Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 880: The Supreme Punishment and the Divine Power

"You are 100,000 years old, and you are still so hot, what kind of decency are you?"

Han Jue stared at his daughter who had grown up completely in front of him and said helplessly.

This girl is still so hot.

Sure enough, maturity has nothing to do with age, it has to do with experience.

If there is no experience, the sky is 100,000 years old, and it is also a child.

Han Qing\'er resisted her anger and said aggrieved: "One hundred thousand years, you are like locking me up! How can you be such a father!"

The word Guan is used well, and Han Jue is a little ashamed to hear it.

The reason why Han Jue was able to cultivate hard was because he died early in his last life, and there was a shadow in his heart.

Han Qinger grew up with no friends, no hardships, and when she said happiness, it was just like that, except that she didn\'t work, she was no different from a prisoner.

Han Jue was silent.

He could feel that Han Qinger was really wronged.

He has been with his parents since he was a child, and he has been locked at home when he grows up. It is estimated that he would not be able to bear it if it was a previous life.

Seeing that Han Jue hadn\'t finished speaking, Han Qing\'er\'s eyes were flushed, tears fell like beads, and her body trembled with anger.

Seeing his daughter cry, Han Jue asked, "You are already a Daluo Jinxian?"

When Han Qinger heard this, she burst into laughter and said proudly, "That\'s right, am I amazing?"

"It\'s okay, just not as good as me."

"Cut, what kind of cultivation are you at 100,000 years old?"

Han Qinger was distracted by Han Jue and asked in dissatisfaction.

Han Jue said solemnly: "Speaking of which, you may not believe it. I have already proved the Dao in a hundred thousand years."

"I really don\'t believe it."

Han Qinger pouted, feeling that her father was bragging.

Although she knew that her father was very powerful, she did not know the identity of her father. Since she was born, she had never seen her father make a move, so she naturally did not know his strength.

Han Jue smiled and said: "Cultivation by my side, when you practice your powerful skills, your father will not stop you wherever you want to go. Practitioners wander around because they encounter bottlenecks in their practice, they need opportunities, they need Taoism, and you don’t need them.”

Han Qinger hummed: "Daluo Jinxian is already very strong in the Immortal Realm, those existences that surpass Daluo Jinxian, as long as I don\'t provoke them, won\'t it be fine?"

Han Jue smiled, but he couldn\'t say that this girl was naive.

At this moment, a line of reminders appeared in front of him.

[The Supreme Punishment God asked you to dream, do you accept it]

Is this guy finally unable to sit still?

While chatting with Han Qinger, Han Jue asked, "Will it be dangerous if I accept the dream of the Supreme Punishment God?"

Certainly can\'t die.

I\'m afraid this fellow wants to plot against him!

[Need to deduct one trillion years of life, whether to continue]



Count this boy acquainted!

Han Jue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then left a ray of will to chat with Han Qinger, and the main will entered the dream.

The dream was a void, and Han Jue saw the Supreme Punishment God.

The Supreme Punishment God does not look like the head of the gods, but more like a killing **** who came out of the abyss. He is dressed in blood-stained iron armor, his hair is disheveled, and his eyes are extremely sharp.

The two looked at each other, and the Supreme Punishment God Venerable took the lead and said: "As expected of a divine power and heavenly sage, I can\'t see through you at all, no wonder you can force the original ancestral **** to do nothing."

"Who is the original ancestor?"

"The head of the previous gods."

"So that\'s the case, then I just forced the original ancestor **** to do nothing, but you killed the original ancestor god."

Facing Han Jue\'s compliment, the Supreme Punishment God Venerable was not fooled.

He said with a half-smile, "Don\'t say 20,000 divine powers, just 10,000 is enough to suppress me."

In addition to their own cultivation base being the highest level among the sages of the Great Dao, the divine right will be able to use the divine right power, which is the power of the supreme rule. I think at the beginning, the supreme punishment divine reverence was suppressed by the original ancestor **** with ten thousand divine right generals.

That was the first time the theocratic general made his move, suppressing the Supreme Punishment for trillions of years.

Speaking of which, the Supreme Punishment God Venerable was able to escape, thanks to Han\'s extermination of 20,000 divine power generals.

Theocracy will appear to be immortal, but it needs to consume the mana of the primordial ancestral god. Theocracy will only be the power of the primordial ancestral **** borrowed from the supreme rules.

Han Jue asked, "I don\'t know why the head of the gods came to me."

The Supreme Punishment God opened his mouth and said: "I want to tell you that the chaos I am in charge of is different from the past, and the way of heaven will no longer be targeted. The ancient gods headed by the original ancestor gods are afraid of being surpassed by all beings, so they always try their best to suppress the latecomers, but I am different, I hope that the whole chaos will develop, continue to transcend the past, and even emerge into a new realm."

"You should also be able to see that there is a blank field outside of chaos. In the long years, I found that chaos has been expanding, and I can\'t see the limit for the time being. No one knows how big the blank field is. I want to see the limit of chaos. ."

Supreme Punishment God Venerable smiled and his eyes were full of energy.

I have to say that his words are very infectious, and his tone is full of confidence and pride.

Han Jue said: "That is naturally a good thing. Chaos is not aimed at the Tao of Heaven, and the Tao of Heaven will not be the enemy of Chaos. I usually just want to practice. If the enemy hits my door, I will not shoot."

Although Han is not afraid of punishing God Venerable, more things are worse than less things.

No need to make enemies!

"If you and I can reach a unified concept, then the chaos will be peaceful, the luck of all beings." The Supreme Punishment God said with a smile.

Han Jue said: "I don\'t dare, how can I influence all beings in Chaos, I\'m just a follower, I don\'t seek fame and fortune, I am dedicated to the Tao, it is the luck of all beings that Chaos has the head of a **** like you."

so tired.

Why tout each other?

Han was absolutely embarrassed to shake his face, after all, he didn\'t reach out to hit the smiling person.

It was obvious that the Supreme Punishment God Venerable wanted to please him. If it was as he said, it would be perfect. UU reading

"Your son was promoted by the original ancestor god, and his original intention was to plot against you, but I won\'t. The tenacity of this son has been recognized by me, and he will reach our level sooner or later. The reason why I set up the five gods is not just that It is so simple to supervise the gods of the Dao, I want to support the younger generation, Chaos needs fresh blood, and more talents are needed to maintain the safety of Chaos."

The Supreme Punishment God said with a heart-to-heart look, and Han Jue almost believed it.

Han Jue asked: "The security of Chaos? What else can threaten Chaos? Hongmeng Demon God?"

Supreme Punishment Divine Venerable shook his head and smiled: "Hongmeng Demon God? That\'s just rumors, but Hongmeng does exist, and it is naturally Hongmeng beings that threaten chaos, Hongmeng is destroyed, chaos is born, and all Hongmeng beings perish, but their resentment has always existed, just in Chaos is the lowest level and is firmly suppressed by chaos, so it cannot harm chaos. I was suppressed by primordial ancestral gods under chaos before, and I have seen Hongmeng resentful spirits. Although they are just resentful spirits, they cannot threaten me, but they cannot be annihilated. There is the possibility of endangering chaos.”

"By the way, the birth of ominous evil spirits originated from this Hongmeng resentful spirit. A long time ago, three thousand demon gods fought and the chaotic air fortune was exhausted, and Hongmeng resentment spirits escaped and turned into ominous evil spirits, constantly absorbing karma and resentment. , grow into a race."