Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 692: The Son of the Mighty Tribulation


What happened to Huang Zuntian?

Han Jue immediately raised his eyes, and Huang Zuntian was no longer visible outside the 33rd floor.

He looked around along the fairy world, and his eyes quickly fell on Shiyuan Hongmeng\'s coffin.

Huang Zuntian\'s breath disappeared near the coffin!

Could it be that Siwon Hongmeng was the one who attacked Huang Zuntian?

Han Jue frowned. He had previously known that Shiyuan Hongmeng could not transform into the Hongmeng Demon God. In order to hide from difficulties, would this servant take Huang Zuntian and sneak into the heaven?


Han Jue immediately entrusted his dream to Huang Zuntian.

Huang Zuntian and Shiyuan Hongmeng have merged, and he scored clearly whether he is in control of Huang Zuntian now.

Is it one body with two souls, or a combination of two souls, or who has the upper hand of the will?

In a dream.

Huang Zuntian opened his eyes, and when he saw Han Jue, he suddenly became excited.


Huang Zuntian knelt directly.

Hearing these two words, Han Jue felt a little relaxed, but then became nervous again.

If Shiyuan Hongmeng had seized Huang Zuntian, it would really be possible to read his memory.

Han Jue asked, "Are you still you?"

Huang Zuntian was stunned, and then showed a look of admiration, and said: "You have calculated it? Yes, I merged with a mighty power, but only a physical fusion. I will gain his physical aptitude, and he will be my soul. Cover, avoid his enemies."

Han Jue looked at Huang Zuntian and asked, "Do you believe him?"

Huang Zuntian said: "He shared his memories with me."

"That is, you also share the memory with him?"

Han Jue’s face was a bit cold, and Huang Zuntian was so scared that Huang Zuntian quickly explained: "I have wiped out your past with me. I just saw you and remembered my actions. You are my master, and it is already my instinct. , Just like the instinct to live, it has nothing to do with memory."

"So that mighty man doesn\'t know."

Han Jue\'s expression was a little slow, but he still didn\'t believe it.

Can there be this kind of operation?

It\'s too fancy!

Huang Zuntian continued: "When we are completely integrated and successful, I will return to Heaven. He will always hide in the depths of my soul and help me practice. This is his request."

Han Jue asked, "Then how dare you be sure that he will definitely not bite you back? It\'s you, willing to do this instead?"

Huang Zuntian was silent.

He was frightened.

Han Jue said, "If you don\'t worry, come to me."

Then, he waved his sleeves to lift the dream.

Han Jue opened his eyes and asked in his heart: "Is what Huang Zuntian said is true?"

[It needs to consume 3 billion years of life, whether to continue]



Han Jue breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time looked at Huang Zuntian with admiration.

It\'s no wonder that this conspiracy to usurp the throne is so strong that he has such talented skills.

Han Jue can also erase his own memories, but after forgetting someone\'s identity, he can passively think of their relationship as soon as he sees him, which is simply outrageous.

But since Huang Zuntian is okay, then leave it alone.

If this servant came to Han Jue, he would definitely help, if not, it would depend on Huang Zuntian\'s own good fortune.

Everyone has his own life.

Han Jue still had expectations for Huang Zuntian, this fellow always survived, and lived very well.

In the last amount of calamity, how many Tianjiao\'s talents far surpassed Huang Zuntian, but Huang Zuntian was the best mixed, there was no one!

Even Li Daokong and Fang Liang are not as good as Huang Zuntian.

Han Jue looked at Xing Hongxuan.

The youngest son is still gestating.

According to this posture, his mother has attained the quasi-sage, and he may not be born.

Han Jue thought for a while, and he came to Xing Hongxuan\'s side, under the guise of caring, but in fact he was absolutely purified.

Xing Hongxuan is also worried, how long will he have to wait for the child to be born?

Fortunately, there is Han Jue\'s comfort.

She suddenly felt that Han Jue was really good, seemingly indifferent, but when faced with his own flesh and blood, she would also show her true emotions.

After the absolute purification was over, Han Jue left.

Xing Hongxuan was full of sweetness and continued to practice.

After Han Jue returned to his Taoist temple, he also devoted himself to practice.

Get the road as soon as possible!

Five thousand years are fleeting.

As soon as Han Jue was about to end his cultivation, the Holy Venerable Xuandu\'s voice came: "Friend Daoist Han, come to Qiankun Hall for a description."


Han Jue wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, the Holy Venerable Xuantou pinpointed and informed him, and he still showed face.

If there is no Xuandu holy master in charge of the general trend of the heavens, how can the heavens develop so smoothly.

Han Jue first swept a circle around the 33rd floor, all the saints were there, there were no strangers.

Huang Zuntian also came back, and his cultivation level has increased a lot. It seems that Shiyuan Hongmeng has given him a lot of help.

In these years, Huang Zuntian didn\'t come to Han Jue either, he probably had to face it himself.

Han Jue Teng moved to the Hall of Universe, and other saints also arrived.

It is estimated that the Xuandu Holy Venerable was Han Jue who had notified first.

Before long, the saints gathered.

Huang Zuntian did not look at Han Jue, as if the two were unfamiliar.

The saints are all staring at the Xuandu Holy Venerable, even Pan Xin.

Now the principal of the sage circle is the Xuandu Holy Venerable. When I came back, I wanted to fight for power. Later I realized that he was far away. He would ask the Xuandu Holy Venerable for many things. Before he knew it, he began to follow. The Xuandu Holy Venerable is leaving.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable said: "It has been more than 200,000 years since the renewal of the Heavenly Dao, UU reading, we should make early plans for the next immeasurable catastrophe."

Immeasurable disaster!

Han Jue frowned. He originally thought that the immeasurable catastrophe would be postponed or even cancelled after Heaven\'s Dao began to expand.

The immeasurable calamity exists because the heavens cannot carry too many creatures, but when resources are scarce, the contradictions of sentient beings will accumulate, and the saints can push from it, and can take the opportunity of the calamity to eliminate most of the creatures and start the heavens again.

Such an immeasurable calamity is actually meaningless. It is okay if the chaos only has the Heavenly Dao, but there are still the Huixu Divine Realm, the Ancient Wilderness and other small heavenly paths, which also caused the Yan Clan and the Euclidean Clan to almost subvert the entire heavenly path.

The Antarctic Tianzun took the lead to ask: "It is necessary? The normal immeasurable calamity also requires hundreds of millions of years of accumulation, not to mention the good development of the heavens today, and there may not be immeasurable calamities in the future."

Pan Xin nodded, and said: "Instead of thinking about the immeasurable calamity, it is better to think about the great calamity, which is sweeping the entire chaos."

Other saints seconded.

Xuandu Holy Venerable said: "The way of heaven is different from the past, and the calamity of the great way is naturally different from the past. It is no longer to reduce the living beings, but to promote the birth of more geniuses and great fortuners. Moreover, it is not a good thing to be peaceful for too long. Slack and accumulate stress in your heart."

"Peace is only superficial peace, disciples of various Qiyun sects can still use other means to oppress sentient beings."

The saints nodded. They actually realized that this situation exists, but they have no way to solve it. If the Qiyun sect is not superior, how can it attract more creatures to join?

Absolute fairness and peace do not exist.

Xuandu Shengzun continued: "Next, we have to choose the forces from which the son of the calamity is born, and use him as the protagonist to set off a prosperous world in which the sages are born. "
