Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 841: Unbeaten!


The sacred Yu Jian was alert for an instant.

He felt deceitful.

After the defeat, he had inquired about Han Jue\'s intelligence, and he was extremely cautious and never left the way of heaven.

He asked cautiously: "Why do you want to see me?"

"Revisit the past, and discuss with the theocracy by the way."

"Not in a dream?"

"Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of me?"

"How do you know that I have stepped on the road to the top twice?"

Yu Jian Sheng is more vigilant.

Han Jue said: "Listening to what Hongyuan said, Hongyuan has decided to move to Tiandao and hug me."

Yu Jian\'s sacred brows stretched out, and said: "Do you really want to deal with the divine power general?"


"How about coming to heaven?"

Han Jue was stunned.

He didn\'t expect Yujian Sacred to come over.

After thinking about it, this is also a good thing.

He secretly asked: "Can I kill Yujian Holy in a second?"

[Need to deduct 400 billion years of life, whether to continue]



That\'s fine.

Han Jue said, "Then naturally welcome."

Yujian smiled holy, and said: "The divine power general is indeed amazing. It is not an ordinary dao saint, and even the independent domain of the dao supreme can be monitored. I am also thinking about how to fight the divine power general during this time."

Han Jue asked curiously, "Can\'t you win the 10,000 oracles?"

Yu Jian holy rolled his eyes, and said, "How to fight? It is said to be the cultivation base of the Dao Sage, but at any rate it is also the highest rule, but the level of strength is equivalent to the Dao Sage, and it is essentially difficult to destroy it."

"Then how many divine powers can you fight?"

"Well... a hundred people."

Han Jue frowned.

That is equivalent to a hundred foolish swords of the highest realm.

Han Jue asked, "There is also the supremacy among the Chaos Demon Gods. If all the Chaos Demon Gods join forces, wouldn\'t there be a chance of winning?"

Sacred Yu Jian shook his head and said: "There are so many great avenues, there are only a handful of Chaos Demon Gods. As for the other great avenues in the chaos, most of them are Dao gods, who are either timid and cautious. , 10,000 oracles will absolutely be unstoppable."

Han Jue thoughtfully.

Yu Jian said sacredly: "Have you also attained the supremacy of the Great Dao?"

Han Jue hesitated for a moment, but chose to nod his head.

Such a high degree of favorability should be trusted.

"It\'s amazing." Yu Jian said with a strange expression on his face.

He cursed secretly in his heart.

No wonder!

This guy wants to bully him?

Yu Jian\'s sacred heart was more shocked.

Han Jue\'s strength is already terrifying, if his realm catches up, how can he be an enemy?

"By the way, when you were on the top of the road the previous time, who was responsible for it?" Han Jue asked curiously.

Yu Jian Shengsheng replied: "I don\'t know. When I say it, I was confused that time. I just got the supremacy, arrogant, thinking that I am the only avenue supremacy..."

"I don\'t know who the other party is, but it is absolutely terrifying, and may even be the most powerful existence in Chaos."

Han Jue didn\'t use the evolutionary function either, anyway, he was the sacred enemy of Yujian.

Now that Yujian is sacred and has attained the supremacy of the Great Dao, the ancient **** has not acted, and it is estimated that the cause and effect have been put down.

The two chatted for a while, and Yu Jiansheng agreed to come to Heaven.

After the dream was over, Han Jue opened his eyes.

The feeling of achieving the supremacy of the avenue is really comfortable!

Han Jue started preaching directly. In Baiyue Xianchuan, no matter what he was doing, all his disciples were brought into the state of enlightenment by Jiyuan Dao.

One hundred years later.

The sermon is over.

Han Jue wanted to continue practicing, but after thinking about it, he set off to go to the 33rd floor outside the sky, and he went directly into the Universe Hall.

In the temple, there are only the Xuandu Holy Venerable and Lao Tan, and there are no other listeners.

Seeing Han Jue appearing, the Xuandu Holy Venerable quickly asked, "Why did Fellow Daoist Han come?"

Lao Tan opened his eyes and looked at Han Jue with a look of surprise on his face.

Han Jue\'s treasure is not easy at first sight!

The temperament is even more incredible.

Lao Tan thought of Lao Tzu inexplicably.

Han Juechao Lao Tan nodded slightly to show politeness, and then said to the Xuandu Saint: "Call all the saints for a meeting, and the hidden saints will also call."

Although he is no longer afraid of the gods, he still has to show his attitude, lest some saints are too afraid and act indiscriminately.

It is normal for a saint to be afraid of death, at least Han Jue can understand.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable was stunned, and immediately began to transmit the voice to summon the sage.

It didn\'t take long.

Antarctic Tianzun, Tianjue Sect Lord, Emperor Xiao, Inability to Heaven, Seeking the West, Fang Liang, Jinshen, Panxin, Xu Judao, Su Qi, Li Taigu, Hunyuan Buddha, Zhuang Lone Star, Long Hao, Ji Xian Shen , Shenwei Buddha, Yang Che, Tai Sutian, Tian Zhan, Han Yu, Qin Ling, Xia Zhizun, Living Buddha, Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, and Jiang Yi all arrived.

Looking at so many saints, Lao Tan couldn\'t help being in a daze.

Even if they were taught by people who had returned to the God Realm in the past, there were not so many saints.

He didn\'t feel much at first, but after all the saints arrived, the shock was still strong.

When the saints saw Han Jue appear, they couldn\'t help being excited.

Shenwei Tiansheng is the biggest trump card of Tiandao!

The old man stood up, ready to leave.

Han Jue glanced at him and said, "It\'s okay, fellow Taoists can stay, UU Reading www.uuká Tiandao welcomes you at any time."

Old Tan was moved and chose to sit down. He also wanted to hear what Han Jue wanted to say.

Han Jue was the first to speak: "Recently, the divine power has caused a lot of trouble. Although I am closed, I have heard that divine power will not only destroy the Chaos Demon God. The heavenly path is developed by Pangu, and it is also within the scope of the divine power general’s goal. This indicates God will fight the divine power."

"I hereby express that this battle must be fought."

He speaks very slowly, his voice is very soft, but he is very heavy.

Must fight!

All the saints were full of emotions.

Although the saints have reached a unified opinion for the time being, they will still be very frightened in the face of theocracy.

Han Jue continued: "Since the reopening of the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao has no backers. It depends on me and other saints, the tribulation of the heavenly devil, the tribulation of the Yan clan, the tribulation of the Ezu clan, the tribulation of the gods, etc., has the heavenly path ever relied on chaos?"

"Along the way, the Dao of Heaven has won and has continued to grow stronger. This is the foundation of the Dao of Heaven!"

"What about theocracy? Which of the catastrophes I have experienced in the past does not seem to be a mortal situation?"

"Besides, the opponent of the divine power general is not only Tiandao, but also the Chaos Demon God. I am not alone in this battle. I hope that all the saints can sink their hearts, stabilize the heavens, and fight for their backs. If they win, who will dare to provoke the chaos in the future? Heaven?"

"If heaven is gone, home is gone, and the chaos is so big, where can I wait? Go to other worlds and be slaves?"

Han Jue stared at the saints, making a loud noise.

All the saints were filled with excitement that was difficult, thinking back to the past catastrophes, it was indeed not easy, but they survived!

The new saints also want to join the legend and become the great saints against catastrophe.

It\'s not that Han Jue\'s words are so beautiful, mainly because of Han Jue\'s determination, as if this calamity can be passed!

Who doesn\'t know that God\'s mighty heavenly sage is unparalleled in aptitude, and it\'s not a defeat?