Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 843: The real ultimate, soaring strength!

"I don\'t know if the Yuqing Saint Sect is still there."

Mo Revenge was talking to himself, and Zhou Fan rolled his eyes.

But there was no way. For Zhou Fan, he had lived for more than three million years, but for Mo Revenge, there was a gap of two million years.

Zhou Fan said: "It should be there. I heard from the hidden sect disciple that the Yaojie where the Jade Qing Sect is located is the second mortal world of the Heavenly Dao, and the Jade Qing Sect is the first sect of the Yaojie."

Mo Fuqiang said with a smile: "So powerful? It seems that our Jade Sect is really a great luck sect."

Zhou Fan curled his lips, where the Yuqing Sage Sect was so powerful, it was obvious that it was in the light of Han Jue.

He didn\'t dare to despise, after all, he was also in Han Jue\'s light.

The two chatted while waiting for the tower of the avenue to reach the heaven.

At the edge of Heaven\'s Path, Fang Liang had already begun to wait and was responsible for receiving the tower of the avenue.

After all, the tower of the avenue leads many practitioners and must be arranged, otherwise it will easily cause panic.

The arrival of the tower of the avenue also caused great movement in the heaven.

The news that Zhou Fannai was a disciple of the Hidden Sect also spread, revealing the secrets of the Hidden Sect to the practitioners of the Heavenly Dao.

The hidden gate has always been a big power in the fairy world, but it is very low-key and rarely competes for the fortune of the air, and it is difficult for the practitioners to think of the hidden gate.

Because of the tower of the avenue, sentient beings began to dig out the information of the hidden door, and the more they understood, the more frightened they became.


Year after year passed.

Forty thousand a year, this day.

Han Jue jumped out a line of prompts.

[Successful fusion, Hongmeng judges the sword to be promoted to the ultimate treasure]

Han Jue was slightly disappointed.

He thought that Hongmeng judged that the sword could become the ultimate treasure.

Thinking about it carefully, it is impossible. Except for the Sky Axe, the ranks of other magic weapons are not enough to see.

Han Jue took out the Hongmeng Judgment Sword, and in an instant, a purple-red light burst, making the entire Taoist temple gloomy, and an ultimate killing intent spread.

Han Jue quickly used the supreme power to control.

Hongmeng judged that the sword was the companion magic weapon, and he no longer needed to refine and recognize the master.

Han Jue began to feel the power of the Hongmeng Judgment Sword, and merged with it with will.

Unlike the Open Sky Axe, holding the Hongmeng Judgment Sword, Han Jue feels extremely cordial and can easily mobilize all the power it contains!

Hongmeng judged that the blade of the sword was red, as wide as a palm, and half a foot long, but the body of the sword exuded a faint purple light, which reflected each other and was extremely mysterious.

for a long time.

After Han Jue was thoroughly familiar with the Hongmeng Judgment Sword, he began a simulated trial.

One hundred thousand foolish swords are sacred!

Han Jue blended the nineteen hundred and forty-nine demon gods into himself, displayed the great anger of the gods, and slashed them away with a single sword.

Exterminate all!

Han Jue was pleasantly surprised.

Hongmeng judged that the sword was stronger than the previous sky-opening axe!

In addition to the killing aura of the open axe, it also has the power of the Harmony, which merges together to truly show the power of the ultimate Taobao.

After changing into the brand new Hongmeng Judgment Sword, Han Jue\'s strength suddenly increased.

Sure enough, the magic weapon is also very important!

Pangu with the open axe can fight three thousand demon gods!

Dozens of demon gods in Pangu war without the open axe are choking!

Of course, this is also related to Pangu\'s own cultivation.

Han Jue began to increase the sacred number of Yujian.

Two hundred thousand fools are sacred!

At this moment, Han Jue felt the pressure, and it was suffocating pressure.

After a long period of fierce battle, he just killed the sacred two hundred thousand Foolish Swords.

He frowned.

Far from being invincible!

