Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 710: Powerful second dojo

Han Jue stared at the Holy Venerable Xuandu, and asked with a smile but not a smile, "I hope that Fellow Daoist Xuandu is the one who arranged it?"

He couldn\'t hear the meaning of the Xuandu Holy Venerable.

Before he changed his job, he was definitely jealous, but he was already a saint on the road, and he might not be Lao Tzu\'s opponent.

Besides, as long as you don\'t see the Hongmeng Heaven Prison with your own eyes, the Xuandu Holy Venerable at best thinks that Han Jue will be some kind of coercion.

Four eyes were facing each other, and the Xuandu Holy Venerable suddenly chilled his back.


I was still rash.

Although he broke off friendship with Han, the conversation was cheerful, but it was only superficial.

Once Han Jue feels the danger, this guy will definitely be a killer!

The Xuandu Holy Venerable hurriedly said: "I just ask casually. If there is an offense, please don\'t care about it."

Han Jue said with a smile: "Xuandu Daoist fellows don\'t need to be nervous, after all, you and I all hope that heaven is better, don\'t you?"

The Xuandu Holy Venerable immediately climbed down the pole, agreeing: "Yes, heaven is our common and most important goal."

Han Jue disappeared into the hall.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable breathed out only after confirming that Han Jue had left.

He was full of fear, he was really reckless just now.

"I should continue to maintain the same attitude as before. As long as Han Jue can help God, why should I explore his secrets?"

The Xuandu Sage figured out and felt relieved.

He feels that there is something wrong with his Taoism and his desires are swelling, which is not a good thing.

He began to meditate and recite the scriptures to refine Dao Xin.

"Road to Road, very Avenue……"


After returning to Taoist Temple, Han Jue took out the creation spirit stone and began to choose the spirit of the devil.

After thinking about it, he decided to create the demon **** of flesh.

Well, as a tank ambassador, train as soon as possible. In the future, it will definitely be the first gradient of the demon army, and it will not pull the hips.

After the creation of the spirit stone and the demon spirit of the flesh demon **** merged, Han Jue went to the second dojo and released the shuttle demon **** and mist demon god.

The two demon gods are all transformed into human forms, seemingly terrifying, but in fact they are still young sons.

Han Jue asked Murong to come to receive him.

Murong Qi, who first turned into a demon god, has become a quasi saint, and so does the red fox, which represents the giant demon god.

Tiangang Demon God is also a quasi-sage, stronger than Murong Qi and Crimson Fox.

Now the second dojo has a saint, four quasi-sages, and three big Luo Jinxians.

The quasi-sages are Murong Qi, the red fox, the **** of heaven, and the undefeated crown.

Daluo Jinxian is a time demon, a shuttle demon, and a mist demon.

Yang Du just stepped into the God Realm not long ago, and it was very early for him to become a quasi-sage and replace the bloodline of the Chaos Demon God.

There is also the dojo guard Dong Zhuo who turned into a saint Li Muyi!

Putting aside the guards of the dojo, the second dojo is actually stronger than the main dojo. The main dojo has more disciples, fewer quasi-sages, and no saints.

Han Jue is very satisfied with this, that is, to hide the strongest power in the dark, and kill the enemy by surprise when necessary.

The arrival of the Shuttle Demon God and the Mist Demon God made the second dojo alive, and other Demon Gods who were practicing came one after another.

Han Jue returned to the main dojo and continued to practice.

In order to subdue Pan Xin, he has not been completely closed for five thousand years recently, and he is very uncomfortable.

Hurry up and come to a five-thousand-year process!

Steady heart!


Nine hundred and seventy-three years later.

A line of words suddenly appeared in front of Han Jue, who was meditating and practicing:

[Xietiandi asks you to dream, do you accept it?]

Han Jue opened his eyes, frowning, very upset.

interrupted my practice again!

But the opponent is the Xietian Emperor, and Han Jue is not easy to have an attack.

