Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 708: Unfathomable Han Daoyou

Han Jue\'s brows kept frowning, and his thoughts were full.

What he just thought was indeed a way to let the younger son temporarily lose the blood of the Hongmeng Demon God, and he should be able to be born.

In this case, it is as if his father is suppressing his son\'s aptitude.

Why can\'t he give up the blood of the Hongmeng Demon God?

This thought flashed through Han Jue\'s mind, and was quickly abandoned by him.

That\'s not good!

The son is the Hongmeng Demon God, and he has to grow up for countless years.

He is the Hongmeng Demon God, and now he can shelter everyone around him.

Han is by no means stupid, but he does not add to himself.

and many more!

Is there a bloodline higher than Hongmeng Demon God?

Han Jue immediately asked in his heart: "If my blood surpasses the Hongmeng Demon God, can my son be born?"

[100 million years of life needs to be deducted, whether to continue]


[Yes, Chaos just repels Hongmeng, but there is no bloodline stronger than Hongmeng Demon God, at least not seen in the cause and effect encountered by the system]

This line of words is extremely informative.

Could it be that the system has met the Hongmeng Demon God before?

In other words, the system is likely to come from an older age before Chaos.

Han can never imagine.

He didn\'t ask any more. If he kept asking like this, he couldn\'t stop at all. One hundred million years is nothing to him, but he can\'t stand the consumption of one hundred thousand why.

Han Jue looked at Xing Hongxuan again.

When Xing Hongxuan can\'t stand the current state, he will make a decision when looking for him.

At present, the existence of the younger son can also help Xing Hongxuan practice, which is also a good thing.

Before being a human being, it’s also good to be a spiritual aid.

Han Jue thought silently.

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

He explored the blood of his youngest son. The youngest son was born under the expectation of countless people. He found that he was not a peerless aptitude. He plummeted from the strongest talent considered by the hidden disciples to a mortal. This **** thing is not a fantasy novel. ?

Han Jue thought he still had some expectations.


Look again, if you can do that, it won’t be that way, otherwise the child will have to suffer a lot of grievances.

Han Jue shook his head and laughed, then slowly closed his eyes.


On the edge of the fairy world, a golden avenue stretches from the top of a peak in the fairy world to the depths of the dark forbidden area, with no end in sight.

This Golden Avenue is wide and magnificent. You can see some practitioners coming and going. When passing by, they will greet each other and they are quite enthusiastic.

After the chaos experience, and then return to the path of heaven, the practitioners have a feeling of returning to their hometown, so they also become enthusiastic.

I have to say that Pan Xin does have a great effect, and the emergence of Chaos Heavenly Road has indeed played a uniting role for practitioners with higher cultivation levels in the Heavenly Dao.

Pan Xin suddenly landed on Golden Light Avenue, behind him was Jinshen, the two saints converged on their holy prestige, the cultivation base was suppressed to the Daluo Golden Wonderland, and then moved forward.

"This time I go to Chaos and check the Chaos Tianlu by the way. You should also be serious and see where there are shortcomings." Pan Xin whispered.

Jinshen nodded.

He has a weird look.

He felt that his mind had changed, he became more calm, and more responsible, much like the Xuandu Holy Venerable.

In the past, Pan Xin would care about whether the Chaos Tianlu is perfect, only thinking about how to fight for power.

Could it be that the immeasurable meritorious deity enlightened him?

For a time, Han Jue\'s image in Jinshen\'s heart suddenly rose.

In his opinion, Han Jue is the truly perfect pathfinder. He is indifferent to fame and fortune. He retreats every day, but when the path of heaven is in trouble, Han Jue never evades, always stands up to turn the tide.

Of course, worship belongs to worship, and Jinshen did not have the idea of ​​joining the hidden gate.

The Hidden Gate is already strong enough, even if he joins, it will be difficult to gain Han Jue\'s trust. He has different mindsets, and there are too few people around him, so he is the right-hand man.

The two saints walked forward like steps in the leisure garden, but one step is thousands of miles.

Soon, they entered the dark forbidden zone, looking back, they could no longer see the fairy world.

There is darkness all around the Golden Light Avenue, it is so dark that there is no light, and it is extremely depressing.

Three people flew in front, still complaining to each other.

"It\'s all to blame for you, what information you find, where there is a chance, it is completely purgatory!"

"That is, Dao Zhizun, can you be more cautious in the future?"

"Bullshit, it\'s not the two of you. As soon as you entered, you were walking around like a vicious dog, triggering the prohibition."

is Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi.

Their breath is a bit weak, and it is obvious that they have only experienced a fierce battle not long ago.

Panxin and Jinshen recognized the identities of the three people. After all, the saints are all concerned about the hidden door, and the Taoist three are the cards of the hidden door disciples, and they have a prestigious name before entering the hidden door.

The three Taoist Supremes couldn\'t see the true face of the two sages of Pan Xin. They could only see the mist on their faces, so they didn\'t stop and passed by.

In the Chaos Heaven Road, one can often encounter such a great ability to hide the truth, so it is not surprising that the three Taoist masters are not surprised.

After the two sides moved away from each other, Jin Shen said with emotion: "The hidden gate is really strong enough, and the three of them are all quasi-sages."

Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi have also become quasi saints in the chaos.

Pan Xin said casually: "Friend Daoist Han does have a vision. Heaven has him, it is a great blessing for heaven."

Jinshen heard the meaning, and cautiously asked: "You and Daoist Han..."

"It\'s nothing. After discussing the Tao, I understand him better. Daoyou Han will not be our enemy, but only a helper." Pan Xin said ambiguously.

Jinshen\'s eyes brightened, could it be that Pan Xin and Han Jue have established a friendly relationship, or even an alliance?

If so, then they will be better mixed in the way of heaven in the future, and they will not encounter other saints\' obstacles if they have any ideas.

Jinshen thinks more and more, and feels that the future is bright.

at this time.

Pan Xin turned his head to look around, and Jin Shen turned his head in surprise.

Follow the gazes of the two It is darkness, and you can\'t see anything.

"What\'s wrong?" Jinshen asked.

Pan Xin said blankly: "Something is staring at us."

Jin Shen asked: "Ominous evil?"

Pan Xin shook his head.

Jin Shen is surprised, the evil existence that can\'t be seen in the dark forbidden zone is not an ominous evil?

Pan Xin said: "Go ahead and see how long this thing will wait with us."

Jinshen nodded.

They kept their previous pace and continued to move forward.


blood-colored starry sky, countless stumps are floating in the void.

A dilapidated attic floating among countless meteorites, Han Tuo, covered in blood, lay on the eaves, gasping for breath, looking wilted.

Yitian suddenly fell, and then slumped down beside him, panting and asking: "Smelly boy, are you okay?"

Han Tuo rolled his eyes and said, "You are not the same, so what do you hold on!"

Yitian looked into the distance, two terrifying giant shadows fighting in the depths of the void, the majestic fog surging violently, full of oppression, as if this blood-colored starry sky would shatter at any time.

Yitian\'s eyes showed fear.

The gap is so big that he even dared not approach the main battlefield.