After all, he was still at a higher level, facing the sacredness of Yujian, he didn\'t come to kill as many as he wanted.

Han Jue sighed and opened his eyes.

He suddenly felt a breath.

The sacred breath of Yujian!

At this moment, Yujian is sacred in the tower of the avenue.

When did this guy come?

Han Jue was alert that he was careless.

He immediately used a simulated trial to test the sacredness of the Foolish Sword and reproduced the data.

Then start the simulation trial again.

Heads-up, spike!

A hundred foolish swords are sacred, kill in seconds!

A thousand foolish swords are sacred, and it took ten breaths of time.

Han Jue continued to smash, and after several times, he found a sacred way to kill a thousand Foolish Swords in seconds.

He raised the number to ten thousand foolish swords in one breath.

The battle becomes difficult.

Han Jue discovered that Yu Jian was sacred and was indeed much stronger than before, but he didn\'t feel like a world away.

It is possible that the sacred Foolish Sword before has already proven the supremacy of the Dao, and the perfect cultivation of the Dao Hunyuan realm can also show the level of the supremacy of the Dao in half a step.

Yujian Shengsheng once said that he can fight a hundred divine generals.

In other words, can Han Jue punish one million divine generals?

In this way, theocracy will not be worth mentioning.

It is also possible that the sacredness of Yujian is bragging.

Han Jue thought carefully. The reason why he is so much stronger than the Dao Supremacy in the same realm is that he is so easy to use the dynastic form and the celestial cosmic body. Melting into oneself is equivalent to strengthening two thousand times in battle!

Of course, if you are other practitioners, you can\'t carry two thousand images that are too easy to be comfortable. Because of the great barriers, it may be difficult for them to practice the power of one more great way.

There is something in the Seven Dao Sages, and they have mastered the seven avenues.

Han Jue thought of the Seven Dao Sages, and suddenly felt that the Seven Dao Sages might be a great fortuner. If he hadn\'t met him, he might be able to grow into a Lao Tzu or even a stronger existence with the means and aptitudes of the Seven Dao Sages

But it\'s a pity, who asked him to find death must find Han Jue\'s troubles.

After thinking about it, Han Jue collected the Hongmeng Judgment Sword, stood up, and went to see Yujian Divine.

He stood and let Yu Jian sacredly attack him, and he couldn\'t die.

As for whether Chaos Ignorance will make a move, Han is absolutely not worried. He can spy on the entire Chaos. If there are fluctuations between the Seven Supreme Rules and the Three Thousand Avenue, he can also find out in the first place.

In addition, in the Taoist temple, he left a trace of will, even if he died, he could be instantly resurrected in the Taoist temple.

Extremely safe!

It\'s perfect!

The top floor of the Avenue Tower.

The Fool Sword is holy suspended above Zhou Fan\'s head, observing the tower of Zhou Fan\'s Avenue of Enlightenment.

Zhou Fan, who was already a saint of freedom, didn\'t notice the sacredness of Yujian above his head.

The two sides were less than five feet apart, and Zhou Fan couldn\'t find it at such a close distance.

Han Jue suddenly appeared behind Zhou Fan and hummed, "Don\'t look at any evil, haven\'t heard of it?"

Zhou Fan opened his eyes, turned around quickly, and saluted Korea.

"Master, don\'t look at any evil?" Zhou Fan asked cautiously.

This is his place. What is wrong with him?

Yujian smiled holy: "I am just curious about the tower of the avenue. I think back then, I also had a connection with the Seven Dao Sages."

Zhou Fan suddenly raised his head, shaking his whole body with fright.

There is someone on the head!

Zhou Fan was filled with fear in an instant.

When did the other party come?

He didn\'t even notice it!

Yu Jian fell sacredly, looked at Han Jue, and said, "I can\'t see through you. It seems that I am still not your opponent."

His tone is thought-provoking, but Han Jue was unwilling to hear it.

You can\'t beat me!

Ten thousand you are not my opponent!
