Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 911: 200,000 theocracy

"Brother Dao, why are you silent?"

Jiang Yi looked at Dao Zhizun next to him and asked, and he couldn\'t help but be moved.

I saw Dao Zhizun closed his eyes, frowned tightly, and there was a flow of evil spirits between his brows, and his state was strange.

Zhao Xuanyuan and Lao Dan turned their heads and saw that something was wrong.

Lao Dan flashed in front of the Supreme Dao Supreme, raised his hand to point on the Supreme Dao, but no matter how he cast the spell, the Supreme Dao couldn\'t wake up.

Zhao Xuanyuan asked nervously, "He won\'t have an accident, right?"

They are all free saints, and it has been a long time since they had fallen into such evil.

Old Dan said solemnly: "It\'s not right, it\'s too wrong, he didn\'t suffer any injuries, he doesn\'t have any abnormal mana in his body, and his soul is there, how could this be..."

He detoured behind the Supreme Daoist and continued to examine his physical body.

at this time.

Dao Zhizun opened his eyes, stood up suddenly, kicked Lao Dan flying, and disappeared into the thick fog. .

Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi were shocked, and immediately took a stance and prepared to fight.

Dao Zhizun turned to look at them. At this moment, Dao Zhizun\'s eyes changed, and his pupils were like two black snakes connected end to end, which was very scary.

"Brother Dao, what\'s wrong with you?"

Zhao Xuanyuan asked seriously, such a situation has never happened before.

Jiang Yi said: "Is he possessed by something?"

Dao Zhizun grinned and said: "Two little dolls, the qualifications are not bad, just I need the servants of the chaotic creatures."

At this time, Lao Dan appeared in front of Zhao Xuanyuan. He stared at Dao Zhizun and asked, "Who is your Excellency, and why do you occupy my nephew\'s body?"

Dao Zhizun twisted his neck and said, "Don\'t worry, I won\'t hurt him. If you obey me, there will be a big chance in the future. Have you ever heard the legend of the ancient wilderness?"

An ancient legend?

Lao Dan frowned, Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi looked at each other, they were thinking about how to make a move.

Dao Zhizun said: "I am the spirit of the ancient wilderness. In the future, I will call on the endless Dao Demon and the unjust souls at the bottom of the chaos to overthrow the chaos. If you assist me in advance, you can avoid death and gain a detached status in the new chaos."

Lao Dan said with a faint smile, "What you say is really heartwarming, but do you really understand Chaos? Why do you want to destroy Chaos? Previously, 20,000 divine powers fell before the way of heaven, and divine powers are equivalent to Dao Saint, or first-class Dao Saint!"

Dao Zhizun showed a weird smile and said: "I naturally know about this matter. Even so, I have to fully grasp it, and that day is the target I want to trample."

The voice fell, and the surrounding thick fog began to churn, as if a flood of dragons swept in, the scene was spectacular and terrifying.

Lao Dan squinted his eyes and held up his hands in his sleeves.

Dao Supreme slowly rose up, opened his hands, and laughed rampantly: "You can know that the Dao Saint is the Dao Primordial Realm, and above this Dao Primordial Primal Realm there is the Dao to the Upper Realm!"

As soon as these words came out, the three were moved.

Jiang Yi asked in a deep voice, "Could it be that Your Excellency is the supreme road?"

Dao Zhizun laughed wildly, and his laughter was full of contempt: "I have already surpassed the Supreme Dao and reached a higher level! In front of me, the Dao Sage is no different from the mortals, no matter how many there are, it doesn\'t matter if there are more of them, the divine power can destroy 20,000 divine rights General, I can destroy 200,000!"

Zhao Xuanyuan, Jiang Yi, and Lao Dan were shocked.

Even Lao Dan did not know that the Great Dao is supreme and there is a realm.

After all, his deity is only parked on the avenue.

If what this fellow said is true, then it is possible to change the chaos!

