Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 693: The real circle of saints

"The selected forces can independently choose the son of Liangjie?" Pan Xin asked curiously.

Xuan Du Shengzun shook his head and said: "There is no fixed number for the sons of the calamity. If you specify the sons of the calamity, how to weigh them will be troublesome. Why not give sentient beings a chance to create heroes in the times, and you don\'t need to be monopolized by the saint sect as before."

All Saints nodded.

There are already many saints now, and if it is really a turn, there will always be saints who will be incomparably behind, and it will be painful to think about it.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable reminded: "At that time, the son of the weighing robbery will come into being. You can recruit, but you can\'t force it, let alone threaten it. This is for the good of heaven. Once there is a saint to calculate, it will inevitably destroy the balance."

"We have calculated for so long, and we should work hard for cultivation. In the future, the saints of the heavenly path are by no means the top-level existence of the heavenly path.

Hearing these words, the saint nodded.

Han Jue didn\'t interrupt, but he still recognized the concept of Xuandu Holy Venerable.

Infighting is a step that will consume the saint group to become stronger.

Regarding the son of Liang Jie, the Holy Venerable Xuantou no longer said, who can stand out and be transported out of the air is not known for the time being.

The saints began to discuss which Qiyun sect to accept the son of Liangjie.

This is not necessarily a good thing.

Once a party of Qiyun sect has the son of Liangjie, it is easy to become a target. Although Liangjie will no longer be as cruel as before, the sages do not want the sect they support to decline.

After arguing for a long time, the saints replaced the Qiyun sect with a race. They felt that choosing the Qiyun sect was still prone to contradictions.

In the end, the saints chose to vote.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable said: "I choose the Celestial Clan."

Shi Dudao raised his hand to second.

Pan Xin followed: "I choose a clan."

It seems that he has taken control of the clan.

Emperor Xiao and God Jin raised their hands in agreement.

The remaining saints looked at each other.

Han Jue said, "Human Race."

Li Daokong, Fang Liang, Bu Tian Zun, Tian Jue Jiaozhu, Qixilai, Huang Zuntian raised their hands to agree.

Antarctic Tianzun glanced at the Lord Tianjue, and chose to raise his hand.

The result is no suspense.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable is calm.

Looking at Han Jue in surprise, Han Jue never intervened in the previous discussion. He thought that Han Jue didn\'t want to intervene, but he didn\'t expect the servant to make a choice directly.

The key is that the vast majority of saints have chosen to agree with Han Jue.

He always thought that the most powerful person in the circle of saints was the Holy Venerable Xuandu, but now it does not seem to be the case.

"This kid..."

Pan Xin had to look at Han Jue again.

Han Jue used the system to hide his cultivation at the level of the saint of heaven, but Pan Xin had heard that this servant was already a saint at ease.

Faced with Pan Xin\'s gaze, Han absolutely ignored it.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable followed the decision, and the son of the weighing robbery would appear in the human race.

As for birth or reincarnation, it depends on the fortune of heaven.

After the discussion, Han Jue got up and left.

"Xiaoyou Han, have a chat?" Pan Xin leaned over and said with a smile.

Little friend?

Han Jue smiled, the Xuandu Holy Venerable had to call him fellow Daoist Han, this heart still wanted to take advantage of this opportunity.

Qiu Xilai laughed and said, "Friends of Daoist, pay attention to what we say, we are all saints, and we must be equal. If it is spread out, we saints are not making jokes?"

Tianjuejiao, Bu Tianzun, Li Daokong and others all agreed.

Pan Xin\'s smile froze, he was just an unintentional act, and he did not expect to be watched by all the saints.

Huang Zuntian and Jinshen understood.

The so-called sage circle, the central figure is the master of the hidden door, as for Pan Xin, it has not really been integrated into the sage circle.

Han Jue said, "Friend Pan Dao, I have no intention of participating in the affairs of the Heavenly Dao. If you have anything to do, discuss it with other saints."

After that, he moved back to Baiyue Xianchuan.

Sitting on the thirty-sixth rank reincarnation black lotus again, Han Jue was secretly refreshed.

This kind of face-to-face, behind-the-scenes feeling is quite cool.

No wonder the saints are polite.

As for the heart-wrenching thoughts, Han Jue didn\'t bother to think about it.

Pan Xin has changed a lot, and sooner or later he will return to his original mind, restore his former original mind, and start practicing in retreat.

Playing calculations with the saints, he really can\'t.

Previously in the Hall of Universe, Han Jue had been observing Huang Zuntian and found that Huang Zuntian did not seem to be affected by Shiyuan Hongmeng.

Shiyuan Hongmeng\'s coffin was still in the dark void outside the underworld, and the Hunyuan monument was also standing still. It is estimated that no one except Han Jue found that Shiyuan Hongmeng had merged with Huang Zuntian.

Han Jue did not think much, and continued to comprehend Jiyuan Avenue.

Since the sage determined that the son of Liangjie will appear in the human race, the luck of the human race has also begun to rise. Various sage sects are consciously or unconsciously supporting the human race, the footprint of the human race has begun to expand, and the entire immortal world has built a human city.

According to this trend, the human race will reach an unprecedented heyday.

At the same time, Chaos Tianlu began to be recognized by sentient beings, and practitioners continued to return, and various knowledge about Chaos began to circulate.

Chaos Tianlu still has a threshold, and it is not possible for the emperor to enter.

No way, the creatures below the emperor realm cannot survive in the dark forbidden zone.

Time passed year after year.

The Terran dynasty is springing up like bamboo shoots after the rain. The Human Emperor retreats all day long, enforcing the power of the Human Race, leading to the emergence of more and more kings and emperors.

Where there are people, UU reading will fight.

There are always careerists who ignore the peace managed by the saints. When dynasties continue to expand their territory and border other dynasties, war will inevitably break out.

Han Jue didn\'t know all this, even if he knew it, he wouldn\'t care.

When the five thousand years came, Han Jue slowly opened his eyes.

He could feel that he was getting closer and closer to the realm of the avenue.

He looked forward to the realm of the avenue more and more.

In a happy mood, he started to check the email.

In the depths of chaos.

A woman in a white dress exuding a dazzling glare was moving forward. Her face was beautiful and holy, and there was a snake tail under her skirt.

It is Nuwa Empress.

The Empress Nuwa held a jade bottle and flew all the way, spilling seven-color divine water from the jade bottle all the way.

There are countless meteorites floating in this area. When the meteorite is irrigated by the seven-color water, it quickly becomes a continent, and countless flowers and plants sprout.

The whole process is extremely magical.

I don\'t know how long it has been before, Empress Nuwa landed on a stone platform, and there was a man standing in the middle of the platform, and it was Fu Xitian.

Fu Xitian smiled and said, "Do you need such an eagerness?"

Empress Nuwa shook her head and said helplessly: "Time doesn\'t wait for me, what is hidden in the ancient wilderness, we don\'t know at all. I have a hunch that the Great Dao Qiadao does not come from a great demon, but an ancient wilderness."

Fu Xitian frowned and asked, "You mean the teacher lied to us?"

Empress Nuwa did not answer.

Fu Xitian frowned tighter.

Empress Nuwa changed the subject and said: "Someone is attacking the realm of the avenue recently, who can you guess?"

Fu Xitian pondered: "There are not many practitioners who can reach this level. The most likely one should be the Peacock God Lord. It is said that he has been chasing a mysterious Chaos Demon God recently."

Empress Nuwa shook her head and said, "No, it\'s Han Jue."
