Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 709: Pangu Will

Yitian turned his head, looked at Han Tuo, and asked, "You said, this time, can we go back alive?"

Different from the previous dilemma, they have not been suppressed, but have been fighting.

has been fighting for thousands of years, and the surviving heaven that is as strong as a quasi-sage is about to be unable to hold it.

He has never experienced such a protracted war, and every day, he has to do his best or he will fall here.


The space next to the dilapidated attic suddenly shattered, and a blood basin flew out with a big mouth. It was extremely large, as if it could swallow a planet in one bite. In front of it, Yitian and Han Tuo were like dust, so scared to evade immediately.

Han Tuo held a sharp gun and glared away. This is a chaotic beast with a head like a whale, a body like a snake lizard, without eyes, and dozens of rows of sharp mountain-like teeth growing in the mouth of the blood basin. Gas is visible to the naked eye.

On the top of this chaotic beast stood a figure wearing a black hideous and heavy armor, wearing a helmet, and could not see the true face.

He held a long sword burning with black flames, and swung the sword to Han Tuo and two.

This sword slashed out countless evil ghosts, like a black torrent flooding away, unstoppable.

Han Tuo took his gun and stabbed, the gun was like a dragon, tearing the black torrent.

Yitian screamed, and his figure quickly rose up, transformed into a ten thousand-foot body, and punched it away, like another chaotic beast, its violent aura shook the void.

Han Tuo and Yitian, who had just breathed for a while, were once again in a bitter battle.

This is just a microcosm of the battlefield, and other heavenly soldiers and generals are also suffering.

Deep in the void.

Zhou Fan held the tower of the avenue and kept casting spells. The tower of the avenue revolved at a high speed on his palm. Numerous magic tricks appeared.

Followed his gaze, it was a terrifying figure of unknown height, surrounded by a majestic fog, covering most of his body.

The magic of the tower of the avenue fell on him, but it did not cause him any harm.

"This is the Chaos Demon God? Just the corpse is so powerful..."

Zhou Fan muttered to himself, his eyes full of fear.

The horrible figure in front of him is the body of the Primordial Chaos Demon God. It has no consciousness and only fighting instinct. It can treat its descendants differently and only attack all living beings except descendants.

The Heavenly Court and the Tower of the Avenue have fought fiercely for thousands of years and suffered heavy losses.

The most important thing is that they can\'t retreat at all.

The blood-colored starry sky is a special formation that confines the void and can only enter but not exit.

Zhou Fan can only pin his hopes on another stalwart figure that the Chaos Demon God is fighting against. That figure is completely dark and looks even more terrifying.

Ominous God Emperor!

In thousands of years of fighting, Zhou Fan learned the identity of the ominous God Emperor from the mouth of the Xietian Emperor.

Ominous and evil ruler!

A terrifying existence comparable to a saint on the road!

Even so, the Ominous God Emperor cannot easily defeat the Chaos Demon God.

A huge black hand suddenly landed from above, as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top, it grabbed Zhou Fan away.

Zhou Fan was struggling frantically in his palm.

On the far side of the battlefield, the Xietian Emperor is being besieged by countless black armored figures, strenuously.

"Why can\'t these Demon God Death Soldiers be killed?"

Xietian emperor frowned, his heart full of anxiety.

He underestimated this Chaos Demon God.

"Do you really want to get there..."

Xie Tiandi\'s eyes flickered, and his heart was in a battle between heaven and man.


Two thousand years have passed.

The Book of Doom has finally been upgraded successfully, and it has been integrated for 10,000 years, which is really not easy.

[The Book of Doom has been successfully upgraded, from Freedom Zhibao to Dadao Lingbao]

Han Jue saw the line in front of him, and immediately took out the doom book from Hongmeng Realm.

It’s not easy to upgrade successfully, do you want to kill an enemy to cheer up?

The cultivation base of the avenue, the magic weapon of the avenue, can finally curse the saints of the avenue to death!

Han Jue thought for a while, but he dispelled the idea.

No need.

Anyway, his enemies recently gave up calculating the heavens, why should he break the peace.

Besides, he had made up his mind before that he couldn\'t change the process of looting.

Han Jue received the book of doom and was about to continue practicing.

At this time, the voice of the Xuandu Holy Venerable entered Han Jue\'s ears: "Friend Daoist Han, come here soon."

Han Jue happened to have not practiced, so he set off for the Hall of Universe.

There is only one person in the temple, the Holy Venerable Xuandu, he is meditating, his brows are furrowed, and his face is gloomy.

Han Jue came to him and asked, "What\'s the matter?"

There is no strong enemy invading near the Heavenly Dao.

The fairy world is also peaceful.

The Holy Venerable Xuandu took a deep breath, and said, "Big things are not good. Recently, the qi fortune of the heavens has changed drastically. Liang also felt puzzled, he couldn\'t figure out why God\'s way was like this."

Han could not help but look at Heavenly Dao.

In the eyes of Dadao saints, Heaven is a mass of Qi, a mass of yellow gas enveloping the immortal world, the heavens and the world, sheltering the inside of the heaven.


Han Jue squinted his eyes, he suddenly saw a ray of light appearing in the heavens, shooting towards the heavens and the world, most of which fell in the immortal world.

what are these?

Han Jue secretly calculated by himself, but he could not tell the origin of the light.

At this moment, a line of words suddenly appeared before his eyes:

[Detected Pangu\'s will to manipulate the heavens, a large number of Pangu descendants will be born, you have the following options]

[One, stop immediately, you will become Pangu’s mortal enemy, you can get a treasure and a fragment of the road]

[Second, do not stop it for the time being, this matter can promote the luck of the heavens, sit and watch the development of the heavens, you can get a piece of avenue fragment and a piece of creation spirit]

Pangu Will?

Han Jue frowned.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he surrendered Pan Xin, Pan Gu would create a large number of Pan Xin. UU Reading www.uukā is really a good method.

Become Pangu\'s mortal enemy, there is no need.

After all, Pangu is just a little unhappy with him now, and this matter can promote the luck of heaven, why not do it?

More importantly, he will have one more creation spirit stone, that is, one more Chaos Demon God!

Han Jue immediately chose the second option.

[You choose not to stop temporarily, sit and watch the development of the heavenly path, and get a piece of avenue fragment and a piece of creation spirit stone]

Han Jue said, "Since you can\'t see through, let\'s look at it again. Heaven can\'t destroy itself, right?"

The Xuandu Holy Venerable nodded his head when he heard that it made sense.

Seeing that Han Jue was all right, he wanted to leave.

The Profound Capital Sage Venerable suddenly asked: "Friend Daoist Han, Pan Xin has changed recently, and he set out to improve the Chaos Road. What do you think?"

Han Jue turned around, squinted at him, and said, "Isn\'t this a good thing?"

I don\'t know why, facing Han Jue\'s gaze, the Xuandu Holy Venerable is inexplicably panicked. This is a feeling I have never had before facing Han Jue.

He thought of his teacher Lao Tzu inexplicably. When he faced Lao Tzu, he also had this uncontrollable panic.

Xuandu Holy Venerable said: "It is indeed a good thing, but I am worried. After all, I often go to Chaos. If it is arranged by Daoist Han, then I can rest assured."