In exchange for other people, Han Jue directly took out the doom book and taught them how to be human.

[Xietiandi asks you to dream, do you accept it?]

[Xietiandi asks you to dream, do you accept it?]


Xie Tiandi began to keep refreshing the screen.

Han Jue chose to accept.

It\'s just a dream, there is no danger.

Even if it is dangerous, Han Jue has a way to escape, after all, he is already a saint on the road.

In the dreamland, there is a blood-colored starry sky, and there are slaying figures everywhere, and there are many fierce beasts that are as large as the gods of the world, and they have a terrifying aura.

Han Jue saw the heavenly soldiers, but most of them had turned into corpses.

The Xietian Emperor appeared in front of Han Jue, his face solemn, and he said solemnly, "This is my current situation. I\'m afraid I\'ve been planted in this battle. What do you want to say to your son? I will tell you by the way. Sorry for not taking care of your son."

Han Jue frowned and asked, "Is there no way to escape?"

Xie Tiandi shook his head and said: "I can\'t escape. My body has been shot to death. Only when my soul is in a special formation can I have a chance to entrust my dream to you, but it will be a funeral."

Han Jue was silent.

He suspects that the Xietian Emperor is asking him to do it himself!

Not right, how did the Xietian emperor know that he had become a saint on the Dadao?

Unless the Xietian Emperor is also a Dao Sage, or there is a Dao Sage who gives instructions to the Xietian Emperor.

Han Jue silently wrote down everything around him, and then said: "Just tell Han Tuo that everything is fate, even if you die, don\'t die in vain."

The voice ended, and Han Jue lifted his dream.

Consciousness returned to reality, Han Jue asked in his heart: "Who instructed the Xietian Emperor to entrust my dream to me?"

He has calculated it himself, but he can\'t figure it out, he can only rely on the system.

For a long time, Han Jue has been accustomed to speculating about everything with conspiracy theories to prevent accidents.

[It needs to consume 200 billion years of life, whether to continue]


sure enough!

Xie Tiandi is not worth this worth!

A line of words appeared in front of Han Jue:

【The Dao Demon God: Dao Hunyuan Realm is perfect, detached from the Dao, Chaos Demon God】

It\'s him!

Han Jue remembered that when he went to the depths of the chaos to find the Great Source Avenue, he saw the Dao Dao Demon God. Not only that, there was also a Dao Dao Demon God among the demon gods he mastered.

It turns out that he is the backer of the Xietian Emperor.

No wonder the Xie Tiandi has risen so fast.

Han Jue frowned and fell into deep The other party instigated the Xietian Emperor to entrust his dream to him, and it must be for him to take action. He can\'t go to the chaos.

However, in the face of the transcended Tao, it is meaningless to hide the cultivation base. All Dao saints know that Han Jue has attained Dao Dao.

If that\'s the case, let\'s do it!

It\'s justified to save his son, but Han will never go there in person.

He moved to the 33rd floor outside the sky, looked at the dark forbidden area, and began to look for the environment in his dream just now.

His holy thought swept across the dark forbidden area, spreading to the depths of chaos.

Dadao saint, chaos at one thought!

Han Jue was searching, while pinching his fingers to estimate Han Tuo\'s breath.

The two have blood and cause and effect, and it is easy to find.

At this time, a famous saint appeared around Han Jue, thinking that something was wrong with Han Jue.

However, Han Jue ignored them at all and focused on searching.

The Profound Capital Sovereign also came, all the saints looked at him, he had to bite the bullet and ask: "Friend Han, what are you looking at?"

Han absolutely ignored him, which made him a little embarrassed.

All the saints are more nervous, is there a strong enemy coming?

The Xuandu Holy Venerable also thought of this, and the embarrassment was replaced by worry in an instant. The existence of Han Jue that can alarm Han Jue must be very strong, and it is definitely not something they can deal with.