Jiang Yi asked angrily: "Why are you trampling on the Tao of Heaven? Are you chaotic greats with a sick mind, and you are always looking for trouble with the Tao of Heaven!"

Dao Zhizun looked at him coldly, and the terrifying murder locked him, making him cold and nervous.

Even though he was afraid, Jiang Yi\'s arrogance still made him glared at Dao Zhizun.

In Tiandao, Jiang Yi was once the first Tianjiao who overwhelmed the world!

Dao Zhizun suddenly smiled and said: "Hey, seeing that you are a junior, I don\'t care about you. Why does Tiandao suffer so much? That is because Tiandao has done too many sins! Daozu pretended to disappear, and really thought he could reveal everything? Impossible! When I step on the Heavenly Dao, I will see if the Dao Ancestor can still sit still!"

Lao Dan asked in confusion: "You tell us so much, do you really value us?"

Dao Zhizun smiled and said: "I value you and wait? It\'s just to give you a chance. My will is hundreds of millions, and it is distributed in all walks of life. I talked to you and I didn\'t waste time, understand?"

"You have no way to escape, either obey me or die!"

He glanced at Zhao Xuanyuan suddenly, his eyes flashing.

At this moment, Zhao Xuanyuan\'s consciousness has entered the Myriad Realms Projection.

"The big thing is bad! Heaven is a threat again! Three of our brothers have been arrested!"

Zhao Xuanyuan shouted in a hurry, there are only a few people in the Myriad Realms projection at this moment, and among them is the black prison chicken.

The Black Prison Chicken yawned and said, "If you ask for help, ask for help, don\'t raise the banner, none of us can save you, or you can ask the owner for help."

Zhao Xuanyuan gritted his teeth and said: "The other party is from ancient wasteland, claiming that he can kill 200,000 divine power generals, I dare not rashly summon Master!"

Two hundred thousand theocrats!

The Black Prison Chicken shuddered with fright, its feathers swaying.

Before it could speak, Zhao Xuanyuan suddenly disappeared.

The Black Prison Chicken left the Myriad Realms Projection, summoned all the Chaos Demon Gods, and said what Zhao Xuanyuan had just said.

Murong Qi frowned and said, "Is there another wave in Chaos?"

Guan Bufei hummed: "This is normal, the chaos is boundless, plus the years are long, the hidden powers are naturally countless."

The other demon gods all looked solemn.

There are already divine powers in the mock trial, UU reading www. They have all challenged theocratic generals, and they were all killed in seconds if they couldn\'t even beat one.

"Let\'s wait for the master to come to the dojo, or let the mistress tell him."

Xun Changan pondered, his words were approved by the demon gods.

At present, they are not good enough to compete with the avenue supremacy.

Tiangang Demon God said unhappily: "Our growth rate is still too slow. In a million years, there must be three Demon Gods who have achieved the Dao, understand?"

His eyes swept across the others, most of whom were afraid to look him in the eye.

The avenue is not so well-documented!

Even the Chaos Demon God needs time!

In a blink of an eye, one hundred thousand years have passed.

Han Jue opened his eyes and let Xing Hongxuan and Han Huang outside the Taoist temple come in.

"Husband, the big thing is bad! Heaven is in trouble again! Your apprentice has been arrested!"

Xing Hongxuan said in a hurry, Han Huang, who was next to him, did not change his face, but he was very curious in his heart.

Han Jue said: "Speak slowly and make it clear."

At the same time, he calculated with his fingers, and found that the cause and effect of the three people of Dao Zhizun had indeed disappeared.

He called out interpersonal relationships, and the avatars of the three were still there.

Xing Hongxuan repeated what she learned from the black prison chicken.

Can kill 200,000 theocracy?

From the ancient wasteland?

Ancient Desolate God!

Did not expect to act so soon!

Han Jue said: "I already know about this matter, and I will find a way."

Han Huang couldn\'t help but ask: "Father, I just won a draw with a divine general not long ago, can you really kill 20 thousand divine generals with one sword?"

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