Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 711: Power subverts cognition

Han Jue\'s holy thoughts quickly searched for the chaos, continuously covering the universe and planes, and observing everything along the way at a speed that is incomprehensible by Fanling.

Countless pictures flashed through Han Jue\'s mind.

About a minute later, Han Jue finally found the mysterious realm where Han Tuo was located.

This area was blocked by a mysterious and powerful prohibition, no wonder the Xie Tiandi said that he could not escape.

Han Jue\'s eyes condensed, he raised his right hand, pointed his index finger out, and pointed his fingertips in the direction of Han Tuo.

A terrifying aura escaped, and the faces of all the saints changed greatly, and they all looked at Han Jue in amazement.

very scary…

The Xuandu Holy Venerable was so scared that his liver and gallbladder were splitting.

This kind of momentum...

He thought of his teacher instantly.

His previous illusion turned out to be true, and Han Jue was really as powerful as his teacher!

No wonder Han Jue can easily kill the enemy every time he makes a shot!

It turns out that he is a saint on the road!

The other saints didn\'t think of this, they just stared at Han Jue in awe.

Li Daokong, Fang Liang, Huang Zuntian and other saints who were enslaved by the Hongmeng Heaven Prison all admired Han Jue.

Shi Dudao also had a different color in his eyes.

What is the realm of Han Jue?

Han Jue\'s index finger suddenly shot a sword gas, and instantly rushed into the dark restricted area, disappearing without a trace.

Heaven and Earth Xuan Huang breaks the world sword finger!

Every time Han Jue breaks through, he will improve his kendo supernatural powers. This supernatural power is also promoted to the Dao level. Of course, it is just the power of the empty road and does not possess the mystery that the Dao supernatural power itself should possess.

Han Jue deliberately uses the fusion technique to gather a variety of magical powers, which are integrated into the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Boundary Breaking Sword Fingers, including the Shuttle Demon God, the Split Demon God, the Destruction Demon God, the Time Demon God, the Space Demon God, the Power Demon God, and so on.

This blow is bound to penetrate the mysterious space restriction and give the Xietian Emperor and others a place to escape!


In the blood-colored starry sky, Emperor Xietian, Han Tuo, Yitian, Zhou Fan, and dozens of generals gathered on a huge gravel, and a huge aperture enveloped them, helping them resist attacks from all directions.

They stared at the battle between the ominous God Emperor and the Chaos Demon God in the distance.

The descendants of the Chaos Demon God are densely packed, and more and more, like ant colony eating elephants, climbing on the body of the ominous **** emperor, the picture is extremely frightening.

Xie Tiandi sighed, looked at Han Tuo, and said, "I have asked your father to have a dream just now, and I asked him to say one last word to you. He hopes you don\'t die too squandered."

Hearing this, Han Tuo\'s expression lifted, and the fear and despair in his eyes suddenly disappeared.

Han Jue\'s words seemed to give him the last wave of strength and refresh him.

Yitian looked at Han Tuo enviously, and when he was dying, he had his relatives entrusted him. This is what he most yearns for and is the least likely to happen.

Zhou Fan also seemed to be beating chicken blood, he stood up suddenly, and roared: "Yes! My master is right! The road is our choice. Since we want to fight, we will die. How can we wait for death here?"

"If you die, you will die exhausted, instead of waiting for the enemy to tear me apart!"

The generals and celestial generals of the tower of the avenue were all stimulated, and they got up and roared to cheer for themselves.

The current predicament is already a dead end, it is impossible for anyone to come to rescue them!

Han Tuo\'s father is far away from heaven, and it is even more impossible to come to rescue him.

How far away is the way of heaven, even if it is a quasi-sage, it may not be able to find a way to heaven.

Xie Tiandi was also inspired by them, thinking of Han Jue\'s words, it might not have been said to him.

The reason why he entrusted the dream to Han Jue was not to ask for help. He wanted to let the Demon God of Dazhe Dao rescue Han Tuo, at least to make him worthy of Han Jue, but the Demon God of Dazhe Dao was powerless, saying that Han Jue himself had a calling. Supernatural powers may be able to save his son by himself.

Unfortunately, Han Jue\'s words show that he can\'t save his son either.

It\'s all dead anyway!

Then you died so violently!

Xie Tiandi suddenly stood up, the dragon gas exploded and turned into nine golden dragons, breaking through the aperture. Now their final defense was gone, and they could only fight to death.

"The sons of heaven! I am ashamed of you, I can only die with you!"

Xie Tiandi\'s voice resounded throughout the starry sky.

The eyes of the heavenly soldiers and generals were red.

They didn\'t blame the evil emperor, on the contrary, they had no regrets!

In every battle, the Xietian Emperor followed them, never watched the battle from behind, never feared death!

Following such a lord, they do not regret it!




The heavenly soldiers and generals shouted in unison, although the number was not large, they were extremely infectious.

The generals of    Avenue Tower were also stimulated, and one after another aroused the heart toward death, although they died without regrets!

Zhou Fan worshipped the tower of the avenue, and the tower of the avenue was quickly raised.

at this time!

A terrifying coercion descended, and the shouts stopped instantly.

The ominous God Emperor and Chaos Demon God who were fighting suddenly stopped, as if the picture was frozen.

They all turned their heads and looked behind the Xietian Emperor and the others.

Feeling their gaze, Xie Tiandi and the others were all frightened, facing the gaze of the saints of the Dao Dao, they couldn\'t bear it.


The emperor Xietian, Zhou Fan, Han Tuo, Yitian and others heard a deafening roar from behind. They subconsciously wanted to turn their heads, but before they could turn their heads, a terrifying sword aura swept over their heads with a domineering and domineering sound. The momentum slew towards the Chaos Demon God.

The demon **** death soldiers along the way were all swept into fly ashes by the sword qi!

Xie Tiandi and others stared wide-eyed, watching the sword qi pierce through the body of the Chaos Demon God.

The blood-colored starry sky seemed to be torn apart a white hole by sword energy, splitting the picture before them in two.



They were all frightened and their heads went blank.

Xie Tiandi reacted fastest, as if thinking of something, he suddenly turned his head back.

I saw a huge black hole appearing behind, connecting with another piece of void.

"Run away! The ban is broken!"

Xie Tiandi roared angrily, awakening everyone.

They turned around one after another, rushed into the black hole, and quickly escaped from the blood-colored starry sky. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Xie Tiandi looked back, the ominous God Emperor took advantage of the Chaos Demon God\'s injury, and immediately launched an offensive.

That sword air...

Xie Tiandi\'s face showed incredible expression.

A bold idea was born in his mind, let him say in his heart how it is possible!

Han Jue!

is the breath of Han Jue!

How could he be so strong?

One blow broke the restriction that the Dao Dao Demon God could not break, and also hurt the Chaos Demon God?

Xie Tiandi felt that his cognition was subverted by Han Jue again.

The first time it was subverted by Han Jue\'s talent.

This time it was subverted by Han Jue\'s strength.

The others were very excited for the rest of their lives.

Yitian couldn’t help being violent: "Mother! Can this escape? How many times! Your Majesty, the power behind your old man is too strong! It\'s omnipotent!"

Xie Tiandi showed a wry smile.

Where is the power behind him.

It is clearly...

The Xietian Emperor couldn\'t help but look at Han Tuo.

Han Tuo felt his gaze, and his eyelids jumped wildly.

Could it be...