishi left for the universe, and Han Qinger began to watch the battle.

Jiang Peishi is already invincible in the realm of freedom, and the other race is the leader of the sage of freedom, so naturally he is not his opponent.

The battle didn\'t last long, and Jiang Peishi won easily.

Han Qinger said with emotion: "No wonder he can suppress the second brother, it is indeed powerful."

Every time she watched Jiang Pei Shi\'s battle, she was in awe.

Qing Luan\'er also witnessed the battle and said with admiration, "As expected of your father\'s apprentice, he should be your father\'s most proud apprentice, right?"

Han Qing\'er shook her head and said, "Not necessarily. I heard the second brother say that Jiang Peishi is at most in the top ten under his father\'s sect."

Qingluan\'er shook her head and laughed.

Han Qing\'er glanced at her and couldn\'t help but ask: "Mother, you don\'t seem to be curious about your father at all? Be careful that father is looking for a few more women!"

Qing Luan\'er smiled and said: "Just look for it, since I knew your father, he has been full of mystery, and I like his mystery. It\'s something I didn\'t dare to think about before, how can I disturb your father\'s cultivation? "

Han Qing\'er pouted, unable to understand her mother, but didn\'t say much.

Everyone has a choice for everyone.

What\'s more, her father is indeed perfect, no matter in appearance, cultivation, or personality, bearing, she feels that no one can compare.

Han Qinger couldn\'t help but think, what kind of hero will her husband be in the future?

At least as good as my father!


Father is the strongest, it is better to be eight points than him!

Another hundred thousand years have passed.

Han Jue opened his eyes, and his cultivation had improved a lot.

He first entrusted the dream to the Peacock God, confirming that the Peacock God had escaped.

In the dream, God Peacock kept kowtow, thanking Han Jue.

He is now completely convinced of the Dark Lord, and he can save him without doing anything. Naturally, the backer must be hugged tightly.

After the dream was lifted, Han Jue entrusted the dream to the Supreme Punishment God.

He spoke out about the ancient gods.

"I already know about this, the ancient gods are extremely powerful, and I am not his opponent."

Supreme Punishment God Venerable said solemnly, this is also the reason why he did not dare to go to the ancient wilderness in person.

Han Jue raised his eyebrows. He knew that the Supreme Punishment God was not an opponent of the ancient gods, and the price gap was huge. He just wanted the Supreme Punishment God to prepare early.

Supreme Punishment God Venerable said helplessly: "Fellow Daoist should be able to see that there are many areas in the chaos that cannot be spied on, and the power it contains is incalculable. After all, chaos has existed for a long time, and it is too long to calculate how many years it has."

Han Jue was silent.

Why does he feel that the Supreme Punishment God is weak?

Weakening by whitening?

On second thought, it is also correct. The previous Supreme Punishment God was a challenge to high positions, and there were far fewer enemies than the original ancestor god. Now he is sitting in the original ancestor god\'s position, and countless eyes are staring at him. The pressure is far greater than before, and he dare not act recklessly.

"I will take precautions against this matter. Thank you fellow Daoist for reminding me. I don\'t have to worry about it. I have a certain understanding of the ancient wilderness, so I can\'t harm Chaos for the time being." Supreme Punishment God Venerable said seriously, his tone was sincere, as if he was being attacked by Han Jue. Impressed.

Han Jue didn\'t believe he would be moved, so he immediately greeted him.

After the dream ended, Han Jue opened his eyes.

Hearing the words of the God of Punishment, this fellow will not have a good relationship with the ancient gods.

Even if they can\'t fight, they should be restless. If they are so calm, it is very likely that the two sides will be on good terms. UU reading

Han Jue didn\'t have the urge to spend his life to evolve, even if he guessed right, it\'s fine. Anyway, his friendship with the Supreme Punishment God is equivalent to a friendship with the ancient gods.

Whoever is the boss in Chaos has nothing to do with him, as long as he doesn\'t provoke him.

Even if he wanted to provoke him, he could hide in the dojo.

Today\'s chaos, including the creator of Tao, cannot break into his dojo.

Han Jue began to check his emails and paid attention to the latest developments in the circle of friends.

The sky is dark and foggy, the earth is flat and vast, and the horizon is endless.

Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, Jiang Yi meditated in one place, while Lao Dan stood not far away and looked around.

"There\'s no danger, I\'ve already said it, don\'t worry, my baby is very reliable. If there is any danger approaching, I will definitely be notified." Zhao Xuanyuan said with a smile.

Old Dan snorted: "Your treasure may be fulfilled in other places, but it may not be feasible here."

Zhao Xuanyuan shook his head and laughed.

Jiang Yi said: "Don\'t say it, I really feel that something is staring at us, isn\'t it the guy who chased us before?"

"Not really, how long has it been? We have been recovering for thousands of years."

Zhao Xuanyuan frowned, feeling uneasy in his heart.

The good things they say are hard to predict, but if they say bad things, they are more accurate than each other.

The more Zhao Xuanyuan thought about it, the more uneasy he got, and he stood up abruptly.

He followed and looked around, for fear of an enemy appearing.

Jiang Yi sighed: "I\'m ready to get hurt."

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