Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 879: Son of Heaven

Qiu Xilai\'s words were loud and sonorous, and they all swept away the unease in the hearts of the saints at once.


The way of heaven has divine power and divine sage, why should you be afraid of it?

"Yeah, with the divine power and divine presence, we don\'t have to be afraid at all."

"Tiansheng has been retreating, but if there is difficulty in the way of heaven, he will definitely be able to detect it."

"Speaking of which, I traveled in Chaos before, and when I mentioned the identity of a saint of Heavenly Dao, the Great Master of Chaos did not dare to treat me badly."

"That\'s right, the development of the Heavenly Dao is unstoppable. The reception of the five divine punishments this time must show the atmosphere of my Heavenly Dao."

All the saints talked a lot, and the atmosphere became warm, and the new saint was very curious about Shenwei Tiansheng.

For the recently promoted Heavenly Saints, Shenwei Heavenly Saint is a legend, extremely mysterious, which makes them fascinated.

Thousands of years later, the Five Great Divine Punishments came.

Under the leadership of the Holy Venerable Xuandu, the five great gods entered the thirty-third level of heaven.

Xuandu Shengzun was secretly shocked.

The power of heaven did not stop the punishment of the five gods, why is this?

Panxin and Wu Tianzun also twitched their eyelids.

A group of people came to the Qiankun Hall, where the saints gathered, their eyes fell on the five gods, and they were all curious and did not salute.

Yi Tian glanced around and said with a smile: "The development of the Tao of Heaven is really good, there are so many saints."

Fang Liang looked at Yi Tian with a complicated expression.

Yitian is the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God sought by the spirit of the Tao of Heaven. It is equivalent to the reincarnation of the Tao of Heaven. Fang Liang, who created the Tao of Heaven by himself, naturally feels kind.

It\'s just that today\'s Yitian has surpassed Fang Liang in terms of power and cultivation.

Han Tuo\'s eyes fell on Han Yu.

The grandfather and grandson looked at each other, silence was better than sound.

Han Yu didn\'t expect that Han Tuo was actually one of the five divine punishments, and he was still at the forefront.

Han Tuo was very relieved to see Han Yu\'s sanctification, but he didn\'t show it on his face.

The Holy Venerable Xuandu led the five divine punishments to the front, and the saints sat down with them.

Han Tuo said: "I was originally born in Heaven, and I came here this time without any special intention. The saints don\'t have to worry."

The word "worry" expressed the hidden tension in the hearts of the saints, and the divine punishment followed with smiles.

It has been a while since they came out, no matter who sees them, they will be nervous. Over time, they will naturally develop arrogance.

The same is true of Han Tuo. The five gods punished, but the saints did not salute. They were more arrogant than the gods of the Dao, which was not a good thing.

Once the sage of Tiandao develops a posture of disdain for the gods of the Dao, it will only cause endless trouble for Tiandao. Today is the five gods punished by his team leader, so he can not be held accountable. In the future, will other gods of the Dao come?

Can\'t always let his dad wipe his ass!

Han Tuo felt that it was necessary to beat him to prevent these saints from causing trouble again.

Pan Xin smiled and said, "We naturally won\'t be worried. With the divine power and heavenly sage in charge, we won\'t be afraid of who will come to this chaos."

The other saints followed suit with smiles.

As for the Dao deities, they are not afraid of offending them. They are already dead enemies that cannot be resolved. The current peace is just that the Dao deities can\'t do anything about the divine power and heavenly sage.

Since you are an enemy, why do you need to bow?

The Holy Venerable Xuandu said: "Forgot to introduce, this God Punishment is the parent and son of Shenwei Tiansheng, Han Tuo."

Son of Heaven?

As soon as these words came out, the saints were moved.

Yi Tian smiled and said, "My name is Yi Tian, ​​I am the godson of the godly goddess."

The other three God Punishment couldn\'t help rolling his eyes, this fellow is so shameless, it really undermines the prestige of the five God Punishment.

However, for Han Tuo and Yitian, the other three God Punishment were convinced. Their fighting talents were too terrifying, and they had already been conquered.

Han Tuo shook his head and laughed, but didn\'t say much.

"It turned out to be the son of Tiansheng, that is his own family, I don\'t know how Daoyou Han achieved God\'s punishment?" Nanji Tianzun asked with a smile.

Han Tuo didn\'t hide it, talking about the origin of these years.

He and Yi Tian both come in life and die in death, and the achievement of divine punishment is inherently upright and aboveboard, so naturally he is not afraid to say it.

The other three God Punishment also had their own ups and downs, but they were not familiar with the Dao of Heaven, so naturally they would not speak.

For a time, only Han Tuo\'s voice was left in the Qiankun Hall, and all the saints were listening to him talking.

The sage of the hidden door looked at Han Tuo with pride in his heart.

Han Tuo is the parent and son of Han Jue, and he will inherit the hidden sect in the future. If they are useless, they will naturally feel aggrieved. Now Han Tuo\'s performance makes them very satisfied, even pleasantly surprised.

Sure enough, it is the dragon that gives birth to the dragon and the phoenix that gives birth to the phoenix.

The news soon passed into the hidden door.

The direct disciples who stayed in the second dojo also learned about this through the Myriad Realms Projection.

They are gathering together to discuss the matter.

Murong Qi said with emotion: "Master\'s hand is so far away, and it falls on the punishment of the five gods, and it is still the first of the five punishments."

Da Santian\'s eyes flickered, and he said, "Not necessarily, maybe this is also the calculation of the head of the gods to the sect master."

When people think about it, it does make sense.

Han Ming frowned and said, "If the head of the gods can manipulate Han Tuo\'s will, this is not a good thing."

Guan Bubai shook his head and said, "What are you thinking, how could the sect master not know? Since he knows, it means he has absolute certainty."

Reincarnated freely, Guan Invincible, who was born with an invincible heart, was the most admired by Han Jue. In his eyes, Han Jue completely matched the name of invincibility.

Can the invincible be counted?

How can he who can be counted deserve to be invincible?

At this time, Tiangang Demon God came and shouted: "The crown is undefeated, enter the simulated trial to fight."

Chaos demon gods are naturally aggressive, and simulated trials have become their biggest hobby. As the strongest demon gods, Tiangang demon gods can only find the crown to fight, because other demon gods dare not, only the crown is invincible and the head iron.

When Guan Bufei heard this, he immediately got up and said, "Come here, and today I will give up your name as the strongest demon god!"

The other people who were talking about Han Tuo looked at each other and found it funny.

After being reminded by Guan Invincible, their worries disappeared.


Who can count Han Jue?

Years go by.

In the third dojo, Han Jue opened his eyes.

It indicates that in the past 100,000 years, his cultivation has made great progress, and he is getting closer and closer to breakthrough.

He originally thought about cultivating to a breakthrough in one breath, but when he thought of Han Qinger, his heart softened.

He transmitted his voice to Han Qinger and asked her to enter the view.


The gate of the Taoist temple was pushed open, and Han Qinger, dressed in red, seemed to blow in front of Han Jue like a gust of fire.


Han Qinger cried, her voice full of grievances, resentments and surprises.

She waited for this day, for too long!

A hundred thousand years.

She was going crazy.

She wanted to forcibly break in many times, but was stopped by Qing Luan\'er. In order to defeat Qing Luan\'er, she had to start training. Qing Luan\'er also practiced hard in order not to be surpassed by her.

For a time, the mother and daughter formed a benign struggle, Qing Luan\'er had become a Golden Immortal of Great Luo, and Qing Luan\'er was a complete Golden Immortal of Great Luo.