Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 909: Ancient desolate gods, half-step creation

Hearing that the ancestors of Xitian and others were also subdued by Huang Zuntian, Han Jue had to look at Huang Zuntian again.

Before he knew it, Huang Zuntian was already strong enough to break Han Juei\'s impression of him.

Before that, in Han Jue\'s heart, the ancestor of Xitian must be stronger than Huang Zuntian.

Han Jue suddenly wanted to calculate Huang Zuntian\'s future.

Huang Zuntian talked about his experiences incessantly, and he was in high spirits. He was no longer the mortal who was crawling in the sect.

For Han Jue, time passed quickly, but for Huang Zuntian, time was very slow. He looks very beautiful now, but he actually paid an unimaginable price and energy. Looking back, he felt tired.

Intrigue, power struggle, persuasion, etc., he took every step very carefully, for fear of overturning.

"Master, recently my subordinates discovered something, an unusual thing, which may endanger Chaos." Huang Zuntian turned his head and said suddenly seriously.

Han Jue didn\'t say a word, this guy actually learned to sell off!

Huang Zuntian is very good at observing words and expressions, and immediately said: "This place is in the ancient wasteland, there is a forbidden area in the ancient wasteland, leading to the unknown realm, and the Dao demons ran out of it. A big problem."

Han Jue narrowed his eyes, lost in thought.

Could it be that the ancestor of Tianxu was brewing a plan to retaliate against the Taoist ancestor?


"The ancient wasteland is a forbidden area. Some time ago, a lot of great powers were lost in it, so no one pays attention to the ancient wasteland anymore. It is after this that the Taoist demons in the ancient wasteland have increased much faster than before. The most important thing is that I didn\'t find the mastermind behind them, I only know that the ancestor of Tianxu who opened up the first world of chaos in the past is also a Dao demon, or the strongest Dao demon."

Huang Zuntian said solemnly, he seemed to have fought with the ancestors of Tianxu, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

Han Jue\'s eyes changed slightly, is the ancestor of Tianxu a Dao demon?

Could there be someone else behind it?

Han Jue said: "I will pay attention to this matter, how does the life force plan to stand on its own?"

After the original ancestral gods fell, the Dao gods stopped chasing and killing the forces of fate, which gave the forces of fate a chance to breathe.

Huang Zuntian said: "I plan to establish a Taoist lineage and live in seclusion. After the Taoist lineage is completed, I will make plans. The current chaos seems to be peaceful, but I always feel that undercurrents are surging."

Han Jue nodded and said, "It really should be settled, time will smooth everything out."

The two chatted for a few more words and then released the dream.

The main purpose of this dream is to tell Huang Zuntian that Han Jue still cares about him.

Han Jue opened his eyes and asked in his heart, "I want to know who is behind the Dao Demon?"

[One hundred trillion years of life need to be deducted, whether to continue]

One hundred trillion years is equivalent to a hundred times stronger than Lao Tzu and ten times weaker than the creator of Tao.

Not the ancestor of Tianxu!

Han Jue immediately chose to continue.

A figure appeared in his mind, with a body like blue flames, wearing a mask of white bones, with black hair fluttering freely, like countless tentacles, terrifying.

[Ancient Desolate Spirits: The Great Dao is perfect, half-step creation, detached from Tao, Spirit of Heaven and Earth, Lord of Karma, Lord of Dao Demon, Evil Spirit of Heaven and Dao]

Half-step creation!

So good!

Han Jue was attracted by the word "Evil Spirit of Heaven". Is this guy related to Heaven?

Thinking about it carefully, the ancient wasteland was transformed by the shattering of the prehistoric wasteland. Most of it was turned into the ancient wasteland, and the rest became the fairyland. The spirit of the ancient wasteland was naturally related to the way of heaven.

The Dao of Heaven does not seem to be powerful in the chaos, but it was deliberately suppressed by the ancestors of the Dao. In fact, the Dao of Heaven is extremely ancient, and its existence time is replaced by other creatures, which is enough to cultivate to the extreme of chaos.

"Can I kill the ancient gods in seconds?"

[One hundred trillion years of life need to be deducted, whether to continue]


【can not】

Han Jue was slightly disappointed.

But after thinking about it, it was right. After all, the other party had already created it in half a step.

Han Jue didn\'t think much about it, and waited for the Peacock God to escape. Then he would directly notify the Supreme Punishment God and let the Supreme Punishment God to worry.

After all, the Lord of Chaos is the Supreme Punishment God, not his divine might.

Han Jue closed his eyes and continued to practice.


under the old tree.

Han Qinger stared bored at the disciples in the distance. She yawned and murmured, "Second brother, why haven\'t you left the seclusion yet? Is seclusion so fun?"

Qing Luan\'er next to him smiled and said, "Your second brother has big ambitions. How can you be the same as you? You have to practice as hard as your father for a while, and then feel bored again."

Han Qing\'er rolled her eyes and said, "I used to have big ambitions, okay, but as soon as my second brother was born, I knew that there would be no place for me by my father\'s side in the future. I might as well be a little padded jacket with peace of mind, why should I be competitive."

She believed that any Tianjiao who saw Han Huang would lose self-confidence, especially this fellow was her own brother.

Qingluan\'er covered her mouth and laughed.

At this moment, Han Huang\'s Taoist temple suddenly opened the door, a figure walked out slowly, and came to Han Qinger in a few steps.

Han Qing\'er looked at the person in front of her and couldn\'t help but be in a trance.

Qing Luan\'er\'s eyes lit up and she said with admiration, "You really are more and more like your father."

It was Han Huang who left the border.

Han Huang is tall and straight, with a handsome face, arrogant eyebrows, a fluttering white brocade robe, and black hair tied behind his head by a thin rope. Not only is he unparalleled in talent, but also in temperament.

Han Qing\'er hummed, "You still know how to come out!"

Han Huang smiled and said, "Qing\'er, I have already achieved the Great and created my own supernatural powers, am I amazing?"

"good job!"

Han Qinger said perfunctorily, but she was shocked.

She knew that Han Huang was a monster, but she didn\'t expect the monster to be so evil.


Han Qinger felt sour in her heart, in front of her second brother, she was just like a mortal.

Han Huang smiled and said: "When I practice for another million years, I will take you out to travel the chaos, with me, no one can hurt you in this chaos, then wherever you want to go, I will accompany you! You want to find big brother , I will accompany you too!"

Hearing this, Han Qing\'er immediately smiled, and the sorrow in her heart disappeared. She smacked Han Huang\'s chest and scolded with a smile: "You have a conscience."

Han Huang said: "That\'s natural!"

Since childhood, Han Huang has liked to stick with Han Qinger. The two have never left home, so the relationship will naturally not be divided.

Han Huang chatted with Qing Luan\'er and Han Qing\'er for a while, then left to visit his mother Xing Hongxuan.

Mainly to show off their gains.

However, Xing Hongxuan was indifferent, making Han Huang annoyed, and Sanniang gave face.

The eldest mother is Xing Hongxuan, the second mother is Xuan Qingjun, the third mother is Qing Luan\'er, the fourth mother is Li Yao, and the fifth mother is the Enlightenment Sword. This is the relationship that Han Jue sorted out later.

Han Huang made up his mind not to come to Xing Hongxuan in the future, but to visit Qingluan\'er.

He walked out of Xing Hongxuan\'s Taoist temple and was about to go back to practice when he suddenly looked up.

At this moment, countless sailboats are coming from outside the universe of stars, and each sailboat is carrying thousands of creatures, with different postures, like people and monsters.

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