Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 842: Fusion to the treasure, really alive

"Fight, what are you afraid of!"

Unable to speak, the other saints began to speak.

Pan Xin laughed and said: "It\'s been a long time since there has been a fight, Divine Power hopes to be enough for us to fight!"

"There is God\'s mighty Heavenly Sage who speaks, what are we afraid of?"

"Although I am a new saint, I will not be afraid to fight!"

"This battle just shows Chaos the power of Heaven!"

"Tsk tusk, Linglong Tiandi invited me, but I refused directly, leaving no affection at all!"

"When will the divine power come, I want to fight now!"

The saints say you and me, and the atmosphere is exaggerated.

Han Jue glanced at the Xuandu Holy Venerable, the Xuandu Holy Venerable understood, and took over the right to speak, began to summarize the recent development of the Heavenly Dao, and then deployed the space around the Heavenly Dao.

Lao Tan, Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, and Jiang Yi listened quietly, their feelings were very different.

Unexpectedly, the heavenly saints are so harmonious!

At first glance, it seems that it is more harmonious than discussing with the same door, and there is no conflict of interest.

Lao Tan sighed to himself: "This God\'s mighty Heavenly Sage has some means, not just knowing the retreat."

He felt that Han Jue might have threatened the saints in private, otherwise how could he be so harmonious?

The three Taoist masters are more proud.

Heaven already belongs to the hidden door!

No wonder Han Jue did not deliberately develop hidden gates. He has already occupied high-rise buildings, and the development of the grassroots is naturally arbitrary.

After the Xuandu Sage finished his explanation, Han Jue said, "I have drawn the two Dao Sages. One of them will bring Heaven and Earth. Then he will be distributed near the Heavenly Dao. In the future, we will develop together with the Heavenly Dao and help each other."

As soon as this remark came out, all the saints were shocked.

Two avenue saints?

They already knew about the existence of the Great Sage of the Void Soul, and two more, wouldn\'t they be the four great saints?

Those saints who were enslaved by the Hongmeng Heaven Prison thought of the Taoist priests in the sacred robe, that was five!

Li Taigu said excitedly: "Senior Han is really amazing. If this is the case, you will be more confident against the divine power!"

Other saints followed Han Jue\'s flattery, all sincerely.

Xia Zhizun and Living Buddha didn\'t know much about the Dao saints, but they also knew that they were two realms higher than them. They were absolutely unpredictable. They looked at Han Jue with awe.

Zang Lone Star looked at Han Jue, who looked plain, and felt complicated.

He remembered the long river of kendo back then.

At that time, never thought there would be today.

So far, it looks like a dream in retrospect.

He understands that meeting Han Jue and acting with kindness is his greatest opportunity in this life.

If it were not for Han Jue, how could he be promoted to be holy?

Han Jue stood up and said, "Anyway, you manage the heavenly way. When the divine power is about to kill, I will definitely take action. Don\'t panic. As for the connection with other heavens and earth, you should grasp it yourself and choose a good path. I can forget the blame. But I don’t want to see it a second time."

When the voice fell, Han Jue disappeared.

All the saints looked at each other, and some saints secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Han Jue did not say anything, they were always worried, for fear that those things would become the handle of other saints to deal with them.

Xu jealously looked at Yang Che, yin and yang strangely said: "Someone be careful."

Yang Che hummed: "So are you."


Lao Tzu is now a loyal servant of the gods and gods, how could the gods and gods harm Lao Tzu?

Pan Xin looked at Jinshen and said: "The second chaotic road must hurry up and choose one of the alliances of the world as the end."

Jinshen nodded.

The other saints also talked to each other.

Lao Tan looked at the Xuandu Sage and said, "The mighty God and the Heavenly Sage are really great. It seems that you are not blindly choosing."

Xuandu Holy Venerable replied: "Following Fellow Daoist Han, at least there is responsibility, not inaction."

Old Tan frowned.

The conversation between the two was unscrupulous, and the other saints listened to it, but pretended not to hear it.

Their hearts are like a bright mirror, and the sage of Xuandu is loyal to the gods and gods!

Back in Baiyue Xianchuan, Han Jue sat on the 36th-Rank Reincarnation Black Lotus.

He did not practice immediately, but instead focused on the Supreme Treasure Fusion Cauldron in the projection of the Ten Thousand Realms.

He has too many magic weapons stored in the system, and it should be integrated.

The first thing he thought of was the Hongmeng Judgment Sword.

No matter how awesome the Kaitianaxe is, it is also Pangu\'s.

Hongmeng judged that the sword was Han Jue\'s companion magic weapon, and it was accompanied by the Hongmeng Demon God, but its realm had always been lower than his own cultivation realm, so he kept it in the warehouse and was useless.

The Arcana Fusion Ding can fuse all magic weapons, which may save the Hongmeng Judgment Sword.

Han Jue waved his hand to take out all his magic weapons.

Qilin Sword, Demon Bound Rope, Burning Bell, Heart Protecting Heavenly Immortal Chain, Meditation Futon, Zhentian Spirit Bracelet, Purple Gold Soft Inner Armor, Excalibur Sword, Heaven and Earth Sword, Jiuyi Wansheng Sword, etc.

He suddenly had a bold idea.

How about incorporating the Sky Open Axe into the Hongmeng Judgment Sword?

He asked in his heart: "If I integrate the Sky Open Axe into the Hongmeng Judgment Sword, will I lose control of the Hongmeng Judgment Sword?"

【Will not】

"Then with such a fusion, can Hongmeng determine that the sword can surpass the ultimate Taobao?"


Is it just possible?

Han Jue hesitated for a moment, and then began to merge.

The Arcana Fusion Ding is not a physical object, it is just a function, and Han Jue can directly let the system begin to integrate. UU reading

Dozens of magic weapons are all integrated into the Hongmeng Judgment Sword, including the Sky Open Axe.

It is mainly based on the Hongmeng Judgment Sword, which still looks like this sword after fusion.

【Whether it is fused】


Still bring certain, are you afraid that I will get drunk and mess around?

Han Jue felt funny.

[The fusion begins, please wait patiently]

When it comes to the ultimate Taobao, it is estimated that it will take some time.

Han Jue was not in a hurry and began to meditate.

Inside the Pangu Temple.

Pan Xin opened his eyes shortly after meditating.

For some reason, his heart suddenly became empty, as if something was missing. This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

He felt it carefully, but he couldn\'t understand it.

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Could it be that the Open Sky Axe is calling me?"

Pan Xin frowned, after all, he had used the Sky Open Axe for a while.

However, he couldn\'t find the Sky Axe at all.

"Damn it, I will kill you all sooner or later!"

Thinking bitterly, he can only let himself work hard not to think about it.

In the dark forbidden area, a stalwart giant tower is moving forward, surrounded by countless practitioners and chaotic giants, which are unstoppable.

On top of the tower.

Zhou Fan wrapped his arms around his chest and looked ahead. It was dark in front of him, but his eyes had already seen the way of heaven.

"Finally going back."

Zhou Fan muttered to himself with a smile on his face.

Mo Fu Vengeance stood beside him and asked curiously: "Is it here?"

Zhou Fan nodded.

Mo Fu revenge followed with a look of expectation.

After his resurrection, he had been thinking about the Dao of Heaven. When he learned that he was resurrected in the chaos, he was always at a loss. He always felt that he was out of step with the surroundings. Everything seemed like a dream. Only when he returned to the Dao of Heaven did he feel that he was really alive.
