Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 878: God's Punishment Returns

After leaving the 33rd floor, Han Jue and the others did not stay in the main dojo for a long time before teleporting to the third dojo.

"I haven\'t come back for a long time, I almost forgot about this place, it\'s better to be at home." Han Qinger walked out of the Taoist temple, stretched her waist, and said with a look of nostalgia.

Qing Luan\'er next to her covered her mouth and smiled: "You will regret saying this."

Han Qinger asked, "Why?"

Qing Luan\'er said with emotion: "Next, your father is going to retreat."

"Shut down and shut down."

"It means you can\'t get out."

"It\'s okay, wait for him to finish his retreat before taking me out."

"Do you know how long he was in retreat?"

"How long can it last? Wait! Mother, do you mean that father will be in retreat for a long time? How long? A hundred years? A thousand years? No way?"

Han Qinger\'s pretty face instantly paled.

She has met many practitioners in the Immortal Realm. The practitioners mentioned the great power, and they all said that the great power would retreat once, and it would pass for a long time.

Although Han Qinger had just returned, she was still looking forward to the fairyland. She had been thinking that after cultivating at home for a period of time, she would have to go to the fairyland alone.

Without the company of her parents, she will be freer and more exciting.

Qing Luan\'er shook her head and laughed, revealing a mysterious smile.

Han Qinger was frightened.

Isn\'t it more than a thousand years?

"Okay, go and meet the disciples of the dojo. In a few days, you have to start cultivating, and then I will teach you how to do it." Qingluaner patted her on the head, smiled dotingly, and then walked into the distance Hundreds of creatures under the tree.

Ten years later, these creatures are still boys and girls.

Han Qinger was attracted by them, but she didn\'t expect that they were still so young after so many years.

She trotted over immediately.

the other side.

Inside the Taoist temple, Han Jue began to practice again.

In just ten years, he felt that it was longer than the hundreds of thousands of years in retreat. During the retreat, his thoughts were precipitated, and time passed quickly. In these ten years, he has traveled with his wife and daughter. Seeing and hearing, naturally feel long.

Han Jue felt uneasy for not cultivating for too long.

He was afraid of slack off.

He must always maintain an attitude of cultivation, otherwise even if he reaches the strongest, he may overturn.

Throughout the ages, the top of the strongest has not known how many people have been changed. When the strongest are not careful, there are always younger generations rising up.

Just like Han Jue now, it takes 100,000 years to retreat casually. If you change to a powerful practitioner, 100,000 years have already risen. After 100,000 years, someone like Pangu may appear.

After Han Jue thought about it like this, his mind was stable.

Deep in the soul, the expansion of the Hongmeng Realm is faster.

In a palace, the Taoist priest in Shenpao looked at the five figures in the palace, his face changed.

Five God Punishments!

Han Tuo, who was wearing silver armor, stared at the Taoist priest and said, "You should understand when we come here."

Yi Tian was full of jokes.

Since being punished by God, their mentality has begun to change.

No Dao deity dared to quarrel with them, and anyone else would swell, not to mention the inherent arrogance of the legacy.

"Understood, I will not stop you." The Taoist priest said.

He sighed in his heart, the master is really amazing.

Even the son was punished by God.

And it is the first of God\'s punishment.

Although the five divine punishments are comfortable, they have already begun to appear in the chaos.

Han Tuo said: "We want to stay in the Chaos Realm under your jurisdiction for a period of time. You must first summon the saints of freedom and the great avenues, and we will give you ten thousand years."

The Taoist priest in Shenpao nodded. He had no opinion. He just pretended to be aggrieved, and felt that Han Tuo was very obedient.

He thought that Han Tuo was a **** placed by Han Jue on the avenue, so he didn\'t dare to show closeness, and he didn\'t dare to show his relationship with Han Jue.

The Taoist priest in the robe closed his eyes and began to transmit his voice to the sage of freedom and the sage of the avenue.

Yi Tian looked at Han Tuo and asked, "The Dao of Heaven is in this chaotic realm. Shall we go back and have a look?"


The other three God Punishment couldn\'t help showing curiosity.

The battle of theocratic generals made the Dao of Heaven supernaturally shake the chaos, and the name of Shenwei Tiansheng was crowned the title of the strongest in chaos, so they were naturally curious.

Even if they became God\'s Punishment, they did not dare to underestimate Shenwei Tiansheng. 20,000 divine power generals were beheaded by Shenwei Tiansheng. This was a solid record.

Every theocracy will be the existence of the saints of the vertical and horizontal avenues!

Han Tuo hesitated.

A God Punishment smiled and said: "Go and see, now you are a God Punishment, and you can also be regarded as a glory for the Heavenly Dao. Maybe you can also ease the relationship between the Heavenly Dao and the gods."

"Yeah! It\'s a great opportunity."

"Perhaps this is also the meaning of God Venerable."

All three God Punishment agreed to go to Heaven.

They even thought that this was the main purpose of the Supreme Punishment God arranging their actions.

Exploring the realm of the avenues of the gods is just a guise, what really needs to be done is to have a good relationship with the heaven.

Han Tuo said helplessly: "Okay, after seeing the saints, we will go back with the saints of heaven."

Yi Tian smiled and said, "Don\'t forget, recommend me to my godfather."

Han Tuo rolled his eyes.

The other three God Punishment followed suit and ridiculed Yitian.

In the Qiankun Hall, all the saints gathered.

The people present were all the saints of the Tao of Heaven, and there were no saints of freedom such as the saints of Xuandu, Wu Wutian, and Panxin.

The saints chatted each other, and dozens of heavenly saints gathered here, which seemed quite lively.

Today\'s circle of saints has been divided into several small circles.

It is worth mentioning that these small circles are dominated by old-fashioned saints, and they seem to be wooing factions and fighting openly and secretly.

At this time, a light and shadow appeared in front of him, revealing the figure of the Holy Venerable Xuandu.

As soon as the Holy Venerable Xuandu appeared, the hall instantly became quiet.

"We are about to come back from the dojo of the gods, and this time there are five gods of punishment. They supervise the transcendental existence of all the gods of the avenue. You are ready to receive them."

The Holy Venerable Xuandu opened his mouth and said, when the words came out, the saints were in an uproar.

They were worried about whether the Taoist priest in the robe was calculating, and insisted that the free saint would go with the deity. UU reading

The Holy Venerable Xuandu and other saints were worried at first, but after learning the identity of the five gods, they were no longer worried.

Two of them came from Heavenly Dao, and one of them was the son of Shenwei Tiansheng, so they naturally didn\'t have to worry about it.

In fact it is.

"Okay, you don\'t have to worry, the five gods are just here to be guests. Eighty percent of them are scruples of the gods and gods. They want to ease the relationship between chaos and heaven, and then there is no need to draw swords."

Xuandu Saint Venerable disappeared after a word of comfort.

Yang Che looked at Qiu Xilai and asked, "Senior, do you want to tell Tiansheng about this?"

Qiuxilai said: "Of course there is no need, do you need Tiansheng to come and receive him in person? They behaved well, not to mention seeing Tiansheng, the five gods punished, saying that it is unpleasant to say the five freedoms, Tiansheng is a sword cut 20,000 avenue saints ."

"Do you know how strong the Great Dao Sage is? The Sacred Senior of the Fool Sword is the Sage of the Great Way. It is equivalent to killing 20,000 Sacred Seniors of the Sacred Sword of Fool with one sword. How can the five divine punishments see the Heavenly Sage directly?"